
Do you like the new Comments System?

Stephane Boucher September 19, 20124 comments

I have just finished implementing a new comments system for the blogs.  Do you like it?

Please share your thoughts with me by adding a comment.

I'll wait a few days and make sure it works properly and then I'll port it to the code snippets and papers section.


DSP Papers, Articles, Theses, etc

Stephane Boucher March 17, 20111 comment

As you may already know, there is a 'Papers and Theses' section on DSPRelated:http://www.dsprelated.com/documents.phpThere are hundreds of DSP Related documents (articles, papers, theses, dissertations, etc) scattered all around the web, and the goal with this section is to find and list as many of those documents as possible in one place. There are, at the moment, a little over 100 documents listed, which I believe is only a small subset of what is available out there, and I need your help...

Code Snippets Suggestions

Stephane Boucher January 19, 20115 comments

Despite being only a couple of months old, the Code Snippet section ( DSPRelated.com/code.php ) already contains tens of snippets, thanks to the contributors who have taken the time to share their code. 

But let's not stop here - there is room for several hundreds more snippets before the database can be said to cover a decent portion of the DSP field.  

To keep the momentum going, I will do two things:  

First, I am modifying the rewards program.  Instead of...

Latest DSP Books

Stephane Boucher December 1, 2010

As you may already know, Rick Lyons has just published a new edition of his highly acclaimed book: "Understanding Digital Signal Processing".   This book has been getting very high ratings and positive reviews from the DSP community since the publication of the first edition.  The 3rd edition seems to contain more than enough new material to justify replacing your old copy.

Also of possible interest to you, a new DSP book by C. Britton Rorabaugh titled "

Code Snippets Section Now LIVE

Stephane Boucher November 2, 20101 comment

The new code sharing section is now live and can be accessed HERE.  

Please take a few minutes to rate and/or comment the snippets that you have the expertise to judge.

If you think of some code snippets that you would like to share with the DSP community, please apply to become a contributor HERE.

If you are not aware of the reward program for contributors, your can learn about it HERE.

As always, your comments and suggestions are...

New Code Sharing Section & Reward Program for Contributors!

Stephane Boucher October 15, 201012 comments

UPDATE (11/02/2010): The code section is now live.

UPDATE 2 (01/31/2011): The reward program has changed.  A flat fee of $20 per code snippet submitted will now be paid.  


I am very happy to finally announce the imminent launch of the new code sharing section.  My vision for this new section is a rich library of high quality code snippets for the DSP community, from processor specific functions to Matlab or Scilab routines, from the simplest filter...

50,000th Member Announced!

Stephane Boucher January 11, 2010

In my last post, I wrote that DSPRelated.com was about to reach the 50,000 members mark.  Well, I am very happy to announce that it happened during the holidays, and the lucky person is Charlie Tsai from Taiwan.  Charlie is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Central University in Taiwan where he teaches the "Biomedical Signal Processing" class.  He is also the advisor of the

Almost 50,000 Members!

Stephane Boucher November 26, 20091 comment

I am very happy to announce that DSPRelated.com will reach the 50,000 registered members mark before the end of 2009. To celebrate this milestone, I will buy a BMW 5 to the 50,000th person to register (please make sure to confirm you email address to activate your registration).  Please read the fine prints after the picture.

I am just having fun here and it's not even April's fool day.  The 50,000th member won't get a BMW (I wish I could offer it!),...

DSPRelated faster than ever!

Stephane Boucher March 2, 20094 comments

if you are visiting DSPRelated.com on a regular basis, you should observe that the site loads significantly faster in your browser than it used to, especially if you are in Europe or in Asia.  The main reason for this is that I am now using Amazon's CloudFront service for the delivery of most static content on DSPRelated.com (images, javascripts, css).   The cloudFront service automatically detects the location of a visitor and will deliver the static content from the server...

New Papers / Theses Section

Stephane Boucher March 21, 20081 comment

The new 'Papers & Theses' section is now online: http://www.dsprelated.com/documents.phpThe idea is to list and organize in one place as many DSP related dissertations (PhD & Masters) and papers/articles as possible.If you are the author of a thesis or paper and would like to have it listed on DSPRelated.com, please follow these steps:- Make sure that you are allowed to share the document online (copyright).- If you don't already have one, make a 'pdf' copy of your document. ...

