In Search of The Fourth Wave
Last year I participated in the first DSP Related online conference, where I presented a short talk called "In Search of The Fourth Wave". It's based on a small mystery I encountered when I was working on Think DSP. As you might know:
A sawtooth wave contains harmonics at integer multiples of the fundamental frequency, and their amplitudes drop off in proportion to 1/f. A square wave contains only odd multiples of the fundamental, but they also drop off...Sampling bandpass signals
Sampling bandpass signals 1.1 IntroductionIt is known [1], [3] that bandpass signals can be sampled with a sampling frequency which is lower than the sampling frequency according to the sampling theorem.
Fig. 1 shows an example of how the spectrum of a bandpass signal sampled with $f_s$ (Fig. 1a) arises in the baseband with $−f_s / 2 ≤ f < f_s/2$. The bandpass signal is assumed to have a center frequency $f_c = (f_{max} + f_{min})/2$ and bandwidth $\Delta f...
Digital Filter Instructions from IKEA?
This is a wordless example of a folded FIR filter. Swedish “Bygglek” = build and play.
Simulink-Simulation of SSB demodulation
≥≥≥ Simulink-Simulation of SSB demodulation or modulation from the article “Understanding the ‘Phasing Method’ of Single Sideband Demodulation” by Richard Lyons Josef HoffmannThe article “Understanding the ‘Phasing Method’ of Single Sideband Demodulation” by Richard Lyons is a very good description of this topic. The block representation from the figures are clear and easy to understand. They are predestined for a simulation in Simulink. The simulation can help...
Setting Carrier to Noise Ratio in Simulations
When simulating digital receivers, we often want to check performance with added Gaussian noise. In this article, I’ll derive the simple equations for the rms noise level needed to produce a desired carrier to noise ratio (CNR or C/N). I also provide a short Matlab function to generate a noise vector of the desired level for a given signal vector.
Definition of C/NThe Carrier to noise ratio is defined as the ratio of average signal power to noise power for a modulated...
An Efficient Full-Band Sliding DFT Spectrum Analyzer
In this blog I present two computationally efficient full-band discrete Fourier transform (DFT) networks that compute the 0th bin and all the positive-frequency bin outputs for an N-point DFT in real-time on a sample-by-sample basis.
An Even-N Spectrum Analyzer
The full-band sliding DFT (SDFT) spectrum analyzer network, where the DFT size N is an even integer, is shown in Figure 1(a). The x[n] input sequence is restricted to be real-only valued samples. Notice that the only real parts of...
Update to a Narrow Bandpass Filter in Octave or Matlab
Following my earlier blog post (June 2020) featuring a Narrow Bandpass Filter, I’ve had some useful feedback and suggestions. This has inspired me to come up with an updated version, incorporating the following changes compared to the earlier one :
- Simpler code in Octave or Matlab
- Float32 precision replaces float64
- Faster processing by a factor of at least 4 times
- Easier setup of input parameters
- Normalized signal output level
A new experimental version in...
Add a Power Marker to a Power Spectral Density (PSD) Plot
Perhaps we should call most Power Spectral Density (PSD) calculations relative PSD, because usually we don’t have to worry about absolute power levels. However, for cases (e.g., measurements or simulations) where we are concerned with absolute power, it would be nice to be able to display it on a PSD plot. Unfortunately, you can’t read the power directly from the plot. For example, the plotted spectral peak of a narrowband signal, such as a sinewave, is lower than the...
A Simpler Goertzel Algorithm
In this blog I propose a Goertzel algorithm that is simpler than the version of the Goertzel algorithm that is traditionally presented DSP textbooks. Below I very briefly describe the DSP textbook version of the Goertzel algorithm followed by a description of my proposed simpler algorithm.
The Traditional DSP Textbook Goertzel Algorithm
The so-called Goertzel algorithm is used to efficiently compute a single mth-bin sample of an N-point discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [1-4]. The...
60-Hz Noise and Baseline Drift Reduction in ECG Signal Processing
Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are obtained by monitoring the electrical activity of the human heart for medical diagnostic purposes [1]. This blog describes a very efficient digital filter used to reduce both 60 Hz AC power line noise and unwanted signal baseline drift that often contaminate ECG signals.
