
A DSP Online Conference?

Started by stephaneb 4 years ago12 replieslatest reply 4 years ago432 views


The Embedded Online Conference went (and is still going) very well - lots of sessions (40+), registrations (6,000+) and positive feedback.

Next up, we have the IoT Online Conference scheduled for November and I am also currently considering squeezing-in a DSP Online Conference, possibly at the end of September.

But first, I want to get a measure of the interest for such an event with the DSPRelated community and I'd like to feel confident, before committing, that a minimum of 6 to 8 DSP experts would be interested in giving a talk (pre-recorded or live through Zoom) at the conference.

Please reply to this thread to share your thoughts and ideas, and maybe drop a name or two of DSP people that you think I should contact and offer a possible speaking spot.  Reach out directly if you'd like to give a talk and make sure to include in your message a few words about the topic you have in mind.      

Finally, I will be hosting a brainstorming session on Zoom this Thursday (07/02) at 11am EDT, for anyone in this community who'd like to take part in a live discussion about the eventual DSP Online Conference.  I will share the link to the meeting and the password in this forum on Thursday morning.

I hope to have gathered enough insights by the end of the week to make a decision.

Thanks a lot!


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Reply by enahmadJuly 4, 2020

Hi, I am no expert on DSP to give a talk, but I would definitely be interested in attending as a listener.

I am rather new to DSP, mainly from my interest in audio effects. I have read a few books and articles, and given an introductory course on the mathematics and physics behind audio effects and filter design (at undergraduate level, but using Fourier and Z transforms, and complex analysis, as one should).

So I would be very interested in listening to experts who assume that not all their listeners are experts.

Many thanks for the idea and proposal of the Conference.

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Reply by rbjJuly 4, 2020

in the olden days (8 to 16 years ago), there were two comp.dsp conferences.  i missed both of them.

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Reply by Tim WescottJuly 4, 2020

Me, too.

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Reply by stephanebJuly 4, 2020

And would you attend a virtual DSP conference in September?

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Reply by stephanebJuly 4, 2020

Robert, let me ask; would you possibly be interested in giving a talk at such an event?  Again, the conference would be online so no travel needed.

At the moment, there's Tim, Fred Harris, Allen Downey and a couple more people who've showed interest in giving talks, so you would be in good company...

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Reply by rbjJuly 4, 2020

sure i could be interested.  it would have to be audio DSP oriented.  effects or synthesis.

but i am not really working now, so i would have to dust something off.  also have to make a day-pass purchase of Powerpoint or something.  i don't think i have a working copy, but i did use PP to make something in 2017.

i wonder what a good topic would be?  how mathematical?  how practical?

maybe you might wanna contact JOS.

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Reply by Tim WescottJuly 4, 2020

"Nyquist didn't say that: Common misconceptions about sampling, and how to get the job done right".

If you're interested, and don't mind the fact that it'll be based on a paper that's been on my website since forever.

Based on dozens (it feels like hundreds) of misstatements on USENET and later the Internet starting with "Nyquist says..."  I still answer questions about the Nyquist rate by sending a link to the paper.

I'm working for a startup, so if I can make it it's best done in Zoom, but if I'm too busy I can pre-record just in case.

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Reply by stephanebJuly 4, 2020

Would be a great talk, thanks for proposing it.  I'll be in touch if the conference materializes.  Thanks again Tim!

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Reply by Tim77July 4, 2020

Yes! Talks on fundamentals are always welcomed IMHO. 

Tim Young, Ph.D.

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Reply by woodpeckerJuly 4, 2020

One topic I would particularly like to see covered is parallel processing in DSP.

Related to techniques, algorithms, hardware, use of MPI (Message Passing Interface) etc

Anyone agree ?

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Reply by DaniloDaraJuly 4, 2020

Definitely a great idea.
But, I propose that the call for speakers should come after a more strategic decision - i.e. which hot topics to cover.

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Reply by stephanebJuly 4, 2020

Hi @DaniloDara,

thanks for the comment, makes sense.  One advantage of asking for talk proposals early is to shape the conference to match the current inspiration of potential speakers.  Let's see where this leads.