
How can I estimate the 2 parameters of this signal?

Started by weetabixharry 9 months ago18 replieslatest reply 9 months ago201 views
I have a digital signal of fixed length (e.g. 100 samples). Somewhere within this signal is a contiguous region characterized by "low variance". The remainder of...

Rice channel + AWGN with lower BER than AWGN alone ??

Started by roblkc3 3 years ago7 replieslatest reply 9 months ago285 views
Hello!I am playing with the Matlab simulation of an OFDM-based modem I have created, and I am facing a weird problem: I have my frames pass through the "usual encoding/mapping/modulation/IFFT",...

FFT-Based Equation Error Method - JOS

Started by molem7b5 1 year ago4 replieslatest reply 9 months ago247 views
Hi,  I'm currently trying to implement the FFT-based equation method for filter design outlined by JOS, details of which can be found here. Specifically, I'm...

Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

Started by jon_l 10 months ago14 replieslatest reply 10 months ago324 views
It's been some time since I've had anything to do with DSP. With that said, I have a project requiring this skill set here and need help. I kept returning to this...

The Related Sites have Undergone a Major Upgrade - Please Report any Website Issue

Started by stephaneb 10 months ago5 replieslatest reply 10 months ago337 views
Over the last few weeks, we've been busy getting ready for a major back-end software and hardware upgrade for the Related sites and the big move finally took...

FM Carrier Recovery for AOA Calculation

Started by mrberman87 11 months ago1 replylatest reply 11 months ago180 views
Is there a way to recover a carrier of an FM signal to use for an Angle of Arrival calculation?  I am using GNURadio and gr-aoa (https://github.com/MarcinWachowiak/gr-aoa)...

BPSK BW Requirement

Started by maxplus 11 months ago9 replieslatest reply 11 months ago401 views
I captured a BPSK waveform at RF on a spectrum analyser.  I need to determine the 99% bandwidth.  I have a CSV plot. Does anyone knows how to determine 99% BW...
If you haven't registered for the 2023 DSP Online Conference yet, doing so in the next couple of days could save you 50% on the already very low registration fee.Make...

Stereo to complex sample

Started by PiotrGrochowski 11 months ago5 replieslatest reply 11 months ago234 views
A fast fourier transform works in complex numbers, and each sine or cosine wave is a composition of two complex waves. For instance the two complex waves (1, i,...

Sampling frequency in Baseband

Started by Sharan123 8 years ago15 replieslatest reply 11 months ago3749 views
I would like to know importance of sampling frequency in the baseband. I am using #LTE as an example.If we take a 20 MHz system, the sampling frequency is specified...

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