
Avishek SinhaRoy (@avi1987)

Currently pursuing PhD in Electrical Engineering

Eye opening calculation

New thread started 7 years ago
I wrote a matlab code for RRC filtered #QPSK modulated signal. The eye diagram is plotted using object commscope.eyediagram. The analysis of the eye object gives...

Eye diagram

New thread started 8 years ago
I need to plot eye diagram for RRC filtered #QPSK modulated signal. The specifications are given as follows Sampling frequency : 1.024 MHz Symbol Rate : 256 Kbps...
In a digital communication receiver, matched filter(SRRC filter) is used. In different literatures, the location of the matched filter is mentioned in two different...

Acquisition Range of PLL

New thread started 8 years ago
How do one define acquisition range of #PLL?  What is its dependence on loop bandwidth?How acquisition range differ for discrete PLL instead of normal PLL?

Re: phase detector and vco gain

Reply posted 8 years ago (05/31/2016)
The proportional loop coefficient depends on the whole kokp term as an inverse proportion. So, if (koKp) has no dependence on Ts, then how the loop coefficient will...

phase detector and vco gain

New thread started 8 years ago
Hi!My question is regarding the design of timing recovery using gardner TED, where  kp and ko are the gains of  gardner TED and VCO respectively.My question is...

Re: Loop bandwidth for symbol timing recovery

Reply posted 8 years ago (05/27/2016)
Thanks for your reply.Could you kindly point to some useful literature regarding the locking of PLL particularly related to timing recovery. I have gone through...

Loop bandwidth for symbol timing recovery

New thread started 8 years ago
Hi!I am trying to design the Symbol timing recovery(#STR) block of #DVBS Receiver. How should I chose the loop bandwidth and damping ratio for determining the...
Thank you for the reply. I was referring the book  " Digital Communications- A discrete time approach" by Michael Rice for the loop filter design. A detailed analysis...
Hi!I am trying to design the Symbol timing recovery(#STR) block of #DVBS Receiver.  For reference, I am using the following matlab simulink design  (NDA timing...

Re: Symbol Timing Recovery

Reply posted 8 years ago (04/13/2016)
Thanks for your quick response.I am using a PI controller for the loop filter. I just skimmed though the documents mentioned in your post, specifically (b) and (c)...

Symbol Timing Recovery

New thread started 8 years ago
Hi! I am trying to design the Symbol timing recovery(#STR) block of #DVBS Receiver. I have some difficulty in understanding some of the concepts of Gardner TED,...

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