We'll first describe the ECG noise reduction filter and then examine the filter's performance in a real-world ECG signal filtering example.Proposed ECG Noise Reduction Digital...
Free DSP Books on the Internet
While surfing the "net" I have occasionally encountered signal processing books whose chapters could be downloaded to my computer. I started keeping a list of those books and, over the years, that list has grown to over forty books. Perhaps the list will be of interest to you.
Please know, all of the listed books are copyrighted. The copyright holders have graciously provided their books free of charge for downloading for individual use, but multiple copies must not be made or printed. As...
Digital PLL's -- Part 2
In Part 1, we found the time response of a 2nd order PLL with a proportional + integral (lead-lag) loop filter. Now let’s look at this PLL in the Z-domain [1, 2]. We will find that the response is characterized by a loop natural frequency ωn and damping coefficient ζ.
Having a Z-domain model of the DPLL will allow us to do three things:
Compute the values of loop filter proportional gain KL and integrator gain KI that give the desired loop natural...Learn to Use the Discrete Fourier Transform
Discrete-time sequences arise in many ways: a sequence could be a signal captured by an analog-to-digital converter; a series of measurements; a signal generated by a digital modulator; or simply the coefficients of a digital filter. We may wish to know the frequency spectrum of any of these sequences. The most-used tool to accomplish this is the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), which computes the discrete frequency spectrum of a discrete-time sequence. The DFT is easily calculated using software, but applying it successfully can be challenging. This article provides Matlab examples of some techniques you can use to obtain useful DFT’s.
Plotting Discrete-Time Signals
A discrete-time sinusoid can have frequency up to just shy of half the sample frequency. But if you try to plot the sinusoid, the result is not always recognizable. For example, if you plot a 9 Hz sinusoid sampled at 100 Hz, you get the result shown in the top of Figure 1, which looks like a sine. But if you plot a 35 Hz sinusoid sampled at 100 Hz, you get the bottom graph, which does not look like a sine when you connect the dots. We typically want the plot of a...
Free Goodies from Embedded World - What to Do Next?
I told you I would go on a hunt for free stuff at Embedded World in order to build a bundle for someone to win.
FFT Interpolation Based on FFT Samples: A Detective Story With a Surprise Ending
This blog presents several interesting things I recently learned regarding the estimation of a spectral value located at a frequency lying between previously computed FFT spectral samples. My curiosity about this FFT interpolation process was triggered by reading a spectrum analysis paper written by three astronomers [1].
My fixation on one equation in that paper led to the creation of this blog.
The notion of FFT interpolation is straightforward to describe. That is, for example,...
Simple Concepts Explained: Fixed-Point
IntroductionMost signal processing intensive applications on FPGA are still implemented relying on integer or fixed-point arithmetic. It is not easy to find the key ideas on quantization, fixed-point and integer arithmetic. In a series of articles, I aim to clarify some concepts and add examples on how things are done in real life. The ideas covered are the result of my professional experience and hands-on projects.
In this article I will present the most fundamental question you...
The 2024 DSP Online Conference
Here we go!
This week is the fifth edition of the DSP Online Conference! This milestone year marks our 5th anniversary, and we’re celebrating with a stellar lineup of renowned DSP experts like fred harris, Rick Lyons, Julius Orion Smith III, and Dan Boschen. These industry leaders will be generously sharing their knowledge and insights with the DSP community.
Why Attend?
Even if your schedule is packed this week, purchasing a pass grants you on-demand access to all...
Phase or Frequency Shifter Using a Hilbert Transformer
In this article, we’ll describe how to use a Hilbert transformer to make a phase shifter or frequency shifter. In either case, the input is a real signal and the output is a real signal. We’ll use some simple Matlab code to simulate these systems. After that, we’ll go into a little more detail on Hilbert transformer theory and design.
Phase ShifterA conceptual diagram of a phase shifter is shown in Figure 1, where the bold lines indicate complex...
