I'm trying to find material for design and implementation of ODFM waveform. I know the very basics. I'm not that familiar with, with the receive portion. Examples include detection of the signal, symbol timing, carrier timing/lock, how to use the pilot signals. Looking for implementation examples that could be either in a FPGA or DSP (if possible . I’m looking for material on OFDM , how to receive OFDM signals, achieve symbol timing , carrier lock and anything else that would help me implement a system from scratch. Models and code examples. I material that I have is Bernard Sklar book 3rd ed with Fred Harris. Digital Communications. Some information in there and various papers found on the internet.

There are a number of books on OFDM and signal synchronization that cover all of those topics well. A short search turns up a few candidates. What you're asking is far more than can be covered usefully in an internet thread.

yes there are a few books out there. without purchasing them it is hard to make a decision on them. Do you have any of them and any kind of guidelines or notes about them? sudo review? I know it is a big ask. I was not expecting a full blown explanation on this thread, mainly some pointers on where to look. Thanks

leonard, i can send you matlab script for full 802.11 ofdm modulator and demodulator
need e-mail address

OK thanks Fred. I'll send you this thread link from my Koliber address, ( you have it already). Just sent the email to your ucsd email

Ok, i'll use it!

Have you tried looking at the code for GNU Radio?

I have not tried looking at the code on GNU radio. I'm not exactly a "C" person. Mostly workin matlab or python.

This one is good. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9...
And the MATLAB code is also available.

One of the best books I have found recently, is Digital Signal Processing in Modern Communications Systems, by Andreas Schwarzinger.
It is self published and comes at a very reasonable price of about $29.00.
It contains lots of MatLab code.
There is now a second edition that is only $38.

wow, believe it or not, I have it. I must have gotten it a while back but never looked at it that closely. I probably got it on a impulse by when I was getting a different book. I recently got the 2nd ed of the harris book. The cover looked familiar so I looked on my book shelf. (the first edition, not 2nd)