
Mathematical associative property of Convolution Reverb does not seem to hold. What am I doing wrong?

Started by nelsona 8 years ago11 replieslatest reply 8 years ago176 views


While testing some theories out in regards to convolution reverb, I noticed something odd which I wasn't able to explain. I was hoping someone could clarify what exactly I was doing wrong / not understanding.

We start with the following audio signal (N):


Convolving audio signal (N) using IR (A), results in the following audio signal:


Convolving audio signal (N * A) using IR (N - the original signal), results in the following audio signal:


Convolving audio signal (N * A * N) using IR (A), results in the following audio signal:


So far nothing seems out of the ordinary.

However convolving (N * A - from step 2) with itself (N * A), results in the following audio signal:


Given that convolution is associative, why doesn't N * A * N * A equal (N * A) * (N * A)?

Apologies for all the questions and a big thank you for the help.


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Reply by dszaboMay 7, 2017

You need to make sure that your output is long enough to store the result of the convolutions.  Convolution of a signal length M and a signal length N results in a signal length N+M-1 (am I right on the minus one?), try padding your signals with a bunch of zeros (i.e. silence) and repeating the experiment.

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Reply by nelsonaMay 7, 2017

Hello Dszabo,

Interesting point (as I didn't think about that).

Quick question, if I see with a padding of zeroes (or silence), that everything works (i.e. N * A * N * A = (N * A) * (N * A)), will that mean that it would be impossible for someone to derive N * A * N * A if they only had N * A (cut off in a similar way as depicted in the images from my original post)?

Thank you very much for all your help,

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Reply by dszaboMay 7, 2017

I have no idea how one would draw that conclusion from such an experiment.

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Reply by DHMarinovMay 7, 2017

Maybe it has something to do with the way you have written you code. Can you post it?

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Reply by nelsonaMay 7, 2017

Hello DHMarinov,

I was using Audacity (a digital audio workstation) with FreeVerb (an audio convolution plugin / VST).

As for FreeVerb, it is open source.

To simplify things, I will only post the *.hpp, *.cpp and main for FreeVerb.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


// Freeverb3 user interface declaration
// Based on Steinberg VST Development Kit Examples
// Written by Jezar at Dreampoint, June 2000
// http://www.dreampoint.co.uk
// This code is public domain

#ifndef __Freeverb_H
#define __Freeverb_H

#include "audioeffectx.h"
#include "revmodel.hpp"

    KMode, KRoomSize, KDamp, KWidth, KWet, KDry,

class Freeverb : public AudioEffectX
                    Freeverb(audioMasterCallback audioMaster);
    virtual    void    process(float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleFrames);
    virtual void    processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleFrames);
    virtual void    setProgramName(char *name);
    virtual void    getProgramName(char *name);
    virtual void    setParameter(long index, float value);
    virtual float    getParameter(long index);
    virtual void    getParameterLabel(long index, char *label);
    virtual void    getParameterDisplay(long index, char *text);
    virtual void    getParameterName(long index, char *text);
    virtual void    suspend();
    virtual void    resume();
    virtual bool    getEffectName (char* name);
    virtual bool    getVendorString (char* text);
    virtual bool    getProductString (char* text);
    virtual long    canDo(char* text);

    revmodel    model;
    char        programName[32];




// Freeverb3 user interface implementation
// Based on Steinberg VST Development Kit Examples
// Written by Jezar at Dreampoint, June 2000
// http://www.dreampoint.co.uk
// This code is public domain

#include "Freeverb.hpp"

Freeverb::Freeverb(audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
    : AudioEffectX(audioMaster, 1, KNumParams)    // 1 program
    setNumInputs(2);        // stereo in
    setNumOutputs(2);        // stereo out
    setUniqueID('JzR3');    // identify - CHANGE THIS TO MAKE YOUR OWN!!!
    canMono();                // makes sense to feed both inputs with the same signal
    canProcessReplacing();    // supports both accumulating and replacing output
    strcpy(programName, "Default");    // default program name

void Freeverb::suspend()

void Freeverb::resume()

bool Freeverb::getEffectName (char* name)
    strcpy (name, "Freeverb3"); // Change this to what you want!!
    return true;

bool Freeverb::getVendorString (char* text)
    strcpy (text, "Dreampoint"); // Change this to what you want!!
    return true;

bool Freeverb::getProductString (char* text)
    strcpy (text, "Freeverb3"); // Change this to what you want!!
    return true;

