
Nelson A (@nelsona)

Computer Science Master's student working on a master's thesis which makes use of Convolution Reverb.

Hello Jeff,You're absolutely correct, the noise Audacity added on a downsample/bit-depth drop is due to dithering.Nelson
Hello Zeus,Just to be clear:You state initially that you're downsampling from 32 KHz to 8 KHz (yet state that your original 32 KHz audio has no frequency content...
Hello Gabriel,You may want to wait for more experienced posters to chime in, but I believe the answer to your question is no.If the process applied to the audio...
Hello Y(J)S,You are correct that I did ask a lot of question, but I was hoping I could use an FFT as an optimization to an algorithm I was working on. Unfortunately...
Hello,I had quite a few questions I was hoping someone could answer regarding the use of FFT's when convolving a digital signal:1. When convolving some digital signal...

Re: Fixed Point vs Floating Point

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/01/2018)
Hello Kaz,Thanks once again for your response.Nelson

Re: Fixed Point vs Floating Point

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/01/2018)
Hello Y(J)S,Thank you for your response.Nelson

Re: Fixed Point vs Floating Point

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/01/2018)
Hello Bholzmayer,A big thank you for the detailed explanation.Nelson

Re: Fixed Point vs Floating Point

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/01/2018)
Hello Olivier,A big thanks for your detailed explanation.Nelson

Fixed Point vs Floating Point

New thread started 6 years ago
Hello,I had a few easy questions regarding fixed point vs floating point digital signals I was hoping someone could answer:1. Is it safe to assume that all digital...
Hello Jeff,1. Just to recap, can I assume that whether we use a more exact (ex. your approach) or least exact (ex. Kaz's approach) estimation, that ultimately, there...
Hello Kaz,This is an extremely stupid / silly question, but are you sure we perform the sum of all values: sum(abs(coeffs))*2^(n-1)...when calculating if digital...
Hello Kaz,A big thank you for the response.I can't thank you enough.Nelson
Hello bholzmayer,Thank you for the detailed response.Nelson
Hello,I had a question regarding the convolution of digital signals.Assuming the following digital signal:...is convolved by the following digital IR signal:...is...
Hello,Is it possible to generate a digital noise signal with a Gaussian random distribution without using a pseudo random number generator?For instance, the following...
Hello LamaBrew,Thank you for the reply.I assumed that this type of DRM had some serious limitations (especially back in the day), but thought that maybe nowadays...
Hello,I was wondering if anyone was familiar with any examples / literature of the purposeful insertion of errors into an audio / video stream as a form of DRM...
Hello Kaz,I always thought there was a filtration of frequency spectrum for both convolution and deconvolution.Is that not the case?In other words, if the signal...
Hello Kaz,Thank you for your input.Just to get another opinion on the matter, was I wrong to convert my IR to a 2D matrix / array (in order to replicate the effects...
Hello Steve,Thank you as always for your input.Though I agree with your point, what I was really trying to do was represent the effect of convolution / deconvolution...
Hello Tim,Thanks for getting back to me.As for being lost, yes and no (there's an important reason why I'm using matrix multiplication - more on that later).That...
Hello all,I had a few questions regarding matrix arithmetic in DSP, (specifically in regards to convolution and deconvolution), I was hoping someone could answer.As...
Hello Dszabo,I can't thank you enough for your help.I had just two more questions I was hoping you could answer.Also, please excuse any incorrect terminology (as...

Re: Inversion properties of Convolution / Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (02/13/2018)
Hello Rick,I can't thank you enough for taking the time to provide me with such a detailed response.As for question 2, another gentleman answered that question here...
Hello,This may seem like an odd question, but what happens if we deconvolve an audio signal before convolving it?Normally, we deconvolve an audio signal that has...

Re: Inversion properties of Convolution / Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (02/12/2018)
Hello Rick,1. Would you recommend that I break my post into multiple sub-posts (as I'm asking 2 main questions in my main post)?2. As for the word "dry", it's used...
Hello,I had a few questions regarding the inversion properties of convolution and deconvolution in the digital realm (meaning that I'm referring to digital convolution...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/19/2017)
Hello Steve,Would it be possible for me to discuss this with you further via email (so I can tell you exactly what I'm doing with my project)?If so, could you please...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/19/2017)
Hello Steve,A few things about my approach, as it has changed recently.1. I'm no longer using white-noise (per our previous discussion) as my IR. Instead I'm using...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/18/2017)
Hello Steve,My sincere apologies for not seeing this sooner (I'm not sure how I missed this).A big thanks for your help once again (if my question below results...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/08/2017)
Hello Steve,Once again, a big thanks for all your help.As for myself, I'm currently working towards writing a Master's Thesis on the applications of DSP to computer...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/07/2017)
Hello Steve,I can't thank you enough for all your help.Your help in understanding deconvolution has helped me overcome some of the unknowns with my Master's thesisThat...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/06/2017)
Hello Tim,Thank you for the response.I think I now understand some of the problems with Deconvolution.If you had some time, would you be able to look over my latest...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/06/2017)
Hello Steve,Thank you very much for all your help thus far.It seems my Master's Committee Chair and I were mistaken (as I'm working on a Master's thesis which makes...

