Fixed-point Math Library
We provide a set of macros and routines that perform fixed-point arithmetic, including basic arithmetic operators, conversions between fixed-point and floating point types, sines and cosines, exponentiation, and logarithms. This code has been used on an embedded ARM system without an FPU, and achieves much better performance than floating point arithmetic. This code can be used in conjunction with our fixed-point filtering library:
qmath.h contains all the basic arithmetic operations as macros or inline functions, while qmath.c contains the more involved routines such as sine and cosine.
/* **********************************************************************
* Fixed Point Math Library
* **********************************************************************
* qmath.h
* Alex Forencich
* Jordan Rhee
* **********************************************************************/
#ifndef _QMATH_H_
#define _QMATH_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef INLINE
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define INLINE __inline
#define INLINE inline
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
#endif /* INLINE */
* Default fractional bits. This precision is used in the routines
* and macros without a leading underscore.
* For example, if you are mostly working with values that come from
* a 10-bit A/D converter, you may want to choose 21. This leaves 11
* bits for the whole part, which will help avoid overflow in addition.
* On ARM, bit shifts require a single cycle, so all fracbits
* require the same amount of time to compute and there is no advantage
* to selecting fracbits that are a multiple of 8.
#define FIXED_INT_MASK (0xffffffffL << FIXED_FRACBITS)
// square roots
// fixedp2a
typedef long fixedp;
// conversions for arbitrary fracbits
#define _short2q(x, fb) ((fixedp)((x) << (fb)))
#define _int2q(x, fb) ((fixedp)((x) << (fb)))
#define _long2q(x, fb) ((fixedp)((x) << (fb)))
#define _float2q(x, fb) ((fixedp)((x) * (1 << (fb))))
#define _double2q(x, fb) ((fixedp)((x) * (1 << (fb))))
// conversions for default fracbits
#define short2q(x) _short2q(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define int2q(x) _int2q(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define long2q(x) _long2q(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define float2q(x) _float2q(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define double2q(x) _double2q(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
// conversions for arbitrary fracbits
#define _q2short(x, fb) ((short)((x) >> (fb)))
#define _q2int(x, fb) ((int)((x) >> (fb)))
#define _q2long(x, fb) ((long)((x) >> (fb)))
#define _q2float(x, fb) ((float)(x) / (1 << (fb)))
#define _q2double(x, fb) ((double)(x) / (1 << (fb)))
// conversions for default fracbits
#define q2short(x) _q2short(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define q2int(x) _q2int(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define q2long(x) _q2long(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define q2float(x) _q2float(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
#define q2double(x) _q2double(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
// evaluates to the whole (integer) part of x
#define qipart(x) q2long(x)
// evaluates to the fractional part of x
#define qfpart(x) ((x) & FIXED_FRAC_MASK)
* Constants
#define _QPI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define QPI double2q(_QPI)
#define _Q2PI 6.283185307179586476925286766559
#define Q2PI double2q(_Q2PI)
#define _QPIO2 1.5707963267948966192313216916398
#define QPIO2 double2q(_QPIO2)
#define _QPIO4 0.78539816339744830961566084581988
#define QPIO4 double2q(_QPIO4)
#define _QLN_E 2.71828182845904523536
#define QLN_E double2q(_QLN_E)
#define _QLN_10 2.30258509299404568402
#define QLN_10 double2q(_QLN_10)
#define _Q1OLN_10 0.43429448190325182765
#define Q1OLN_10 double2q(_Q1OLN_10)
// Both operands in addition and subtraction must have the same fracbits.
// If you need to add or subtract fixed point numbers with different
// fracbits, then use q2q to convert each operand beforehand.