long Freeverb::canDo (char* text)
    if (!strcmp (text, "1in1out"))
        return 1;
    if (!strcmp (text, "2in2out"))
        return 1;
    if (!strcmp (text, "1in2out"))
        return 1;
    return -1;

void Freeverb::setProgramName(char *name)
    strcpy(programName, name);

void Freeverb::getProgramName(char *name)
    strcpy(name, programName);

void Freeverb::setParameter(long index, float value)
    switch (index)
    case KMode:
    case KRoomSize:
    case KDamp:
    case KWet:
    case KDry:
    case KWidth:

float Freeverb::getParameter(long index)
    float ret;

    switch (index)
    case KMode:
        ret = model.getmode();
    case KRoomSize:
        ret = model.getroomsize();
    case KDamp:
        ret = model.getdamp();
    case KWet:
        ret = model.getwet();
    case KDry:
        ret = model.getdry();
    case KWidth:
        ret = model.getwidth();
    return ret;

void Freeverb::getParameterName(long index, char *label)
    switch (index)
    case KMode:
        strcpy(label, "Mode");
    case KRoomSize:
        strcpy(label, "Room size");
    case KDamp:
        strcpy(label, "Damping");
    case KWet:
        strcpy(label, "Wet level");
    case KDry:
        strcpy(label, "Dry level");
    case KWidth:
        strcpy(label, "Width");

void Freeverb::getParameterDisplay(long index, char *text)
    switch (index)
    case KMode:
        if (model.getmode() >= freezemode)
    case KRoomSize:
        float2string(model.getroomsize()*scaleroom+offsetroom, text);
    case KDamp:
        long2string((long)(model.getdamp()*100), text);
    case KWet:
    case KDry:
    case KWidth:
        long2string((long)(model.getwidth()*100), text);

void Freeverb::getParameterLabel(long index, char *label)
    switch (index)
    case KMode:
    case KRoomSize:
    case KDamp:
    case KWidth:
        strcpy(label, "%");
    case KWet:
    case KDry:
        strcpy(label, "dB");

void Freeverb::process(float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleFrames)

void Freeverb::processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, long sampleFrames)



// Freeverb3 initialisation implementation
// Based on Steinberg VST Development Kit Examples
// Written by Jezar at Dreampoint, June 2000
// http://www.dreampoint.co.uk
// This code is public domain

#include "Freeverb.hpp"

static AudioEffect *effect = NULL;
bool oome = false;

#if MAC
#pragma export on

// prototype of the export function main
#if BEOS
#define main main_plugin
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) AEffect *main_plugin (audioMasterCallback audioMaster);

AEffect *main (audioMasterCallback audioMaster);

AEffect *main (audioMasterCallback audioMaster)
    // get vst version
    if (!audioMaster (0, audioMasterVersion, 0, 0, 0, 0))
        return 0;  // old version

    effect = new Freeverb (audioMaster);
    if (!effect)
        return 0;
    if (oome)
        delete effect;
        return 0;
    return effect->getAeffect ();

#if MAC
#pragma export off

#if WIN32
#include <windows.h>
void* hInstance;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
    hInstance = hInst;
    return 1;


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Reply by DHMarinovMay 7, 2017

Hmmm, no idea, but then why would you want to convolve the output of the reverb by itself? As far as I have experimented with audio, that won't bring any pleasant effects (unless you aim for it :D).   

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Reply by nelsonaMay 7, 2017

Hello DHMarinov,

I was actually using reverb in a non-musical application.

Unfortunately, it looks like reverb won't work in the way I hoped it would.

Either way, thank you for your help.


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Reply by JOSMay 7, 2017

Another thing to watch out for is clipping, for example if N*A*N clips, but N*A doesn't.

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Reply by nelsonaMay 7, 2017

Hello JOS,

Given that Convolution is both mathematically commutative and associative, would clipping really matter?

I was under the impression that clipping was just a part of the convolution, and had no negative effects on the convolution process itself (though I could be wrong).

Thank you for the input,

[ - ]
Reply by JOSMay 7, 2017

Clipping is nonlinear, while convolution is linear. Commutativity applies to linear, time-invariant (LTI) systems.  A clipped convolution is not a convolution.

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Reply by nelsonaMay 7, 2017

Hello JOS,

My apologies, I was confusing clipping for phase cancellation.

I absolutely agree about clipping being non-linear / negatively interfering with convolution.

Thank you,