Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!
Started by 8 years ago●16 replies●latest reply 14 hours ago●3048 viewsIt's been a few months since the launch of the new forums. Here are a few thoughts.
The thumbsup and beer buttons
If there is one thing that could have a...
Is An Analytical Signal Only One with a Positive Frequency?
Started by 23 hours ago●6 replies●latest reply 21 seconds ago●115 viewsQuestion for the crowd: The definition of an "analytical" signal is a complex signal that only has a positive frequency. Would you still call a signal with only...
Good examples of filters in Verilog?
Started by 2 weeks ago●6 replies●latest reply 5 days ago●152 viewsHi All,I've got an FPGA with number of 'DSP' blocks (basically a 16 bit multiplier that can add to its result) and was looking to use that with some SDR code to...
Minimalist high performance Farrow Filters
Started by 4 months ago●11 replies●latest reply 2 weeks ago●192 viewsHello,I have an application where I need to resample from one sample rate to another. Pretty sure this will need a delay type or Farrow filter. The ones I am...
Far Off Topic: A Simple Geometry Problem That Had Me "Going in Circles"
Started by 7 years ago●13 replies●latest reply 2 weeks ago●697 viewsAt a garage sale recently I bought the book "More Marilyn, Some Like It Bright!" for one U.S. dollar. In that book the following simple geometry problem was posedThe...
Hi,I would like to create a fractional order allpass filter but i'm not sure how to do this or if it is even possible.I currently have a 10th order allpass filter...
channeliser of Polyphase filter followed by FFT
Started by 1 month ago●16 replies●latest reply 1 month ago●195 viewsHi,I have never done a channeliser. I can understand the classic method of "shift each channel to dc and filter/decimate" or use bandpass filter). I am trying to...
How to design cic digital filter for sigma delta adc
Started by 9 months ago●9 replies●latest reply 2 months ago●300 viewsMy SD ADC modulator has a sampling frequency of 1.024 MHz, an input bandwidth of 1 kHz, an oversampling ratio of 512, a single-loop second-order structure, and a...
Using STO as a proxy for accurate CFO compensation
Started by 2 months ago●6 replies●latest reply 2 months ago●119 viewsHello!I have an OFDM-based system and I am trying to accurately estimate the Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) and the Sampling Time Offset (STO).I use the "traditional"...
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