
How tthe TMS320C6711 work?

Started by than...@yahoo.com in TMS320c6x16 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am Hieu, I am studying about TMS320C6711, I understand well about how to create a project but how the TMS320C6711 work? I can not find out...

Hi, I am Hieu, I am studying about TMS320C6711, I understand well about how to create a project but how the TMS320C6711 work? I can not find out any guide in CCS's help. Please help me! _____________________________________

Questions About THS1206 and TMS320C6711 DSK

Started by jongyoub in TMS320c6x18 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am Jongyoub Ryu in Korea. I am studing about THS1206 and TMS320C6711 DSK. I want to collect 4-channel data for THS1206 on TMS320C6711...

Hi, I am Jongyoub Ryu in Korea. I am studing about THS1206 and TMS320C6711 DSK. I want to collect 4-channel data for THS1206 on TMS320C6711 DSK. So I found a document "slaa210.pdf(Getting started with the data converter plug-in)". I can know how to use THS1206 on TMS320C6711 DSK in this document and generate codes about them. But I think that it is not sufficient because I can n...

how to generate 64kbps voice signal using AD535 and TMS320C6711

Started by liena_miracle in TMS320c6x21 years ago 4 replies

hi all, i just started my experiment using TMS320C6711 and i 'm first time user using this components. i have assigned to input...

hi all, i just started my experiment using TMS320C6711 and i 'm first time user using this components. i have assigned to input 64kbps througg TMS320C6711.Can you all give an idea how to generate this siganl, and how i can get the example of source code. thank you

Using TMS320C6711 McBSPs and CCS 2.10

Started by smprzemek in TMS320c6x22 years ago

Hello, I have a problem with using McBSPs TMS320C6711 as a high speed communication ports (I'm trying to do as it was described...

Hello, I have a problem with using McBSPs TMS320C6711 as a high speed communication ports (I'm trying to do as it was described in spra455A). I would like to connect McBSPs of TMS320C6711 starter kit with my FPGA (programmable logic device). I'm working with CCS 2.1.

Transfering image from target device to host(TMS320C6711)

Started by karu...@yahoo.co.in in TMS320c6x19 years ago

I am using TMS320C6711 .can u help me, how to transfer the capturing image from DSP board to computer and method also.....

I am using TMS320C6711 .can u help me, how to transfer the capturing image from DSP board to computer and method also.....

TMS320C6711 DSK board and TLV320AIC23 EVM board

Started by us_haw_hh in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hello, I am new to this subject and got a PCM3003 EVM board to work with out TMS320C6711 DSK board. Now, I bought a...

Hello, I am new to this subject and got a PCM3003 EVM board to work with out TMS320C6711 DSK board. Now, I bought a TLV320AIC23 EVM board which I want to use together with the TMS320C6711 DSK board to route signals from 1) ... analog in to analog out via DACs

Transfering image from target device to host(TMS320C6711)

Started by karu...@yahoo.co.in in TMS320c6x19 years ago 1 reply

I am using TMS320C6711 .can u help me, how to transfer the capturing image from DSP board to computer and method also.....

I am using TMS320C6711 .can u help me, how to transfer the capturing image from DSP board to computer and method also.....

regarding seletion of a apllication in networking by using tms320c6711

Started by madhu_gate05 in TMS320c6x18 years ago

hi, this is madhu new to this group doing MS in dsp.i wish do my one year project work on dsp processor(tms320c6711) which is available in our...

hi, this is madhu new to this group doing MS in dsp.i wish do my one year project work on dsp processor(tms320c6711) which is available in our lab.so iam requesting u to suggest me a good application in networking field with the available resources. thanks in advance

TMS320C6711 DSK for sale

Started by Nalin Pithwa in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hello, I have a TMS320C6711 DSP starter kit which I would like to sell off. It has CCS 2.1 alongwith it an Indian power cord. ...

Hello, I have a TMS320C6711 DSP starter kit which I would like to sell off. It has CCS 2.1 alongwith it an Indian power cord. I had bought for it Rs. 25000 (including import duty) about a few months back from a local TI Distributor (ARROW electronics). I am based in Bom

Read a WAV file on a tms320c6711

Started by in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hello ! I am looking for a program to read a wav file with a tms320c6711 board. The file comes from the host PC and then...

Hello ! I am looking for a program to read a wav file with a tms320c6711 board. The file comes from the host PC and then is ouptput with the audio output. Can you help me ? Thanks. Loic

writing c code to TMS320C6711

Started by naveen_anne in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hi all, I have my code in c ready and I am required to implement it in the TMS320C6711 board. My c code deals with the image...

