An Introduction To Compressive Sampling
This article surveys the theory of compressive sensing, also known as compressed sensing or CS, a novel sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common wisdom in data acquisition.
Introduction to Compressed Sensing
Chapter 1 of the book: "Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications".
Introduction to Real-Time Digital Signal Processing
Chapter 1 of the book: Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Fundamentals, Implementations and Applications, 3rd Edition
A Pragmatic Introduction to Signal Processing
An illustrated essay with software available for free download.
Introduction to Signal Processing
This book provides an applications-oriented introduction to digital signal processing written primarily for electrical engineering undergraduates. Practicing engineers and graduate students may also find it useful as a first text on the subject.
C++ Tutorial
This tutorial is for those people who want to learn programming in C++ and do not necessarily have any previous knowledge of other programming languages. Of course any knowledge of other programming languages or any general computer skill can be useful to better understand this tutorial, although it is not essential. It is also suitable for those who need a little update on the new features the language has acquired from the latest standards. If you are familiar with the C language, you can take the first 3 parts of this tutorial as a review of concepts, since they mainly explain the C part of C++. There are slight differences in the C++ syntax for some C features, so I recommend you its reading anyway. The 4th part describes object-oriented programming. The 5th part mostly describes the new features introduced by ANSI-C++ standard.
Computing FFT Twiddle Factors
In this document are two algorithms showing how to compute the individual twiddle factors of an N-point decimation-in-frequency (DIF) and an N-point decimation-in-time (DIT) FFT.
Generating Complex Baseband and Analytic Bandpass Signals
There are so many different time- and frequency-domain methods for generating complex baseband and analytic bandpass signals that I had trouble keeping those techniques straight in my mind. Thus, for my own benefit, I created a kind of reference table showing those methods. I present that table for your viewing pleasure in this document.
Efficient convolutional coding and decoding algorithms are most crucial to successful operation of wireless communication systems in order to achieve high quality of service by reducing the overall bit error rate performance. A widely applied and well evaluated scheme for error correction purposes is well known as Viterbi algorithm [7]. Although the Viterbi algorithm has very good error correcting characteristics, computational effort required remains high. In this paper a novel approach is discussed introducing a convolutional decoder design based on fuzzy logic. A simplified version of this fuzzy based decoder is examined with respect to bit error rate (BER) performance. It can be shown that the fuzzy based convolutional decoder here proposed considerably reduces computational effort with only minor BER performance degradation when compared to the classical Viterbi approach.
Method to Calculate the Inverse of a Complex Matrix using Real Matrix Inversion
This paper describes a simple method to calculate the invers of a complex matrix. The key element of the method is to use a matrix inversion, which is available and optimised for real numbers. Some actual libraries used for digital signal processing only provide highly optimised methods to calculate the inverse of a real matrix, whereas no solution for complex matrices are available, like in [1]. The presented algorithm is very easy to implement, while still much more efficient than for example the method presented in [2]. [1] Visual DSP++ 4.0 C/C++ Compiler and Library Manual for TigerSHARC Processors; Analog Devices; 2005. [2] W. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.R. Flannery; Numerical Recipes in C++, The art of scientific computing, Second Edition; p52 : “Complex Systems of Equations”;Cambridge University Press 2002.
Implementation of Uncoordinated Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum using Software Defined Radios
One of the major threats to wireless communications is jamming. Many anti-jamming techniques have been presented in the past. However most of them are based on the precondition that the communicating devices have a pre-shared secret that can be used to synchronize the anti-jamming scheme. E.g. for frequency hopping the secret could be used to derive the hopping sequence and for direct sequence spread spectrum the secret is used to derive the spreading codes. But how can the devices bootstrap a jamming-resistant communication without having a pre-shared secret? Christina Popper and Mario Strasser propose as scheme for Uncoordinated Frequency Hopping (UFH) and Uncoordinated Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (UDSSS) in their papers [1] and [2] respectively. The goal of my project was an implementation of Uncoordinated Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (UDSSS) using Software Dened Radios. The First version should serve as an easy to use and extendable proof of conceptfor the proposed scheme.
