
jon lundlee (@jon_l)

Re: Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

Reply posted 10 months ago (10/09/2023)
Yes exactly, that was a question in my mind for a while. There did not seem to be a lot of resources online around this, but I did find a few posts where people...

Re: Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

Reply posted 10 months ago (10/09/2023)
These were great questions and points. I very much appreciate you taking the time to address my post. I was able to take a step back and analyze the python code...

Re: Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

Reply posted 10 months ago (10/09/2023)
Exactly. I was able to break this down a bit more, comparing each individual peice of the CIC in python to that in C to figure out where the problem was coming...

Re: Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

Reply posted 10 months ago (10/04/2023)
Yes, I am constrained, but it's because I cannot choose the sensor to use. Switching to another accelerometer does not help since it's an issue with interfacing...

Re: Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

Reply posted 10 months ago (10/04/2023)
Hey Jeff,I've also found numerous articles around PDM to PCM conversion. This is probably due to PDM being a common signal with MEMs microphones... Anyways, I was...

Re: Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

Reply posted 10 months ago (10/04/2023)
This is great, so glad to hear that I might be on a decent path. I implemented my filter in C, using 32 bits for each integrator/comb, and still not seeing the results...

Help with PDM filter, please and thanks

New thread started 10 months ago
It's been some time since I've had anything to do with DSP. With that said, I have a project requiring this skill set here and need help. I kept returning to this...

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