#OFDM point to point specification

Specification location:
Over the last several months I have gathered a few people and we have developed an OFDM specification for point to point low latency and high bandwidth communications suitable for FPV drones and other applications. I would like to know if anyone here (dsp related) is willing to review the spec and give feed back. The spec when released will be an open specification. Please email me or message me if you are interested.
Also if there is a place to post the specification for review on this site, please let me know.
Leonard .

If you're not in a huge hurry I can take a look. I've been involved in standards development for multiple OFDM systems.
You can send me a note via the contact thingie and exchange email addys.

Yes, any help would be appreciated.

I have been working on waveform design. So I can take a look and provide you a feedback. Let me know how you want to contact.

Ok thanks more eyes the better, Thank you.

I have some idea of OFDM.I will put my best effort to review it though I may not be very good.

Everyone, I have edited the original post to include the link is to the specification .

How would you like people to get feedback to you? Is there an email addy or a place to send it?

Hmmm...I did not! Looking now I'm not even sure how I could check it.
You can use the email address on the contact page here to reach me: