Beat Notes
The following Matlab code enables you to generate, and listen to, the sum of two audio tones. Read this blog post for more details.
% Filename: Beat_Frequency.m
% [Richard Lyons, Feb. 2013]
clear, clc
Fs = 8192; % Sample rate of dig. samples
N = 8192; % Number of time samples
n = 0:N-1;
Wave_1 = sin(2*pi*210*n/Fs); % First tone, 210 Hz
Wave_2 = sin(2*pi*200*n/Fs); % Second tone, 200 Hz
% Plot the two tones
plot(n/Fs, Wave_1, '-b')
ylabel('200 Hz'); xlabel('Time (sec.)');
hold on
plot(n/Fs, Wave_2, '-r')
axis([0, 0.05, -1.2, 1.5]);
ylabel('Input tones'); xlabel('Time (sec.)');
title('red = 200 Hz tone, blue = 210 Hz tone');
grid on, zoom on
hold off
Product = Wave_1.*Wave_2;
Sum = Wave_1 + Wave_2;
% Plot the tones' product and sum
plot(n/Fs, Product, '-b'),
ylabel('Product'); xlabel('Time (sec.)');
grid on, zoom on
hold on
Red_Curve = 0.5*cos(2*pi*10*n/Fs) + 0.5; % Used for plotting only
plot(n/Fs, Red_Curve, '-r')
axis([0, 0.3, -1.25, 1.5]);
hold off
grid on, zoom on
plot(n/Fs, Sum, '-b')
hold on
Red_Curve = 2*cos(2*pi*5*n/Fs); % Used for plotting only
plot(n/Fs, Red_Curve, '-r')
axis([0, 0.3, -2.4, 3]);
hold off
ylabel('Sum'); xlabel('Time (sec.)');
grid on, zoom on
% Play all the signals
sound(Wave_1, Fs)
sound(Wave_2, Fs)
sound(Product, Fs)
sound(Sum, Fs)
% Spec analysis of the "Sum" signal
Spec = fft(Sum);
Spec_Mag = abs(Spec);
Freq = n*Fs/N; % Freq vector in Hz
figure (3) % Plot positive-freq spec amg
plot(Freq(1:N/16), Spec_Mag(1:N/16))
title('Spec Mag of "Sum" signal')
ylabel('Mag.'), xlabel('Hz')
grid on, zoom on