The Power Spectrum
Often, when calculating the spectrum of a sampled signal, we are interested in relative powers, and we don’t care about the absolute accuracy of the y axis. However, when the sampled signal represents an analog signal, we sometimes need an accurate picture of the analog signal’s power in the frequency domain. This post shows how to calculate an accurate power spectrum.
Parseval’s theorem [1,2] is a property of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) that...
FFT Interpolation Based on FFT Samples: A Detective Story With a Surprise Ending
This blog presents several interesting things I recently learned regarding the estimation of a spectral value located at a frequency lying between previously computed FFT spectral samples. My curiosity about this FFT interpolation process was triggered by reading a spectrum analysis paper written by three astronomers [1].
My fixation on one equation in that paper led to the creation of this blog.
The notion of FFT interpolation is straightforward to describe. That is, for example,...
Pulse Shaping in Single-Carrier Communication Systems
Some common conceptual hurdles for beginning communications engineers have to do with "Pulse Shaping" or the closely-related, even synonymous, topics of "matched filtering", "Nyquist filtering", "Nyquist pulse", "pulse filtering", "spectral shaping", etc. Some of the confusion comes from the use of terms like "matched filter" which has a broader meaning in the more general field of signal processing or detection theory. Likewise "Raised Cosine" has a different meaning or application in this...
Generating pink noise
In one of his most famous columns for Scientific American, Martin Gardner wrote about pink noise and its relation to fractal music. The article was based on a 1978 paper by Voss and Clarke, which presents, among other things, a simple algorithm for generating pink noise, also known as 1/f noise.
The fundamental idea of the algorithm is to add up several sequences of uniform random numbers that get updated at different rates. The first source gets updated at...
Frequency Dependence in Free Space Propagation
It seems to be fairly common knowledge, even among practicing professionals, that the efficiency of propagation of wireless signals is frequency dependent. Generally it is believed that lower frequencies are desirable since pathloss effects will be less than they would be at higher frequencies. As evidence of this, the Friis Transmission Equation[i] is often cited, the general form of which is usually written as:
Pr = Pt Gt Gr ( λ / 4πd )2 (1)
where the...
Linear-phase DC Removal Filter
This blog describes several DC removal networks that might be of interest to the readers.
Back in August 2007 there was a thread on the comp.dsp newsgroup concerning the process of removing the DC (zero Hz) component from a time-domain sequence [1]. Discussed in that thread was the notion of removing a signal's DC bias by subtracting the signal's moving average from that signal, as shown in Figure 1(a).
Figure 1.
At first I thought...
The Number 9, Not So Magic After All
This blog is not about signal processing. Rather, it discusses an interesting topic in number theory, the magic of the number 9. As such, this blog is for people who are charmed by the behavior and properties of numbers.
For decades I've thought the number 9 had tricky, almost magical, qualities. Many people feel the same way. I have a book on number theory, whose chapter 8 is titled "Digits — and the Magic of 9", that discusses all sorts of interesting mathematical characteristics of the...
Embedded Toolbox: Programmer's Calculator
Like any craftsman, I have accumulated quite a few tools during my embedded software development career. Some of them proved to me more useful than others. And these generally useful tools ended up in my Embedded Toolbox. In this blog, I'd like to share some of my tools with you. Today, I'd like to start with my cross-platform Programmer's Calculator called QCalc.
I'm sure that you already have your favorite calculator online or on your smartphone. But can your calculator accept...
An s-Plane to z-Plane Mapping Example
While surfing around the Internet recently I encountered the 's-plane to z-plane mapping' diagram shown in Figure 1. At first I thought the diagram was neat because it's a good example of the old English idiom: "A picture is worth a thousand words." However, as I continued to look at Figure 1 I began to detect what I believe are errors in the diagram.
Reader, please take a few moments to see if you detect any errors in Figure 1.
...Phase or Frequency Shifter Using a Hilbert Transformer
In this article, we’ll describe how to use a Hilbert transformer to make a phase shifter or frequency shifter. In either case, the input is a real signal and the output is a real signal. We’ll use some simple Matlab code to simulate these systems. After that, we’ll go into a little more detail on Hilbert transformer theory and design.
