
scilab program to speech signal information

Senthilkumar December 28, 20111 comment Coded in Scilab

This program is used to get speech or voice signal informations such as sampling rate, bit deoth and tine duration of speech signal etc

//Caption: Reading a Speech Signal & 
//[1]. Displaying its sampling rate
//[2]. Number of bits used per speech sample
//[3]. Total Time duration of the speech signal in seconds
a = gca();
a.x_location = 'origin';
title('Speech signal with Sampling Rate = 8 KHz, No. of Samples = 8360')
disp(Fs,'Sampling Rate in Hz Fs = ');
disp(bits,'Number of bits used per speech sample b =');
N = length(y);
T = N/Fs;
disp(N,'Total Number of Samples N =')
disp(T,'Duration of speech signal in seconds T=')
//Sampling Rate in Hz Fs =    
//     8000.  
//Number of bits used per speech sample b =   
//    16.  
//Total Number of Samples N =   
//    8360.  
//Duration of speech signal in seconds T=   
//    1.045