

Started by Emilia Ibba in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello, I have a TMS320C5402 DSK and I?m using CCS 1.21. I have to program my filter function in C and I'd like to compare my...

Hello, I have a TMS320C5402 DSK and I?m using CCS 1.21. I have to program my filter function in C and I'd like to compare my results with those of dsplib functions. But, when I try to call a dsplib-function from C, I get only zeroes in the output. What is the corre

SOS: C5402 DSK board requires some assistance

Started by drmdodd in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Could someone me understand how the C5402 dsk board works, and give me an indication how to use the dsplib files. I have tried...

Could someone me understand how the C5402 dsk board works, and give me an indication how to use the dsplib files. I have tried searching for the dsplib for the C5402, but only find the files for the 549. I have assume, naively, that the dsplib is the same as that necessary for the C5

DSPLIB and ST-BUS interrupts problem

Started by m_mo...@yahoo.com in TMS320c54x14 years ago 2 replies

Dear all I have a problem with DSPlib for tms320VC5416 chip. I use POWER function from dsplib library to calculate the sum of sqrs of an input...

Dear all I have a problem with DSPlib for tms320VC5416 chip. I use POWER function from dsplib library to calculate the sum of sqrs of an input array. It was ok until I add ST-BUS support to the project. I get input data from ulaw codecs with sampling rate of 8000 sample per second. Because ST-BUS consists of 32 channels, it interrupts my chip 256000 times in a second. But adding ST-BU...


Started by Emilia Ibba in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello, I've already read the document spra480 and its recent version spra518, But I did not found something helpful for...

Hello, I've already read the document spra480 and its recent version spra518, But I did not found something helpful for my case. Please find in attachement some of my simple project for test the dsplib function: can you tell me where is the error? th

Dsplib problems

Started by Fernando Santos Varela in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello! I'm trying to use the convol() function of the dsplib from Texas and the restult I get doesn't match the one the I get from...

Hello! I'm trying to use the convol() function of the dsplib from Texas and the restult I get doesn't match the one the I get from my imprementation of this function wich is correct according to my calculations using the Matlab. I wonder if any body knows has used that function and i

dsplib rifft: can't get it working

Started by lolo_mk1 in TMS320c54x20 years ago

Hi, I've read past posts on this topic but I can't make the dsplib inverse fft work properly. I put it in a 360Hz sine wave @ 8kHz...

Hi, I've read past posts on this topic but I can't make the dsplib inverse fft work properly. I put it in a 360Hz sine wave @ 8kHz sampling rate. I get the desired spike in the magnitude spectrum via cbrev(*in, *out, FFTORDER/2); rfft1024(*out, 1); //my little magnituding finding function goes here so I'm sure thats

Problem with memory alignment for DSPLIB

Started by in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi! I want to use the fir function of the dsplib on a DSK5416 and have a question about circular buffers and memory alignment....

Hi! I want to use the fir function of the dsplib on a DSK5416 and have a question about circular buffers and memory alignment. As far as I know it is possible to do it this way: 1. Use some "#pragma DATA_SECTION" command in the C++ code. 2. Use so

RFFT from dsplib not working...

Started by pet_dsp in TMS320c54x20 years ago 3 replies

Hello everybody, I am wondering if any experts here could help solve my problems with using rfft (routine from TI's dsplib)...

Hello everybody, I am wondering if any experts here could help solve my problems with using rfft (routine from TI's dsplib) on a 5402 DSP. Here is my scenario, Codec --> DMA (block size = 256 samples) --> CPU (do 256-pt FFT) --> see results by plot

problems with fft routines in the dsplib of the dsk 5402

Started by radato1 in TMS320c54x23 years ago

hi, i am implementing a simple program on the dsk 5402, which involves a fourier transform. Reading the application notes i...

hi, i am implementing a simple program on the dsk 5402, which involves a fourier transform. Reading the application notes i have found out that there are some functions in the dsplib that do the hard work ('rfft256' and 'cbrev' for example). When i have test

Re: problem about dsplib real fft

Started by Vasudev Nayak in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hi James, Try using unpacki before calling the cbrev as rifft takes in real input. VN _________________ > > Message: 2 >...

Hi James, Try using unpacki before calling the cbrev as rifft takes in real input. VN _________________ > > Message: 2 > Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 12:37:56 -0000 > From: "jamesztyou" <> > Subject: Q: problem about dsplib real

Re: Code Composer: symbol undefined "convol" (Dsplib.h was already

Started by Guilherme Martinhon in TMS320c54x18 years ago

Hello Dexter and people of the group, I?ve just seen your email about the convol function. I?m now with the same problem, my results don?t do...

