
Audio daughter card sampling frequency

Started by melaniesaayman October 16, 2003
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all your help so far.

I want to know how I can change the sampling frequency of the audio
daughter card. Specifically I want to change it to 44.1kHz.

I would really appreciate some sample code.

Thank you.

--- melaniesaayman <> wrote:
> I want to know how I can change the sampling
> frequency of the audio
> daughter card. Specifically I want to change it to
> 44.1kHz.
> I would really appreciate some sample code.

well... if we're both talking about PCM3003 audio
daughter card - the PCM3003 is all hardware
configured, so - you can't change the sampling rate
via "some sample code" you're requesting...

on the other hand - from what I remember - you can
either use the onboard oscilator which is 12.288Mhz as
default, or use the timer from the DSP, to generate
system clock for PCM3003 - but I've never used it so I
can't promise you that you'll be able to obtain

good luck...

Wojciech Rewers
