
Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Started by stephaneb 8 years ago12 replieslatest reply 4 weeks ago2826 views
It's been a few months since the launch of the new forums.  Here are a few thoughts. The thumbsup and beer buttons    If there is one thing that could have a...

Linear convolution using oversampled filterbank

Started by KimT 5 days ago133 views
I am trying to understand how to obtain linear convolution when using a filterbank (FB) with frequency decimation. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete-time_Fourie... such...

OFDM with real-only transmission

Started by jekain314 1 month ago19 replieslatest reply 5 days ago148 views
Consider a 64 subcarrier OFDM waveform with 20MHz bandwidth. At the transmitter, we would generate 64 complex numbers (A(n) + jB(n))  n=1, 2, 3, .... 64 using the...

Simple filter in C

Started by andrewstanfordjason 1 week ago6 replieslatest reply 1 week ago253 views
I'm coding up an implementation of a filter and to test it I would like a set of coefficients. Does anyone know how to make filter coefficients such that:it can...

DSP notation

Started by tkr 2 weeks ago5 replieslatest reply 2 weeks ago191 views
I'm wondering if anyone here can trace the history of DSP notation. There's no universally-agreed-upon set of conventions, as far as I'm aware. When I discussed...

Learning FPGA

Started by stephaneb 6 years ago18 replieslatest reply 2 weeks ago4917 views
A few months ago, this community tackled the first FPGA FAQ titled When (and why) is it a good idea to use an FPGA in your embedded system design?.  Your contributions...

Deriving velocity from accelerometer data

Started by KousikBarathwaj 3 weeks ago12 replieslatest reply 2 weeks ago187 views
Hello, I am currently using an accelerometer for measuring the vibration signatures in rotating machines. But the requirement has changed now, to have the velocity to...

2D-MUSIC algorithm for range-azimuth mapping in MATLAB

Started by Gerard123 3 years ago4 replieslatest reply 3 weeks ago667 views
I have complications implementing the range-azimuth with the 2D Music algorithm. I have used the URA-azimuth to find the reflected signal by the elevation angles...

FSK demodulation with repetitive impulse jammer

Started by Detlef _A 2 months ago2 replieslatest reply 1 month ago165 views
Hi,I demodulate FSK (46 ks/s,3600/4800Hz,1200 Bd) and I have regular fat jammer pulses every 221 samples. Filtering away the pulses outside the useful spectrum 2k6-5k8Hz...

Polyphase filter assistance

Started by bigalnz 1 month ago20 replieslatest reply 1 month ago186 views
I am a hobbyist programmer, and for "fun" are trying decode signals from a wildlife tracker to assist with a local conservation project.With assistance from the...

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