Efficient Signal Processing Techniques for Future Wireless Communications Systems
Wireless communications systems are evolving to be more diverse in use and more ubiquitous in nature. It is of fundamental importance that we consume the resources available in such systems, i.e., bandwidth and energy, to preserve room for more users and to preserve longevity. Signal processing can greatly help us achieve this. In this thesis we consider improving the utility of resources available in wireless communications systems. The basic obstacle for most wireless communications systems is the multipath channel that causes intersymbol interference. Channel estimation is a crucial step for recovering the transmitted symbols. Moreover, as more devices are equipped with wireless capabilities, the bandwidth becomes scarce and it is important to allow more than one device or more than one user to use the same frequency range or the same channel. However, this introduces multiuser interference, which is again eliminated only if the channel is known. Furthermore, most wireless systems are battery powered, at least at the transmitter end. Hence it is crucial that energy consumption is minimized to preserve the longevity of the system. The contribution of this thesis is three fold: (i) We propose novel bandwidth efficient blind channel estimation algorithms for single input multiple output systems, and for multiuser OFDM systems. The former exploits cyclostationarity inherent in communications signals. The latter exploits the structure introduced to the transmitted signal via precoding. We consider design of such precoders by optimizing performance metrics such as the bit error rate and signal to interference plus noise ratio. (ii) In the multiuser systems case, we propose a novel cooperative OFDM system and show that, when users face significantly different channel conditions, cooperation can improve the performance of all the cooperating users. (iii) We consider energy efficient training based system estimation in large MIMO systems. The goal there is to minimize energy consumption both in transmission of training symbols and in performing computations. We show that by using a divide and conquer strategy in selecting the active set of transmitters and receivers, it is possible to minimize energy consumption without degrading the accuracy of the channel estimate.
An Experimental Multichannel Pulse Code Modulation System of Toll Quality + Electron Beam Deflection Tube For Pulse Code Modulation
See this blog post for context. Pulse Code Modulation offers attractive possibilities for multiplex telephony via such media as the microwave radio relay. The various problems involved in its use have been explored in terms of a 96-channel system designed to meet the transmission requirements commonly imposed upon commercial toll circuits. Twenty-four of the 96 channels have been fully equipped in an experimental model of the system. Coding and decoding devices are described, along with other circuit details. The coder is based upon a new electron beam tube, and is characterized by speed and simplicity as well as accuracy of coding. These qualities are matched in the decoder, which employs pulse excitation of a simple reactive network.
Correcting an Important Goertzel Filter Misconception
Correcting an Important Goertzel Filter Misconception
Introduction to Signal Processing
This book provides an applications-oriented introduction to digital signal processing written primarily for electrical engineering undergraduates. Practicing engineers and graduate students may also find it useful as a first text on the subject.
De-Noising Audio Signals Using MATLAB Wavelets Toolbox
Based on the fact that noise and distortion are the main factors that limit the capacity of data transmission in telecommunications and that they also affect the accuracy of the results in the signal measurement systems, whereas, modeling and removing noise and distortions are at the core of theoretical and practical considerations in communications and signal processing. Another important issue here is that, noise reduction and distortion removal are major problems in applications such as; cellular mobile communication, speech recognition, image processing, medical signal processing, radar, sonar, and any other application where the desired signals cannot be isolated from noise and distortion. The use of wavelets in the field of de-noising audio signals is relatively new, the use of this technique has been increasing over the past 20 years. One way to think about wavelets matches the way how our eyes perceive the world when they are faced to different distances. In the real world, a forest can be seen from many different perspectives; they are, in fact, different scales of resolution. From the window of an airplane, for instance, the forest cover appears as a solid green roof. From the window of a car, the green roof gets transformed into individual trees, and if we leave the car and approach to the forest, we can gradually see details such as the trees branches and leaves. If we had a magnifying glass, we could see a dew drop on the tip of a leaf. As we get closer to even smaller scales, we can discover details that we had not seen before. On the other hand, if we tried to do the same thing with a photograph, we would be completely frustrated. If we enlarged the picture "closer" to a tree, we would only be able to see a blurred tree image; we would not be able to spot neither the branch, nor the leaf, and it would be impossible to spot the dew drop. Although our eyes can see on many scales of resolution, the camera can only display one at a time. In this chapter, we introduce the reader to a way to reduce noise in an audio signal by using wavelet transforms. We developed this technique by using the wavelet tool in MATLAB. A Simulink is used to acquire an audio signal and we use it to convert the signal to a digital format so it can be processed. Finally, a Graphical User Interface Development Environment (GUIDE) is used to create a graphical user interface. The reader can go through this chapter systematically, from the theory to the implementation of the noise reduction technique. We will introduce in the first place the basic theory of an audio signal, the noise treatment fundamentals and principles of the wavelets theory. Then, we will present the development of noise reduction when using wavelet functions in MATLAB. In the foreground, we will demonstrate the usefulness of wavelets to reduce noise in a model system where Gaussian noise is inserted to an audio signal. In the following sections, we will present a practical example of noise reduction in a sinusoidal signal that has been generated in the MATLAB, which it is followed by an example with a real audio signal captured via Simulink. Finally, the graphic noise reduction model using GUIDE will be shown.