The 2024 DSP Online Conference

Stephane Boucher July 10, 2024

We are very excited to announce that the DSP Online Conference is back this year for a fourth year in a row and will take place October 29, 30 and 31.

Unlike traditional DSP conferences, where most talks are highly specialized and tailored to researchers, our conference is designed to be accessible to a broader audience of DSP enthusiasts, from students and practicing engineers to hobbyists and DSP experts.

For this year's edition, we are aiming to provide a program that will be organized...

DSPRelated Finally on Twitter!

Stephane Boucher February 20, 20132 comments


It's been a while since you've heard from me - and there are many reasons why:

1 - I've made a clown of myself (video here)

2 - I've been working on unifying the user management system.  You can now participate to the three related sites (DSPRelated, FPGARelated and EmbeddedRelated) with only one account (same login info). 

3- I've been working on getting up to speed with social networks and especially Twitter.   I have resisted the idea for a while - at 40...

50,000th Member Announced!

Stephane Boucher January 11, 2010

In my last post, I wrote that DSPRelated.com was about to reach the 50,000 members mark.  Well, I am very happy to announce that it happened during the holidays, and the lucky person is Charlie Tsai from Taiwan.  Charlie is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Central University in Taiwan where he teaches the "Biomedical Signal Processing" class.  He is also the advisor of the

Latest DSP Books

Stephane Boucher December 1, 2010

As you may already know, Rick Lyons has just published a new edition of his highly acclaimed book: "Understanding Digital Signal Processing".   This book has been getting very high ratings and positive reviews from the DSP community since the publication of the first edition.  The 3rd edition seems to contain more than enough new material to justify replacing your old copy.

Also of possible interest to you, a new DSP book by C. Britton Rorabaugh titled "

Do you like the new Comments System?

Stephane Boucher September 19, 20124 comments

I have just finished implementing a new comments system for the blogs.  Do you like it?

Please share your thoughts with me by adding a comment.

I'll wait a few days and make sure it works properly and then I'll port it to the code snippets and papers section.


Code Snippets Suggestions

Stephane Boucher January 19, 20115 comments

Despite being only a couple of months old, the Code Snippet section ( DSPRelated.com/code.php ) already contains tens of snippets, thanks to the contributors who have taken the time to share their code. 

But let's not stop here - there is room for several hundreds more snippets before the database can be said to cover a decent portion of the DSP field.  

To keep the momentum going, I will do two things:  

First, I am modifying the rewards program.  Instead of...

New Papers / Theses Section

Stephane Boucher March 21, 20081 comment

The new 'Papers & Theses' section is now online: http://www.dsprelated.com/documents.phpThe idea is to list and organize in one place as many DSP related dissertations (PhD & Masters) and papers/articles as possible.If you are the author of a thesis or paper and would like to have it listed on DSPRelated.com, please follow these steps:- Make sure that you are allowed to share the document online (copyright).- If you don't already have one, make a 'pdf' copy of your document. ...

New Blog Section!

Stephane Boucher September 19, 20072 comments

By now, chances are you have noticed the new blogs section (you are actually in it right now!).

Following an email I sent to the members of the site, a few weeks ago, asking for dsp engineers willing to blog here, I received around 50 propositions. I have selected an initial set of 10 bloggers (that I will soon introduce into a seperate post) and I am currently in the process of creating their accounts. Markus and Parth have already...

Code Snippets Section Now LIVE

Stephane Boucher November 2, 20101 comment

The new code sharing section is now live and can be accessed HERE.  

Please take a few minutes to rate and/or comment the snippets that you have the expertise to judge.

If you think of some code snippets that you would like to share with the DSP community, please apply to become a contributor HERE.

If you are not aware of the reward program for contributors, your can learn about it HERE.

As always, your comments and suggestions are...

Almost 50,000 Members!

Stephane Boucher November 26, 20091 comment

I am very happy to announce that DSPRelated.com will reach the 50,000 registered members mark before the end of 2009. To celebrate this milestone, I will buy a BMW 5 to the 50,000th person to register (please make sure to confirm you email address to activate your registration).  Please read the fine prints after the picture.

I am just having fun here and it's not even April's fool day.  The 50,000th member won't get a BMW (I wish I could offer it!),...