
problem with rfft

Started by satish_tvs in TMS320c54x23 years ago

hello, i was not able to use rfft and rifft functions provided in dsplib. They are not giving correct results. cfft and cifft...

hello, i was not able to use rfft and rifft functions provided in dsplib. They are not giving correct results. cfft and cifft are working fine. please let me know how to use them or any error is there in the functions itself. satish


Started by Sivaram Yadavalli in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

hi there, i am rather new to code composer studio V2. i want to calculate the fft of an array. i saw that there were some...

hi there, i am rather new to code composer studio V2. i want to calculate the fft of an array. i saw that there were some C-callable functions in dsplib and tried to use the same. there were two problems: 1) cbrev does not seem to be working fine. i had to write my own code for bit


Started by SACHIN JAIN in TMS320c54x23 years ago 1 reply

hi friends, i am using dsk5402 and CCS 2.0 for a real time application and i have to calculate fft. problem 1: i write...

hi friends, i am using dsk5402 and CCS 2.0 for a real time application and i have to calculate fft. problem 1: i write code to configure codec and i used dsplib functions(cbrev and rfft) i have included all related files, then it gives me error:

math/trigonometric functions frm dsplib

Started by nayakam in TMS320c54x22 years ago 1 reply

Hello Everybody, I was hoping that some of you might have faced a similar problem as I am facing currently and would help me by...

Hello Everybody, I was hoping that some of you might have faced a similar problem as I am facing currently and would help me by giving some possible solutions. Here is a portion of my code "program.c" ********** #include "dsk5416.h"

FIR implementation

Started by ruben_krull in TMS320c54x22 years ago

Hello, I am trying to implement a digital equalizer on the C5416 DSK as part of my university project. My approach to the...

Hello, I am trying to implement a digital equalizer on the C5416 DSK as part of my university project. My approach to the problem is to use the audio example in the BIOS folder and the dsplib fir instruction. However, I am not getting any output. The audio example works

FIR filter using optimized C

Started by droy_syd in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Hi, As I am new to dsk 5402 and trying to understand how the fir filter alogorithm is implemented. As far as dsplib.h file has...

Hi, As I am new to dsk 5402 and trying to understand how the fir filter alogorithm is implemented. As far as dsplib.h file has only the function defined for fir. It does not indicate where the code is actually located. Will it be possible to know how the code is written

cfft with C5402

Started by Anonymous in TMS320c54x24 years ago

Hi, I have some problems while using the CFFT and CIFFT functions in the DSPLIB. It works well with the C5402 DSK board but when I...

Hi, I have some problems while using the CFFT and CIFFT functions in the DSPLIB. It works well with the C5402 DSK board but when I uses that function on my actual prototype board, the interrupt stops working after the first loop. I can't take in new input with out that interrup

problem using cfft_32 on TMS320C5416

Started by rabogoss in TMS320c54x20 years ago 2 replies

Hello e'bdy I'm using the cfft_32 from the dsplib and I don't why it doesn't work as it should be. Can anybody help me? ...

Hello e'bdy I'm using the cfft_32 from the dsplib and I don't why it doesn't work as it should be. Can anybody help me? here is the part of my code, I'va red all the documents about how top use this function and I think my code is right. I don't understand why

FFT , IFFT and DSPlib

Started by Curl in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello .. I'm not a C programmer, and i have little experience in this langage. I'd like to ask a question to people who use the...

Hello .. I'm not a C programmer, and i have little experience in this langage. I'd like to ask a question to people who use the dsp library. To perform an FFT followed by an Inverse FFT, I implement in assembly language a "packing fft algorithm" The input, x(n)

Anybody used rfft() from dsplib?

Started by the_believer_1976 in TMS320c54x21 years ago

Good morning, does anyone have C code using cbrev() and rfft() functions of DSP lib? I have noticed that the example given...

Good morning, does anyone have C code using cbrev() and rfft() functions of DSP lib? I have noticed that the example given in \examples\rfft, referred on SPRU518C, page 4-69, calls rfft() right after calling cbrev(). There is something wrong here, as cbrev(

Using dlms routine of dsplib

Started by Marlo Flores in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hello all, I am implementing the adaptive lms filter routine on C5402 with CCS 2.1. I wrote my own code and simulations with...