Hello Dexter and people of the group, I?ve just seen your email about the convol function. I?m now with the same problem, my results don?t do any sense with the theory nor the Matlab. I?ve just do a test, and if I change the convol function by the corr_raw function (that do the correlation, basically a convolution), it works good. And the dsplib.h are on the header. Did you resolve your problem...

Align data

Started by Guilherme Martinhon in TMS320c54x19 years ago

TMS320C54x DSP DevelopersHello people! Could somebody send me a step-by-step about how to align data to use some functions of DSPlib? If...

TMS320C54x DSP DevelopersHello people! Could somebody send me a step-by-step about how to align data to use some functions of DSPlib? If somebody works with the FFT/IFFT functions os C5416 DSPlib and could send the code to me, I?ll be thank you. Thanks a lot. Guilherme

About FFT ( using dsplib )

Started by ykm67111 in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

I am using TI TMSC5402 DSK and dsplib V2.1 now. My problem is I can't get the correct FFT values. But I can't find what is wrong? ...

I am using TI TMSC5402 DSK and dsplib V2.1 now. My problem is I can't get the correct FFT values. But I can't find what is wrong? I test a 16 point float point data. Ex: float A[16]={0.001,0.002,0.003,0.004, 0.005,0.006,0.007,0.008, 0.009,0.010,0.011,0.012, 0.

Will the new C54x DSPLIB (dec. 99) include 32bits Real FFTs?

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x25 years ago

Does anybody know the contents of the new DSPLIB for C54x?. We have been able to get some routines from this library. This...

Does anybody know the contents of the new DSPLIB for C54x?. We have been able to get some routines from this library. This inlcudes 32bits FFT routines. We have managed to get these up running. However, the code would be more efficient if we used Real FFT instead.

size of FFT code from DSPLIB

Started by wei_wen_dai in TMS320c54x23 years ago 4 replies

Hi all, I am using the cfft and rfft functions from the TI's DSPLIB. It is mentioned in TI's App Notes (SPRU518) that the code...

Hi all, I am using the cfft and rfft functions from the TI's DSPLIB. It is mentioned in TI's App Notes (SPRU518) that the code size of both functions is about 370 words (plus anoth 360 words for the sintab). However, my output code size increases by nearly 5K if I use on

convolution function (convol) in dsplib

Started by nayakam in TMS320c54x22 years ago

DSK used : TMS320VC5416 DSK software version: code composer studio 'c5416 ver 2.10.05 Hello everybody, I would be grateful if...

DSK used : TMS320VC5416 DSK software version: code composer studio 'c5416 ver 2.10.05 Hello everybody, I would be grateful if somebody can suggest about the convol function in dsplib used for the convolution process. The convol function syntax given in the examples provi

Problem with dsplib IIR function and MATLAB fdatool

Started by starbak in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hi! My friend and I decided to taste a little bit of DSP programming. We are doing a project (simple vocoder) on TMS320C5402...

Hi! My friend and I decided to taste a little bit of DSP programming. We are doing a project (simple vocoder) on TMS320C5402 DSK board using Code Composer Studio 1.22. We wanna use IIR filter function provided in the dsplib, and MATLAB's fdatool to calculate filter coeficients

Code Composer: symbol undefined "convol" (Dsplib.h was already imported)

Started by mydexterj in TMS320c54x18 years ago 1 reply

I'm having a problem with using the convol function of the dsplib.h because every time I build my project in CCS it would note that the symbol...

I'm having a problem with using the convol function of the dsplib.h because every time I build my project in CCS it would note that the symbol convol is undefined. why is so? Is there something wrong on how I called the convol function? Are my input parameters right? Are there any more problems that you can find in code? Here is a portion of my codes where I called the convol function:...

Problems using Dsplib

Started by Torgeir Jakobsen in TMS320c54x25 years ago

Hi   I have a small program where I use some of the functions from the TMS320C54x DSPLIB

Hi   I have a small program where I use some of the functions from the TMS320C54x DSPLIB

atan2_16 problem

Started by slang7slang7 in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hello, My name is Sung Ho, Kim in Korea of south. I have a problem of DSPLIB atan2_16 using. I need your help. I = Q...

Hello, My name is Sung Ho, Kim in Korea of south. I have a problem of DSPLIB atan2_16 using. I need your help. I = Q (both LT 0x4000) , result is not correct sometimes. Do you have solution this atan2_16 function. Please help me.