Hi all, I have my code in c ready and I am required to implement it in the TMS320C6711 board. My c code deals with the image processing and digital watermarking. I am a rookie with this board and dont have any idea where to start and where to end. I request all of you to kindly

TMS320C6711 + CMOS colour image sensor

Started by fasmatikos in TMS320c6x20 years ago

Hi guys, Can you please help me with this project? I 'm currenrly trying to interface the omnivision 7620 CMOS colour image...

Hi guys, Can you please help me with this project? I 'm currenrly trying to interface the omnivision 7620 CMOS colour image sensor with the TI DSP TMS320C6711. I think that I have to built the I2C intrface to an FPGA or somethink like that ... Does any of you have any ideas about what should I do? waiting for any reply than

Urgent :help

Started by mahmoud EL-Tahawy in TMS320c6x18 years ago 1 reply

Hi I want to ask if i can interface the MMC to McBSP in the TMS320C6711 DSK and if it could be done , how ? plz if any one know any source for...

Hi I want to ask if i can interface the MMC to McBSP in the TMS320C6711 DSK and if it could be done , how ? plz if any one know any source for providing some information about that , mail me Thanks in advance Mahmoud --------------------------------- Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels in 45,000 destinations on Yahoo! Travel to find your fit.

speech coding on TMS320c6711 DSK - help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by Vignesh Krishnan in TMS320c6x22 years ago 1 reply

Dear C6x enthusiasts, We are interested in doing speech coding namely LPC 10 using the TMS320C6711 DSK. We are novices and have...

Dear C6x enthusiasts, We are interested in doing speech coding namely LPC 10 using the TMS320C6711 DSK. We are novices and have never used a DSP microprocessor before. We are using Code Composer Studio ver 2.1 . We have written all the necessary routines required for doin

Getting started with Ti TMS320c6711 : how to simulate FFT and IFFT on ccs

Started by dukke3d in TMS320c6x19 years ago

Hello I'm starting to work with Texas's DSP and I'm trying to run an emulation (with code composer studio) of Ti TMS320c6711. In particular ...

Hello I'm starting to work with Texas's DSP and I'm trying to run an emulation (with code composer studio) of Ti TMS320c6711. In particular i want to simulate an FFT and an iFFT using functions in DSPlib. I've seen the texas libraries in spra657 (i wish to use DSPF_sp_cfftr4_dif function ) but I need to understand how to use them, expecially how to pass them

Stand alone applicaiton for TMS320c6711 DSK

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c6x22 years ago

Hi , I want to make a stand alone application for TMS320C6711 DSK for my project demonstration . Do I have to use TI specific...

Hi , I want to make a stand alone application for TMS320C6711 DSK for my project demonstration . Do I have to use TI specific libraries to handle DSK or i should write my own driver(in windows) ,execute code on DSK and get results back.am using cross development platform using GNU c

Do you know 'loop_intr_pcm' sample from R.Chassaing?

Started by holita2001es in TMS320c6x22 years ago

Hi! As i posted in my previous message, i'm programing a TMS320C6711 dsp with an audio PCM3003 card. My program is similar to...

Hi! As i posted in my previous message, i'm programing a TMS320C6711 dsp with an audio PCM3003 card. My program is similar to 'loop_intr_pcm' sample, who is included in the 'DSP applications using C and TMS320C6711' cdrom, from R.Chassaing. What i want to to is to include

tms320c6711 and ths1206evm

Started by Gianmarco Rossi in TMS320c6x19 years ago

hi to everybody, I am working with the dsp TMS320C6711 DSK and with the card of acquisition ths1206evm. My problem is that I don't succeed in...

hi to everybody, I am working with the dsp TMS320C6711 DSK and with the card of acquisition ths1206evm. My problem is that I don't succeed in acquiring in independent way the channels AINM and AINP. How can I resolve this problem?? Thanks to everybody and good job hi

Display of bmp image on TMS320C6711

Started by er_narin in TMS320c6x20 years ago 3 replies

Hello ! I am trying to display an image on TMS320C6711 processor.I am not able to display the image properly. Infact I am...

Hello ! I am trying to display an image on TMS320C6711 processor.I am not able to display the image properly. Infact I am getting sometimes three images of input image or I am getting some small portion of the input image. The code I am trying out is #incl

THS1206evm and TMS320C6711 - pwm control

Started by smprzemek in TMS320c6x22 years ago

Hello, I'm a student of the University in Zielona G?ra in Poland. I have a little problem with using plug-in software for...

Hello, I'm a student of the University in Zielona G?ra in Poland. I have a little problem with using plug-in software for THS1206evm. I wrote very simple program using THS1206evm with TMS320C6711 (under CCS 1.23) which does pwm control In this program I compare triangle