DSPOnlineConference.com - need help testing it.

Hello Friends,
good news: the very first DSP Online Conference is materializing.
I have just published a beta version of the website and could use your help to test it before I really start spreading the word.
I'd greatly appreciate if you could report any typo, error, or other problem that you may encounter.
If you intend to register for the conference, please use coupon code 'DSP2020' to save 50% and pay only $20 for registration (thank you for your support!). Did the registration process go well?
If you are a blogger on DSPRelated or one of the top 10 contributors to this forum (see the usernames on the right-hand side), please reach out to me so I can let you register for free.
The objective is a maximum of 14 talks over two days so there is still room for a few more talks. Tim Wescott, RBJ and Qasim Chaudhari have shown interest and I expect them to submit titles & abstracts within the next few days.
I think this will be lots of fun and I am actually very excited and looking forward to it.
Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Hi Stephane,
The website looks good. Note it says "Free for early registration", so you may want to change that to "half-price for early registration".

Good catch Neil! Thanks a lot for reporting this.

Hi Stephane,
Home page looks good. Nothing I could spot, yet. I'll check the other pages. I was able register and apply the discount code with no problems via Paypal.
Kind regards,
Sydney, AU

Thanks a lot for your support Julian.

Hello there,
I think I found something - when you open a track page (like this one: https://www.dsponlineconference.com/session/Frequency_Domain_Signal_Processing) click on the "Questions and Comments" and click on "M↓ MARKDOWN HELP", then nothing happens.

Indeed! I'll fix this asap. Thanks for your help and for registering!

It all looks good to me, Stephane, apart from what Neil already noted.
It works well too, including the PayPal link. Thanks!

Ok great, thanks for your support Eduardo!

Hi Stephane,
On Dr. Harris' bio page, the sentence "Professor harris..." his name needs to be capitalized... or maybe not! I read his bio a bit further and saw the part about capitalizing his name...?? So I'll leave it at that.
Still going through the other pages.
I think this is a wonderful idea. Due to family and job, I don't get to attend many conferences. Thank you.

Hello Stephane:
I checked out the webpage. Everything worked smoothly. Saw no problem. I registered. Again, the process was smooth.
Thanks for organising this conference.