
MSc Digital Audio Engineering Project Idea

Started by tappedtima 5 years ago12 replieslatest reply 5 years ago267 views
Hi there guys, I've joined this site to further help me and keep me in the loop with digital audio related topics. I am currently an MSc student and I need to write...

Overlap-add with window

Started by ctlee 6 years ago26 replieslatest reply 6 years ago1658 views
Hi all,Suppose I have an input signal \( x[n] \) of length \( N \), an FIR filter \( h[n] \) of length \( M \), and a window function \( w[n] \) of length \( N...

How to efficiently control an FIR's magnitude response by altering its phase spectrum

Started by lasse 6 years ago21 replieslatest reply 6 years ago332 views
Note: I posted this question on Signal Processing Stack Exchange yesterday. Because the one answer I got so far was not-so-satisfying, although surely well-intentioned,...

Odd Convolution Results

Started by nelsona 8 years ago19 replieslatest reply 8 years ago245 views
Hello, I've been playing around with #Convolution Reverb for the past few months in regards to a Master's Thesis, and recently noticed some strange results when...

Best Real Time Convolution Algorithm?

Started by DonGateley 8 years ago8 replieslatest reply 8 years ago3227 views
What is the best current algorithm computationally for implementing a zero delay (partitioned) #Convolution of an audio rate signal with a fixed windowed kernel?Is...

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