Jerald Cogswell (@Treefarmer)
I have two copies of "Handbook of Chemistry and Physics." Three inches thick, not counting the hard covers. I have the 44th edition and the 48th edition. Trigonometric...
Your comment that "someone important" tells you "if it works, go with it, we're short of time" is what happens when no individual is accountable. Classic examples...
It looks like you are trying to classify several things into categories. What problem are you trying to solve? This is usually an output function to show the probability...
Omer, I believe you would have to take the absolute values of xx - mean(xx). We are interested in the distance either way from the mean. In my explanation above,...
Correlation matrices show properties in rows and observations in the columns (or vice versa). For example you could have rows with names like "male" "female" "tall"...
GPUs and FPGAs consume maybe 7 Watts, not kilowatts. This research is important as we integrate audio processing with other forms of machine cognition.
Dear sgrassi, I used Corel Draw to make this diagram and it is embarrassingly simple, but it might help. As all readers here know, mathematicians regard this as...
Dear sgrassi, You thumbs up every post. But are you getting what you need for the task?Here look at the diagram attached. Also, consider the powers of i. Go through...
One good tutorial which deals with the Fourier Transform also gives a guide to complex numbers. ...
Here's a couple of dumb observer ideas:1) Which is a better approach to reverb; traditional DSP or Artificial Intelligence?2) In tiny spaces, what is the difference...
You might look at Programming FPGAs by Simon Monk.A general work on DSP is The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing By Steven W. Smith,...
Some algorithms go through the trouble of computing the bit reversals. My suggestion is to do this in advance for each of several FFT_SIZEs (256, 512, 1024, etc.)...
The minimum processor would be a GPU (graphics processing unit) which is the most common device for Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning as it involves massive...
What is your sampling rate for "real time?" Are you saying you want to divide each radius into bias voltages as low as 5V/16 (i.e., down to .3125V for the inner...
Dear Tom, You might look into getting an inexpensive Cypress PSoC5_LP development board such as the CY8KIT-059. Can't beat the price. Then use PSoC Creator software...
Another reply besides my earlier: Do this on a GPU. You need massively parallel processing. Do this in Python, not C
@zhaojintron I recommend reading "A Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing." There is are chapters on FFT and other transforms. You can read...
On a LinkedIn article I saw this claim in an article by John Markoff on March 14, 2017:"On Tuesday, a group of computer security researchers at the University...
If I understand, the input is analog. Can you use analog filters to feed different frequency bands to several digital filters? A PSoC can feed multiple channels...
If you don't have access to MATLAB you might try looking at the waveform of the various words you need to recognize. You can get inexpensive software such as Sound...
I would like all on this blog to stop using what I suspect are texting shortcuts. Some of us older people will not understand and will not respond to such. Specifically...
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