Al Grant (@bigalnz)
Hi Jeff,Sorry for the lack of reply - I do appreciate your input. I am using a Rpi as this system will be deployed in bush, so keeping the power low is important. Throwing...
Sorry it feels like you are having to tease information out of me.There are 100 channels evenly spaced between 160.110Mhz and 161.120Mhz.In theory Channel1 would...
There can be multiple CW beeps on any channel.The period varies between one beep every 0.8s to o e every 3s Hope that helps.
A question about peak detection for a transient (17ms) CW beep on channelized chunks (0.3 sec chunks) from a SDR.My current approach is to get the Power Spectral...
Thanks Slartibart - yes that does summarize the situation.I presume you were referring to CFAR - which I have not fully got my head around yet. I could easily average...
I am rocessing a radio signals on a Rpi5 with a Software Defined Radio (SDR) in python and need to adaptively set the prominence parameter of scipy signal.find_peaks.The...
Right - and can I still make some "measure" (dbfs?) of signal power when I am using this FFT channelizer approach?
Thanks. I guess what I am asking is, with PFB, can you have for example 4 filters, at arbitary positions of differing bandwidths - like the picture below where...
Yes you raise good points about the simplicity of the current approach, and I need to do more testing.Putting aside the PFB approach for a minute, is there a case...
Yes - that was exactly it.This FFT channelizer approach appears to be *very* efficient and testing on good strong signals so far it is working well. I am going to...
Is this extra beep indicated by arrow in the middle (not worried about the total number)My plot on left (samples loaded without modification)FFT channelized plot...
Hi Lito844,Thanks for the reply. My transmitters should transmit beeps at a normalized rate of 80 beeps per/minute in the test signal. They vary slightly in time...
Perhaps a differrent appraoch to the question.
My original method for 1 signal with FIR looked like:
sample_rate = 768000
center_freq = 160425000
size = len(samples)
I have made a Juypter notebook showing my original method (spawning FIR filters and smoothing on full bandwidth (not efficient)) and a fft channelized method.The...
That would be superhelpful. Here is a recording : I have included a info text file with the details but...
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