Danilo Dara (@DaniloDara)
My humble opinion - the toolchain and libraries will make the difference.If you opt for setting up your own board you are nowhere without a compiler, a smart debugger,...
What about DSPic from Microchip?There are several versions easy to solder.You can eve find some DIP Cus
Definitely a great idea.But, I propose that the call for speakers should come after a more strategic decision - i.e. which hot topics to cover.
This is the documentation of a Fixed Point package that I have created some years ago.It describes power of 10 - but the things are correlated.It is based on the...
Well yes, I got 40-45 dB attenuation (different performances at different frequencies) but there was a lot of effort on linearity compensation.I guess that the non-linearity...
Hi the "double talk detection" approach is not that appealing to me, looks like a kind of workaround solution and does not focus on the very nature of the problem.-15/-20dB...
It seems to me that you are either underestimating the complexity of your specifications, or overestimating what Digital Signal Processing can do for you.
This is not clear, Kam."Effective" in doing what?I could guess that you are talking about equalization.I mean - frequency response equalization and phase composition.Do...
SOLA is a method that works fine, and is based on individuation of so-called EPOCHS - which are more or less the lowest frequency repetitive time period which comes...
IMHO, if the system is not real time, or there is processing power enough, rough cross correlation with no prior pre processing is more powerful.(provided that no...
hiI am not sure what your request actually means.1) what is your current level of understanding - what kind of suggestions do you need?2) what is your comment about...
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