
Taewoong Lee (@ctlee)

currently a PhD student

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/14/2019)
Hi @ZaellixA,I have to have a look that chapter now!Thanks for your comment!Bests,ctlee

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/11/2019)
Hi Rick,Thanks for the comment. I never thought and tried to window the filter in the time domain coefficient (which is \( h[n] \) in this thread). I'll have a look...

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/11/2019)
Hi @ZaellixA,Thanks for summarizing all information! This makes everything clear, if I am doing simple OLA, then there is no need to use the synthesis window, I...

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/10/2019)
Hi Rick,Thanks for the comment. That's a very good point. Without windowing, it also can be done. But I'm concerned about Gibbs phenomenon, that's why I tried to...

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/10/2019)
yes, if I revise your implementation as follows, then I can explain what I am trying to look for. Note that the length of a,b could be varied according to the explanation...

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/10/2019)
Hello kaz,Thanks for the compact code and answer.I also do the same thing if I have only one segment, since the implementation you gave in the answer above is a...

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/10/2019)
Hi @ZaellixA,Thanks for your answer. So far I thought I have to use window function twice (before and after filtering). Why I thought in that way was that I found...

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/10/2019)
Hello lamabrew,Thanks for your answer! I first have to have a look about the page you shared, it must be a very good starting point for understanding all the basic...

Re: Overlap-add with window

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/10/2019)
Hello fred,Thanks for your code.I've downloaded and run it immediately.I'll have a thorough look soon, but it was very helpful to understand which way I have to...

Overlap-add with window

New thread started 6 years ago
Hi all,Suppose I have an input signal \( x[n] \) of length \( N \), an FIR filter \( h[n] \) of length \( M \), and a window function \( w[n] \) of length \( N...

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