A Subspace Based Approach to the Design, Implementation and Validation of Algorithms for Active Vibration Isolation Control
Vibration isolation endeavors to reduce the transmission of vibration energy from one structure (the source) to another (the receiver), to prevent undesirable phenomena such as sound radiation. A well-known method for achieving this is passive vibration isolation (PVI). In the case of PVI, mounts are used - consisting of springs and dampers - to connect the vibrating source to the receiver. The stiffness of the mount determines the fundamental resonance frequency of the mounted system and vibrations with a frequency higher than the fundamental resonance frequency are attenuated. Unfortunately, however, other design requirements (such as static stability) often impose a minimum allowable stiffness, thus limiting the achievable vibration isolation by passive means. A more promising method for vibration isolation is hybrid vibration isolation control. This entails that, in addition to PVI, an active vibration isolation control (AVIC) system is used with sensors, actuators and a control system that compensates for vibrations in the lower frequency range. Here, the use of a special form of AVIC using statically determinate stiff mounts is proposed. The mounts establish a statically determinate system of high stiffness connections in the actuated directions and of low stiffness connections in the unactuated directions. The latter ensures PVI in the unactuated directions. This approach is called statically determinate AVIC (SD-AVIC). The aim of the control system is to produce antidisturbance forces that counteract the disturbance forces stemming from the source. Using this approach, the vibration energy transfer from the source to the receiver is blocked in the mount due to the anti-forces. This thesis deals with the design of controllers generating the anti-forces by applying techniques that are commonly used in the field of signal processing. The control approaches - that are model-based - are both adaptive and fixed gain and feedforward and feedback oriented. The control approaches are validated using two experimental vibration isolation setups: a single reference single actuator single error sensor (SR-SISO) setup and a single reference input multiple actuator input multiple error sensor output (SR-MIMO) setup. Finding a plant model can be a problem. This is solved by using a black-box modelling strategy. The plants are identified using subspace model identification. It is shown that accurate linear models can be found in a straightforward manner by using small batches of recorded (sampled) time-domain data only. Based on the identified models, controllers are designed, implemented and validated. Due to resonance in mechanical structures, adaptive SD-AVIC systems are often hampered by slow convergence of the controller coefficients. In general, it is desirable that the SD-AVIC system yields fast optimum performance after it is switched on. To achieve this result and speed up the convergence of the adaptive controller coefficients, the so-called inverse outer factor model is included in the adaptive control scheme. The inner/outer factorization, that has to be performed to obtain the inverse outer factor model, is completely determined in state space to enable a numerically robust computation. The inverse outer factor model is also incorporated in the control scheme as a state space model. It is found that fast adaptation of the controller coefficients is possible. Controllers are designed, implemented and validated to suppress both narrowband and broadband disturbances. Scalar regularization is used to prevent actuator saturation and an unstable closed loop. In order to reduce the computational load of the controllers, several steps are taken including controller order reduction and implementation of lower order models. It is found that in all experiments the simulation and real-time results correspond closely for both the fixed gain and adaptive control situation. On the SR-SISO setup, reductions up to 5.0 dB are established in real-time for suppressing a broadband disturbance output (0-2 kHz) using feedback-control. On the SR-MIMO vibration isolation setup, using feedforward-control reductions of broadband disturbances (0-1 kHz) of 9.4 dB are established in real-time. Using feedback-control, reductions are established up to 3.5 dB in real-time (0-1 kHz). In case of the SR-MIMO setup, the values for the reduction are obtained by averaging the reductions obtained in all sensor outputs. The results pave the way for the next generation of algorithms for SD-AVIC.