
EDMA Problem

Started by troylu64 in TMS320c6x20 years ago

I am using C6711 to collect data from THS1206 A/D converter. THS1206 is at CE2 space. THS1206's FIFO trigger level is set at...

I am using C6711 to collect data from THS1206 A/D converter. THS1206 is at CE2 space. THS1206's FIFO trigger level is set at 12 and the FIFO full signal is connected t C6711's INT4. EMIF configuration for CE2 is set as 16-bits Async Space. When I fetch THS1206

Questions About THS1206 and TMS320C6711 DSK

Started by jongyoub in TMS320c6x18 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I am Jongyoub Ryu in Korea. I am studing about THS1206 and TMS320C6711 DSK. I want to collect 4-channel data for THS1206 on TMS320C6711...

Hi, I am Jongyoub Ryu in Korea. I am studing about THS1206 and TMS320C6711 DSK. I want to collect 4-channel data for THS1206 on TMS320C6711 DSK. So I found a document "slaa210.pdf(Getting started with the data converter plug-in)". I can know how to use THS1206 on TMS320C6711 DSK in this document and generate codes about them. But I think that it is not sufficient because I can n...

C6711 and THS1206

Started by trutano in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hi, I have recently adquired a THS1206 Daughter Card. I have a C6711 DSK. I know about DSP (theory) but not that much about...

Hi, I have recently adquired a THS1206 Daughter Card. I have a C6711 DSK. I know about DSP (theory) but not that much about hardware. I tried to look for programs or information on the web, but I cannot find programs for the THS1206 and the C6711 DSK. Can someone s

Interfacing THS1206

Started by carlos_gbgt in TMS320c6x23 years ago 1 reply

Hi all. I am looging for information or documentation about how to interface the TMS320C6211 board (parallel port) with the...

Hi all. I am looging for information or documentation about how to interface the TMS320C6211 board (parallel port) with the THS1206(ADC) Carlos A. Gutierrez. Bogota.

Questions about interfacing Ths1206 ADC from DSK6711

Started by steven9316 in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hi, I am doing my thesis work on DSK6711 and have a problem to interface the daughterboard THS1206 ADC. I failed to write some...

Hi, I am doing my thesis work on DSK6711 and have a problem to interface the daughterboard THS1206 ADC. I failed to write some data into the daughter board. I set the EMIF_CE2 to 0xFFFFFF23 (32-bit Asynchronous). However, I am not sure how many bits shift I need. I try many cas

Example program for TMS320C6701 EVM & THS1206 EVM

Started by mit_ukm in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Dear all, I need some example of program for TMS320C6701 EVM & THS1206 EVM. Program in C, MATLAB & LabVIEW. Please help me. ...

Dear all, I need some example of program for TMS320C6701 EVM & THS1206 EVM. Program in C, MATLAB & LabVIEW. Please help me. Thanks.

RE: Interfacing THS1206

Started by nash...@hotmail.com in TMS320c6x18 years ago

Hi, I've read your post up. I'm trying to do the same thing. If possible, can you give me some sample code for that. Your help is greatly...

Hi, I've read your post up. I'm trying to do the same thing. If possible, can you give me some sample code for that. Your help is greatly appreciated. Regards, Nash > > > > Hi Carlos, > > Have a look at the following site location... > > http://focus.ti.com/docs/tool/toolfolder.jhtml;$sessionid$50A3GO2JEZXKLQC1JA > KBF2Q?PartNumber=THS1206EVM > > Here you find the

TI's THS1206 EVM daughtercard

Started by steven9316 in TMS320c6x21 years ago

Hi, I am a student. I got some interfacing problems. I have been generated some sample code form CCS V2,0 by using ??tool...

Hi, I am a student. I got some interfacing problems. I have been generated some sample code form CCS V2,0 by using ??tool ->data converter support?? option. They are , ??dc_conf.h , t1206_fn.h, tidc_api.h, t1206_ob.c and tidc_api.c??. as attached files.

