
Creating a real time map

Started by Rayonthetrack 6 years ago2 replieslatest reply 6 years ago142 views

Whats up everyone! I am creating a circular map that will have 32 radial lines and and each radius will be divided into 16 segments. So in my practical thought I will have an array filling up my circle 32x16 = 512. Is this 2 bytes worth of data to be sampling real time? I am looking to log the activity of all 512 sampling areas as close to real time as my processing capabilities will allow me. I thought of crafting a potentiometer within the map that would indicate location via voltage measurement. I would make a portion of the center samples ground and have the voltage increase out to the perimeter to a nominal 5V. I dont know if this is the most effective and efficient way to get what I need. Please offer some sound knowledge! 

T.I.A - Ray

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Reply by Rick LyonsMay 29, 2019

Hi Rayonthetrack. You wrote: "Is this 2 bytes worth of data to be sampling real time?"

What does your word "this" mean?

Also, you wrote: "I am looking to log the activity of all 512 sampling areas as close to real time as my processing capabilities will allow me."

What does your word "log" mean? What does your word "activity" mean?, Also, what is a "sampling area"?

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Reply by TreefarmerMay 29, 2019

What is your sampling rate for "real time?" Are you saying you want to divide each radius into bias voltages as low as 5V/16 (i.e., down to .3125V for the inner sample)? So your signals cannot be greater than .3125V P-P. This doesn't sound promising. Do you intend to run 512 inputs through FIR filters, or do you just want to read 512 sensors once a second?