#define qadd(a, b) ((a) + (b))
#define qsub(a, b) ((a) - (b))
* q2q - convert one fixed point type to another
* x - the fixed point number to convert
* xFb - source fracbits
* yFb - destination fracbits
static INLINE fixedp q2q(fixedp x, int xFb, int yFb)
if(xFb == yFb) {
return x;
} else if(xFb < yFb) {
return x << (yFb - xFb);
} else {
return x >> (xFb - yFb);
* Multiply two fixed point numbers with arbitrary fracbits
* x - left operand
* y - right operand
* xFb - number of fracbits for X
* yFb - number of fracbits for Y
* resFb - number of fracbits for the result
#define _qmul(x, y, xFb, yFb, resFb) ((fixedp)(((long long)(x) * (long long)(y)) >> ((xFb) + (yFb) - (resFb))))
* Fixed point multiply for default fracbits.
#define qmul(x, y) _qmul(x, y, FIXED_FRACBITS, FIXED_FRACBITS, FIXED_FRACBITS)
* divide
* shift into 64 bits and divide, then truncate
#define _qdiv(x, y, xFb, yFb, resFb) ((fixedp)((((long long)x) << ((xFb) + (yFb) - (resFb))) / y))
* Fixed point divide for default fracbbits.
#define qdiv(x, y) _qdiv(x, y, FIXED_FRACBITS, FIXED_FRACBITS, FIXED_FRACBITS)
* Invert a number (x^-1) for arbitrary fracbits
#define _qinv(x, xFb, resFb) ((fixedp)((((long long)1) << (xFb + resFb)) / x))
* Invert a number with default fracbits.
#define qinv(x) _qinv(x, FIXED_FRACBITS, FIXED_FRACBITS);
* Modulus. Modulus is only defined for two numbers of the same fracbits
#define qmod(x, y) ((x) % (y))
* Absolute value. Works for any fracbits.
#define qabs(x) (((x) < 0) ? (-x) : (x))
* Floor for arbitrary fracbits
#define _qfloor(x, fb) ((x) & (0xffffffff << (fb)))
* Floor for default fracbits
#define qfloor(x) _qfloor(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
* ceil for arbitrary fracbits.
static INLINE fixedp _qceil(fixedp x, int fb)
// masks off fraction bits and adds one if there were some fractional bits
fixedp f = _qfloor(x, fb);
if (f != x) return qadd(f, _int2q(1, fb));
return x;
* ceil for default fracbits
#define qceil(x) _qceil(x, FIXED_FRACBITS)
* square root for default fracbits
fixedp qsqrt(fixedp p_Square);
* log (base e) for default fracbits
fixedp qlog( fixedp p_Base );
* log base 10 for default fracbits
fixedp qlog10( fixedp p_Base );
* exp (e to the x) for default fracbits
fixedp qexp(fixedp p_Base);
* pow for default fracbits
fixedp qpow( fixedp p_Base, fixedp p_Power );
* sine for default fracbits
fixedp qsin(fixedp theta);
* cosine for default fracbits
fixedp qcos(fixedp theta);
* tangent for default fracbits
fixedp qtan(fixedp theta);
* fixedp2a - converts a fixed point number with default fracbits to a string
char *q2a(char *buf, fixedp n);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern C
#endif /* _QMATH_H_ */
/* **********************************************************************
* Fixed Point Math Library
* **********************************************************************
* qmath.c
* Alex Forencich
* Jordan Rhee
* **********************************************************************/
#include "qmath.h"
* square root
fixedp qsqrt(fixedp p_Square)
fixedp res;
fixedp delta;
fixedp maxError;
if ( p_Square <= 0 )
return 0;