Phase ShifterA conceptual diagram of a phase shifter is shown in Figure 1, where the bold lines indicate complex...
Second Order Discrete-Time System Demonstration
Discrete-time systems are remarkable: the time response can be computed from mere difference equations, and the coefficients ai, bi of these equations are also the coefficients of H(z). Here, I try to illustrate this remarkableness by converting a continuous-time second-order system to an approximately equivalent discrete-time system. With a discrete-time model, we can then easily compute the time response to any input. But note that the goal here is as much to...
Do you like the new Comments System?
I have just finished implementing a new comments system for the blogs. Do you like it?
Please share your thoughts with me by adding a comment.
I'll wait a few days and make sure it works properly and then I'll port it to the code snippets and papers section.
DSP Papers, Articles, Theses, etc
As you may already know, there is a 'Papers and Theses' section on DSPRelated: are hundreds of DSP Related documents (articles, papers, theses, dissertations, etc) scattered all around the web, and the goal with this section is to find and list as many of those documents as possible in one place. There are, at the moment, a little over 100 documents listed, which I believe is only a small subset of what is available out there, and I need your help...
Code Snippets Suggestions
Despite being only a couple of months old, the Code Snippet section ( ) already contains tens of snippets, thanks to the contributors who have taken the time to share their code.
But let's not stop here - there is room for several hundreds more snippets before the database can be said to cover a decent portion of the DSP field.
To keep the momentum going, I will do two things:
First, I am modifying the rewards program. Instead of...
Latest DSP Books
As you may already know, Rick Lyons has just published a new edition of his highly acclaimed book: "Understanding Digital Signal Processing". This book has been getting very high ratings and positive reviews from the DSP community since the publication of the first edition. The 3rd edition seems to contain more than enough new material to justify replacing your old copy.
Also of possible interest to you, a new DSP book by C. Britton Rorabaugh titled "
Code Snippets Section Now LIVE
The new code sharing section is now live and can be accessed HERE.
Please take a few minutes to rate and/or comment the snippets that you have the expertise to judge.
If you think of some code snippets that you would like to share with the DSP community, please apply to become a contributor HERE.
If you are not aware of the reward program for contributors, your can learn about it HERE.
As always, your comments and suggestions are...
New Code Sharing Section & Reward Program for Contributors!
UPDATE (11/02/2010): The code section is now live.
UPDATE 2 (01/31/2011): The reward program has changed. A flat fee of $20 per code snippet submitted will now be paid.
I am very happy to finally announce the imminent launch of the new code sharing section. My vision for this new section is a rich library of high quality code snippets for the DSP community, from processor specific functions to Matlab or Scilab routines, from the simplest filter...
50,000th Member Announced!
In my last post, I wrote that was about to reach the 50,000 members mark. Well, I am very happy to announce that it happened during the holidays, and the lucky person is Charlie Tsai from Taiwan. Charlie is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Central University in Taiwan where he teaches the "Biomedical Signal Processing" class. He is also the advisor of the
Almost 50,000 Members!
I am very happy to announce that will reach the 50,000 registered members mark before the end of 2009. To celebrate this milestone, I will buy a BMW 5 to the 50,000th person to register (please make sure to confirm you email address to activate your registration). Please read the fine prints after the picture.
I am just having fun here and it's not even April's fool day. The 50,000th member won't get a BMW (I wish I could offer it!),...
DSPRelated faster than ever!
if you are visiting on a regular basis, you should observe that the site loads significantly faster in your browser than it used to, especially if you are in Europe or in Asia. The main reason for this is that I am now using Amazon's CloudFront service for the delivery of most static content on (images, javascripts, css). The cloudFront service automatically detects the location of a visitor and will deliver the static content from the server...
New Papers / Theses Section
The new 'Papers & Theses' section is now online: idea is to list and organize in one place as many DSP related dissertations (PhD & Masters) and papers/articles as possible.If you are the author of a thesis or paper and would like to have it listed on, please follow these steps:- Make sure that you are allowed to share the document online (copyright).- If you don't already have one, make a 'pdf' copy of your document. ...