
Lasse Schlör (@lasse)

Thanks! Yes, that wonderful book taught me a lot about signal processing years ago.Steven (the author) touches on the topic I'm interested in:Now consider this:...
Sorry for the late reply and thank you for the script. Among other things, the animation nicely showcases what I was trying to point out by the graphics in my...
Hi Fred, thanks for the book suggestion. I will check that out.I am unfortunately not sure I understand the method you are describing. You used a quadratic phase...
Hi wolf22, I think you mostly understood my question, though not 100% correctly.I want to calculate a FIR filter, whose frequency response I want to exactly define...
The ifft approach is not blind to phase. :) If you multiply “Amp” in your code with some random complex numbers that have an absolute value of 1 so that they...
Hi kaz! Thanks for your reply. You are correct. I want to gain as much freedom as possible over the amplitude response for a given filter length while not caring...
Note: I posted this question on Signal Processing Stack Exchange yesterday. Because the one answer I got so far was not-so-satisfying, although surely well-intentioned,...

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