Hello all, I am implementing the adaptive lms filter routine on C5402 with CCS 2.1. I wrote my own code and simulations with this indicate that my code works fine. However, it could not work in real time for size of filter that goes beyond 200. So I tried to use the adapt

How to call c function

Started by Atanu Guchhait in TMS320c54x24 years ago 3 replies

Hi, i have a problem in calling 54x DSPLIB functions from assembly functions. I want to know that how to call C functions from...

Hi, i have a problem in calling 54x DSPLIB functions from assembly functions. I want to know that how to call C functions from Assembly module without main() in the C function. regards atanu --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Re: size of FFT function from DSPLIB

Started by wei_wen_dai in TMS320c54x23 years ago

Hi all, Thanks for all the replies to my question. I just realized that the problem was caused by the setting to the debug...

Hi all, Thanks for all the replies to my question. I just realized that the problem was caused by the setting to the debug mode (full debug info, no opt) of the project configuration in CCS V2.0. After I switched the project configuration to the release mode (no debug in

Converting q31 format to q15

Started by gmar...@aluno.feis.unesp.br in TMS320c54x18 years ago 2 replies

Hello! Does someone knows how to convert a q31 value to a q15 value? I=B4m=20=20 doing a power of a vector, using the power function od...

Hello! Does someone knows how to convert a q31 value to a q15 value? I=B4m=20=20 doing a power of a vector, using the power function od DSPLib, but the=20=20 results is on q31 format. After, I need to do a sum, but the add=20=20 function only accept q15 values. Could anyone help me? Thanks a lot, Guilherme =20

Re: Digest Number 629

Started by Soumit Mukherjee in TMS320c54x21 years ago 1 reply

Hi KT, You can do that , all u have to do add the source files in your Project. Source files are usually available with the dsplib...

Hi KT, You can do that , all u have to do add the source files in your Project. Source files are usually available with the dsplib , lookint source directory withing dsp lib. You can extract from the rts.lib itself. command is c\ti\c5400\cgtools\bin:> ar500 -x rts.lib < functio

dsplib filter doubt

Started by Siva Anne in TMS320c54x16 years ago

hi all, I just want to implement a iir filter on 5416 dsk for i implementing lpc10 vocoder. This vocoder i have implemented on MATLAB and its...

hi all, I just want to implement a iir filter on 5416 dsk for i implementing lpc10 vocoder. This vocoder i have implemented on MATLAB and its time for me to port the code in target. For implementing the filter, i want to make use of dsplibrary functions, but the coefficients which i need to pass to the function is fixed point 16 bit data, matlab gives coefficients in floating point mode...

Q: problem about dsplib real fft

Started by jamesztyou in TMS320c54x22 years ago

I had searched the former msgs, but can not find answer. so I post a help message again. follow is the test code where FFTSZ is a...

I had searched the former msgs, but can not find answer. so I post a help message again. follow is the test code where FFTSZ is a const integer 256, noscale defined as 0, scale defined as 1; and rfftws is an Uns array header, pointed to a 256 elements' Uns array, rfftws equals 0x1200

Warning:creating output section .coeffs without SECTIONS specification

Started by megha daga in TMS320c54x19 years ago

Hi I am designing a filter and using dsplib.h. I am getting the following warning: creating output section .coeffs without SECTIONS...

Hi I am designing a filter and using dsplib.h. I am getting the following warning: creating output section .coeffs without SECTIONS specification The code is getting loaded, but I just need to know why the warning is coming. Kinldy explain and suggest a way to removed it. Kindly reply. Thanking You Megha Daga

Real FFT for C54x

Started by Torgeir Jakobsen in TMS320c54x25 years ago 1 reply

Hi I need an optimized double precision ( fixed point Q31 format ) 1024 point real FFT routine for the TMS320C54x DSP family....

Hi I need an optimized double precision ( fixed point Q31 format ) 1024 point real FFT routine for the TMS320C54x DSP family. The DSPLIB from Texas only contains single precision ( Q15 format ) FFTs. Best regards Tor

IIR Realtime Filtering on TMS320C5402

Started by Juliano Yuji Sugawara in TMS320c54x20 years ago 1 reply

Hello Everyone!   I'm working on DSP, TMS320C5402 specifically, and I'm newbie on this subject...   I need to...

Hello Everyone!   I'm working on DSP, TMS320C5402 specifically, and I'm newbie on this subject...   I need to implement a realtime IIR filter on DSP... can I use DSPLib to realtime process the samples?   If so, why does the input (x[nx]) variable is an array? Once it uses the Direct Form 2,