
Do you like the new Comments System?

Stephane BoucherSeptember 19, 20124 comments

I have just finished implementing a new comments system for the blogs.  Do you like it?

Please share your thoughts with me by adding a comment.

I'll wait a few days and make sure it works properly and then I'll port it to the code snippets and papers section.


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Comment by swordrockSeptember 19, 2012
I am deeply amazed and profoundly affected by the new comment system. That's the best ever, i even tell my children about the day i've seen this comment system. Thanks you a lot for your effort
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Comment by stephanebSeptember 19, 2012
Hello swordrock! Thank you for taking the time to actually write something. You should receive an email notifying you that I have replied to your comment - one of the many improvements that come with this new system. Take care!
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Comment by stephanebSeptember 18, 2012
I think it looks much better than the old version - what do you think?
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Comment by cfeltonSeptember 19, 2012
The new comment system is very nice.

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