/* start at half */
res = (p_Square >> 1);
/* determine allowable error */
maxError = qmul(p_Square, FIXED_SQRT_ERR);
delta = (qmul( res, res ) - p_Square);
res -= qdiv(delta, ( res << 1 ));
while ( delta > maxError || delta < -maxError );
return res;
* log (base e)
fixedp qlog( fixedp p_Base )
fixedp w = 0;
fixedp y = 0;
fixedp z = 0;
fixedp num = int2q(1);
fixedp dec = 0;
if ( p_Base == int2q(1) )
return 0;
if ( p_Base == 0 )
return 0xffffffff;
for ( dec=0 ; qabs( p_Base ) >= int2q(2) ; dec += int2q(1) )
p_Base = qdiv(p_Base, QLN_E);
p_Base -= int2q(1);
z = p_Base;
y = p_Base;
w = int2q(1);
while ( y != y + w )
z = 0 - qmul( z , p_Base );
num += int2q(1);
w = qdiv( z , num );
y += w;
return y + dec;
* log base 10
fixedp qlog10( fixedp p_Base )
// ln(p_Base)/ln(10)
// more accurately, ln(p_Base) * (1/ln(10))
return qmul(qlog(p_Base), Q1OLN_10);
* exp (e to the x)
fixedp qexp(fixedp p_Base)
fixedp w;
fixedp y;
fixedp num;
for ( w=int2q(1), y=int2q(1), num=int2q(1) ; y != y+w ; num += int2q(1) )
w = qmul(w, qdiv(p_Base, num));
y += w;
return y;
* pow
fixedp qpow( fixedp p_Base, fixedp p_Power )
if ( p_Base < 0 && qmod(p_Power, int2q(2)) != 0 )
return - qexp( qmul(p_Power, qlog( -p_Base )) );
return qexp( qmul(p_Power, qlog(qabs( p_Base ))) );
* sinx, internal sine function
static fixedp sinx(fixedp x)
fixedp xpwr;
long xftl;
fixedp xresult;
short positive;
int i;
xresult = 0;
xpwr = x;
xftl = 1;
positive = -1;
// Note: 12! largest for long
for (i = 1; i < 7; i+=2)
if ( positive )
xresult += qdiv(xpwr, long2q(xftl));
xresult -= qdiv(xpwr, long2q(xftl));
xpwr = qmul(x, xpwr);
xpwr = qmul(x, xpwr);
xftl *= i+1;
xftl *= i+2;
positive = !positive;
return xresult;
* sine
fixedp qsin(fixedp theta)
fixedp xresult;
short bBottom = 0;
//static fixed xPI = XPI;
//static fixed x2PI = X2PI;
//static fixed xPIO2 = XPIO2;
fixedp x = qmod(theta, Q2PI);
if ( x < 0 )
x += Q2PI;
if ( x > QPI )
bBottom = -1;
x -= QPI;
if ( x <= QPIO2 )
xresult = sinx(x);
xresult = sinx(QPIO2-(x-QPIO2));
if ( bBottom )
return -xresult;
return xresult;
* cosine
fixedp qcos(fixedp theta)
return qsin(theta + QPIO2);
* tangent
fixedp qtan(fixedp theta)
return qdiv(qsin(theta), qcos(theta));
* q2a - converts a fixed point number to a string
char *q2a(char *buf, fixedp n)
long ipart = qipart(n);
long fpart = qfpart(n);
long intdigits = 0;
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int d = 0;
int offset = 0;
long v;
long t;
long st = 0;
if (n != 0)
intdigits = qipart(qceil(qlog10(qabs(n))));
if (intdigits < 1) intdigits = 1;
offset = intdigits - 1;
if (n < 0)
buf[0] = '-';
n = -n;
ipart = -ipart;
fpart = -fpart;
// integer portion
for (i = 0; i < intdigits; i++)
j = offset - i;
d = ipart % 10;
ipart = ipart / 10;
buf[j] = '0' + d;
// decimal point
buf[offset + 1] = '.';
// fractional portion
v = 5;
for (i = 0; i < FIXED_DECIMALDIGITS - 1; i++)
v = (v << 1) + (v << 3);
for (i = 0; i < FIXED_FRACBITS; i++)
if (fpart & t)
st += v;
v = v >> 1;
t = t >> 1;
for (i = 0; i < FIXED_DECIMALDIGITS; i++)
j = offset - i;
d = st % 10;
st = st / 10;
buf[j] = '0' + d;
// ending zero
buf[offset + 1] = '\0';
return buf;