6711DSK/CCS3/THS1206 - Strange Behaviour

Started by niall_rockets in TMS320c6x17 years ago 2 replies

Hi all, I'll try to avoid this being the typical 'I'm a student, help me, urgent' type thread... So, some background to my problem. I'm...

Hi all, I'll try to avoid this being the typical 'I'm a student, help me, urgent' type thread... So, some background to my problem. I'm developing a fairly simple control program on a 6711 DSK using CCS 3.1. For my application, the 6711 is far from ideal (lacking inbuilt ADC, PWM or GPIO), but I 'inherited' the DSK and unlike the 'F243/XDS510 I tried, it was able to connect it to the PC...

Re: dsk6713+ths1206+data converter plugin

Started by Michael Dunn in TMS320c6x17 years ago

drivig1977, On 12/14/07, d...@yahoo.es wrote: > > Hi. > > I'm trying to connect my dsk6713 to a THS1206EVM through a 5-6k...

drivig1977, On 12/14/07, d...@yahoo.es wrote: > > Hi. > > I'm trying to connect my dsk6713 to a THS1206EVM through a 5-6k board. > I've followed the slaa210a.pdf document but I couldn't get anything. The > jumpers of the boards are in their default position except for the one of > the 5-6k board that chooses timer 1 for the conversion clock. > > The data converter plu

Problems with C6711DSK and EDMA transfer

Started by Juan Torres in TMS320c6x21 years ago 8 replies

Hi c6x Group, I am working with the C6711 DSK (150 MHz clock) and a THS1206 Daughter Board, which has 4 channels and a ...

Hi c6x Group, I am working with the C6711 DSK (150 MHz clock) and a THS1206 Daughter Board, which has 4 channels and a maximum sampling frequency of 6 MSPS for the 4 channels. I was able to produce a code to acquire data from this ADC for 4 channels with sampling frequen

Debugging questions for the C6711

Started by trutano in TMS320c6x21 years ago 2 replies

Hi, I am using the C6711 DSK with a THS1206 Daughter card (ADC with sampling rate up to 6Msps). Currently, my sampling...

Hi, I am using the C6711 DSK with a THS1206 Daughter card (ADC with sampling rate up to 6Msps). Currently, my sampling frequency is 100kHz. To perform the data acquisition, I am using an EDMA Channel (configured a channel and a reload) to transfer the data continously fr

Re: [NDO NEWT] [SPAM] (Re: 6711DSK/CCS3/THS1206 - Strange Behaviour)

Started by Michael Dunn in TMS320c6x17 years ago 1 reply

Niall, On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Niall Oswald wrote: > Michael Dunn wrote: > > Hello Niall, > > > > > > ...

Niall, On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Niall Oswald wrote: > Michael Dunn wrote: > > Hello Niall, > > > > > > Inconsistent behavior is often a symptom of a memory related problem. > > If the problem varies from build to build after making minor changes, > > you might have a memory alignment problem or variable initialization > > problem. > > > > You did

ADC THS1206EVM on C6711DSK in Single Conversion Mode

Started by diethelmk in TMS320c6x23 years ago

Hello, I have problem with the ADC THS1206 in Single Conversion Mode. The converted values are not constant - they have a range...

Hello, I have problem with the ADC THS1206 in Single Conversion Mode. The converted values are not constant - they have a range of about 28 to 52 digits (depending on the channel). In Continuous Conversion Mode all works fine with a range of 5 digits over 1 million values each

data bit rate

Started by daniel lusef in TMS320c6x19 years ago

Dear all, I am using 6711 DSP of speed 150MHz. I sample my analog data by THS1206 ADC board whose specificatoin is 12 bit 1.5 MHz per...

Dear all, I am using 6711 DSP of speed 150MHz. I sample my analog data by THS1206 ADC board whose specificatoin is 12 bit 1.5 MHz per channel. May i know how to calculte the data rate per second in my DSP. Any help regardring this is appreciatted. Regards Daniel