
Symbol Timing Recovery

Started by avi1987 9 years ago4 replieslatest reply 4 years ago605 views
Hi! I am trying to design the Symbol timing recovery(#STR) block of #DVBS Receiver. I have some difficulty in understanding some of the concepts of Gardner TED,...

Loop bandwidth for symbol timing recovery

Started by avi1987 9 years ago4 replieslatest reply 9 years ago591 views
Hi!I am trying to design the Symbol timing recovery(#STR) block of #DVBS Receiver. How should I chose the loop bandwidth and damping ratio for determining the...

Loop Filter Coefficients in Timing Recovery loop in Baseband Receiver

Started by avi1987 9 years ago2 replieslatest reply 9 years ago582 views
Hi!I am trying to design the Symbol timing recovery(#STR) block of #DVBS Receiver.  For reference, I am using the following matlab simulink design  (NDA timing...

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