
Occam's razor, Physics example

Started by Cedron 3 months ago3 replieslatest reply 2 months ago190 views
From the Wikipedia article:"Suppose an event has two possible explanations. The explanation that requires the fewest assumptions is usually correct....However, Occam's...

Beats in signals of three or more sinusoids. Possible discovery.

Started by JhnnsDvrk 3 months ago7 replieslatest reply 3 months ago238 views
#Python Hello, I have been on a journey trying to discover a way to outline ‘beats’ in signals comprised of three or more sinewaves. This project started since...

Calibration of MEMS Microphone with Reference Microphone in Acoustic Box: Seeking Guidance

Started by Karoline 3 months ago4 replieslatest reply 3 months ago126 views
Hello everyone, I am currently involved in a project where I'm using two distinct types of microphones connected to an Audio Precision system, comprising an APx525...

Matlab waveform generation with added AWGN for Deep learning classification.

Started by Samuelson 3 months ago2 replieslatest reply 3 months ago121 views
Hello,I am generating WLAN 802.11n/ac waveforms with 4 different modulation schemes (BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 256-QAM) and feed the I/Q data into my Deep learning model...

Farrow Filter

Started by Shaiko 4 months ago19 replieslatest reply 3 months ago298 views
Hello,As far as I understand the purpuse of a Farrow filter is to interpolate samples at a fractional ratio.For example: we have an ADC sampling at 41 MS/S and we...

Why is it said to be alias free in such a multirate system?

Started by hu2024 3 months ago3 replieslatest reply 3 months ago164 views
Page 246 in multirate systems and filter banks by P. P. Vaidyanathanm.https://ibb.co/LrBWpfDThe sampling in the first stage should have brought the aliases already,...

IIR filters with FSK signals

Started by alx8kv 4 months ago10 replieslatest reply 3 months ago166 views
Hello, everyone!I wonder, is it incorrect to use IIR filters for NRZ FSK signals? As I understand, IIR filter comes with a frequency-dependent delay and introduces...

Good site for distance Learning

Started by dcomer 2 years ago3 replieslatest reply 4 months ago290 views
Many, like myself, are constantly refreshing their grey matter, after long and distinguished (well long to be sure) careers. The only positive outcome of the COVID-19...

CIC bus width

Started by duemilaventivalvole 4 months ago3 replieslatest reply 4 months ago166 views
Hi guys, I took a look to"A beginner's guide to Cascaded Integrator-Comb (CIC) filters"and I am confused about registers width:register bit widths = 12+⌈3⋅log2(8)⌉=12+3⋅3=21bits              ...

Acoustic Modems in Matlab

Started by Mannai_Murali 4 months ago8 replieslatest reply 4 months ago163 views
I want to try Acoutic Modems in Matlab and working with actual speaker and mike for transmission.I have designed 8 psk modem and another OFDM version QPSK Modem.Is...

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