Leonard Dieguez (@LeonardDieguez)
All,Specification location: FlexLinkPhy2023_v10.pdfOver the last several months I have gathered a few people and we have developed an OFDM specification for point...
OK looked at chapter 6 it looks like there is plenty to keep me busy for a bit. Thanks for the tip. It would be nice if the matlab scripts that are in the book were...
OK thanks Fred. I'll send you this thread link from my Koliber address, ( you have it already). Just sent the email to your ucsd emailLeonard.
wow, believe it or not, I have it. I must have gotten it a while back but never looked at it that closely. I probably got it on a impulse by when I was getting a...
yes there are a few books out there. without purchasing them it is hard to make a decision on them. Do you have any of them and any kind of guidelines or notes about...
I have not tried looking at the code on GNU radio. I'm not exactly a "C" person. Mostly workin matlab or python.
I'm trying to find material for design and implementation of ODFM waveform. I know the very basics. I'm not that familiar with, with the receive portion. Examples...
That was my initial thoughts as well. I would ideally like to sample at 62.24 (4x the occupied bandwidth). When you say you have doubts about the figures, which...
This is not an LTE application, but I'm also not sure if they are using an LTE chipset. Looks like the bins are 15KHz. I really don't know much other than what is...
I'm trying to analyze a over the air RF capture. I have a RAW IQ data samples but the sample rate is 30.72Msps. The bandwidth occupied by the signal is about 10MHz...
Paul, sometimes a picture paints a 1000 words is it possible to post the image up here on what you are seeing? Leonard.
After uninstalling spyder and re-installing it Spyder is working again. The file seems to be running fine on my setup. Not sure what is going on.
I'm using pycharm. For some reason spyder will not run on my machine. Possibly check the version of numpy and update it. I have had issues with old versions of numpy. In...
In Figure 6 it is a visualization of the real parts of each signal, the xmsg and the carrier multiplied together. On the positive side of the spectrum you have carrier...
Please excuse the long msg but a picture paints a 1000 words (really 1024 to be exact!) I'm including code below not sure now to make it show up in a separate window....
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