Re: Quick question on Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (11/05/2017)
Hello Steve,Out of curiosity, is there a way to ensure that transfer function doesn't have frequencies where the value is 0?Example, using a transfer function which...

Quick question on Deconvolution

New thread started 7 years ago
Hello, While reading about deconvolution on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deconvolution), I noticed the following: "In general, the objective of deconvolution...
Hello,I was wondering what was the most efficient way of representing a waveform?Note: By efficient, I mean using the least amount of storage space.Take for example...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/24/2017)

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/24/2017)
Hello Y(J)S,Understood, and good to know.Once again, I can't thank you enough for all your help.Take care,Nelson

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/22/2017)
Hello Cedron,A big thank you for all your help.Nelson

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/22/2017)
Hello Fred,Unfortunately I'm not certain I understand what you mean.In reference to shorting the microphone, can I assume what you mean is that we short the microphone...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/22/2017)
Hello Cedron,Thank you very much for your help.I should have thought about using a similar technique as the one you described.That being said, is there any research...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/22/2017)
Hello BEBSynthesizers,I believe I understand what you mean.I assume what you're saying is that something like a chair squeaking, AC hum or PC fan spinning won't...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/22/2017)
Hello Y(J)S,I had one last question I was hoping I could ask you.Before asking my question, I first wanted to thank you for all your help. Your observations and...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/20/2017)
Hello BEBSynthesizersThank you for your input.Out of curiosity, why would capturing other noises in a room be a problem?For instance, let's say we're recording 1...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/20/2017)
Hello Fred,I assume you're referring to another poster.As for myself, I'm looking at generating random data / numbers without using a random number generator / algorithm...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/20/2017)
Hello Jms_nh,Valid point.That said, do you see any issue with using combining functions, so that a 24 or 32 bit number is combined multiple times over to create...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/20/2017)
Hello DudeLSound,Unfortunately I can't use a random number generator.I'm working under the assumption that all random number generators are suspect (ex. tampered...

Re: Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

Reply posted 7 years ago (09/20/2017)
Hello Y(J)S,Thank you very much for your response.This may sound like a stupid question, but is there an easy way to sample the thermal noise voltage on a resistor?...

Generating Random Numbers Through Audio

New thread started 7 years ago
Hello,I was wondering if anyone was familiar with any popular audio-based algorithms / literature / research for deriving or generating random numbers through audio?Given...
Hello Khuasw,Out of curiosity, what would happen if the audio signal wasn't noise free?Would the algorithm completely fall apart, or would it work but only less...
Hello DudelSound,Thank you for the input.The use of estimation seems interesting, though I'd be interested how well something like that would work with something...
Hello Abel,Can I assume that the following statement:"Given [enough samples of] a periodic signal, there is a usually simpler representation of it in Fourier...
Hello Kaz,I think you've hit the nail on the head.Data that we can't compress, is usually considered "noise" by most compression algorithms.For example, consider...
Hello Fred,Thank you for your input.Can I assume that all of the examples you've mentioned (regarding sample-rate reduction and speech compression) are lossy compression...
Hello,This may sound like an odd question, but I was wondering if there was such a thing as a time-based #audio compression algorithm?What I mean by a "time-based...
Hello Dszabo,Firstly I can't thank you enough for your solution.I was trying out a few things myself, but wasn't able to figure anything out.Quite frankly I didn't...
Hello Ruth,I thank both you and your Honor student for your help.Nelson
Hello Dszabo,Regarding my use of convolution, you are correct. The decay of the convolved signal is being truncated (I'll use examples with the full signal from...
Hello Ruth,Thank you very much for the information.Regarding F{S_a}F{S_b}=F{S_oa}F{S_ob}^-1, will this equate to the same value whether we're using Alice and Bob's...
Hello,Apologies for the continued questions on convolution reverb, but I was wondering if someone could answer the following 2 questions (as I've hit a bit of a...
Hello DHMarinov,I was actually using reverb in a non-musical application.Unfortunately, it looks like reverb won't work in the way I hoped it would.Either way, thank...
Hello JOS,My apologies, I was confusing clipping for phase cancellation.I absolutely agree about clipping being non-linear / negatively interfering with convolution.Thank...
Hello JOS,Given that Convolution is both mathematically commutative and associative, would clipping really matter?I was under the impression that clipping was just...
Hello Dszabo,Interesting point (as I didn't think about that).Quick question, if I see with a padding of zeroes (or silence), that everything works (i.e. N * A *...
Hello DHMarinov,I was using Audacity (a digital audio workstation) with FreeVerb (an audio convolution plugin / VST).As for FreeVerb, it is open source.To simplify...
Hello,While testing some theories out in regards to convolution reverb, I noticed something odd which I wasn't able to explain. I was hoping someone could clarify...

Re: Multi-Impulse Response Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/17/2017)
Hello Fred,It's unfortunate that your response wasn't recorded.That being said, a simple "yes" or "no" would suffice (just to save you the trouble of having to rewrite...

Re: Multi-Impulse Response Deconvolution

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/17/2017)
Hello Rick,My apologies for my unclear statement.Convolving a signal with two impulse responses is merely taking a dry signal:...and convolving it with one impulse...

Multi-Impulse Response Deconvolution

New thread started 7 years ago
Hello,I've been working on a Master's Thesis regarding Convolution Reverb, and had a question I was hoping someone could answer.When it comes to using multiple impulse...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/08/2017)
Hello Steve,Thank you for all your help (including the reading material on DSP).Regards,Nelson

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/08/2017)
Hello Fred,I'll have to think about this a bit more.That being said, I greatly appreciate all your help.Nelson

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/08/2017)
Hello Fred,Thank you for the explanation.Just to be certain that I understand what you mean.When you say, full of zeros, do you mean missing frequency information?In...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/08/2017)
Hello Steve,My apologies about the terminology mixup, as my background in DSP is severely lacking.That being said, can I assume that if we had the following time...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Hello Steve,I'm not certain if this will work (though I could be wrong).Let's take the following example:Assuming we start with the following dry signal:...with...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Hello JohnThough I don't completely understand all the steps involved in your spectrum inversion (I apologize for that), allow me to use a simple example to illustrate...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Hello Fred,During the Deconvolution phase, you do not have access to R1.Let's assume there are two parties:Alice has access to S1, S2 and R1.Eve only has access...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Hello JOS,Thank you for suggestion.That being said, can I assume that through the use of 0's (in the IR I presume - see below):...that a divide by 0 is non-issue...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Hello Fred,My apologies for the ambiguities in my description (as my knowledge in DSP is quite limited).This is what I mean, let's say you had the following waveform...

Re: Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Hello John,When you say to invert the spectrum (I assume you're referring to the frequency spectrum), are you referring to both the IR and dry signal?Also, is a...

Is there any way to prevent Deconvolution?

New thread started 7 years ago
Hello,Assuming you were only provided a dry signal:...and wet signal (with reverb applied to it via convolution reverb):...is there anything that I could do to my...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/07/2017)
Hello Tim,I did try it and took the following dry signal (removing all frequencies outside of 500 Hz - 2 Khz):...and used the following IR (removing all frequencies...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/06/2017)
Hello Tim,So just to be certain, if I had the following audio signal:...which looks like the following in a Spectrogram:...and I was using the following IR (to apply...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/06/2017)
Hello Tim,I'm a little nervous about divulging the thesis of my Master's as I feel I'm onto something that's never been published before (though I could be wrong).That...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/06/2017)
Hello Tim,Quick question, would you be able to send me an email at the following email address: nelsonasemail@gmail.com...as I'd like to quickly run my Master's...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/05/2017)
Hello Tim,Though I'm not certain I completely understand your explanation (due to my lack of DSP knowledge), I think I understand the basic gist of your explanation.In...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/05/2017)
Hello Tim,Thank you very much for your input.I was wondering if you could clarify something in regards to using a single-tone sine wave.Assuming our dry signal is...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/05/2017)
Hello Tim, - By "irregular", I meant something like an IR which had an inverted reverberation time (as one example). For example, the following IR: ...has a reverberation...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/05/2017)
Hello Rick,My sincere apologies for being a bit vague, as my background in DSP is quite lacking.- As for what I mean by convolution reverb, I'd say that I'm referring...

Re: Odd Convolution Results

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/05/2017)
Hello Dudelsound,Thank you for the clear and concise explanation.I had a quick follow-up question I was hoping you could answer.If as you say, through the use of...

Odd Convolution Results

New thread started 7 years ago
Hello, I've been playing around with #Convolution Reverb for the past few months in regards to a Master's Thesis, and recently noticed some strange results when...
Hello Dudelsound,Would it be possible to contact you privately via my email address: nelsonasemail@gmail.com...as I had a few more questions I was hoping I could...
Hello David,Would it be possible to contact you privately via my email address: nelsonasemail@gmail.com...as I had a few more questions I was hoping I could ask...
Hello David,Once again I can't thank you enough for all your help, as you've truly helped me understand convolution reverb.Thank you,Nelson
Hello David,Thank you for the response.As a clarification, when I say "exactly match an IR", what I mean is:If some person (let's call them X) has an IR and a dry...
Hello DudeISound,Thank you for your response.One last question for you, if I wanted to make it impossible for someone to derive an IR (100% accurately) from both...
Hello David,Thank you for the helpful and detailed response (the same thanks goes to everyone else on this thread).You've all helped me greatly in understanding...
Hello DudeLSound,Out of curiosity, do you agree with the following definition of convolution reverb (http://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/4723/what-is-the-physical-meaning-of-the-convolution-of-two-signals):Especially...
Hello,I am a Computer Science student utilizing Convolution Reverb in my master's thesis, and was wondering if the following assertions were correct.Assuming the...

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