Code Snippets Submitted by Shawn Stevenson
Fixed Point FIR Filter
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Filter Code Definitions
// maximum number of inputs that can be handled
// in one function call
#define MAX_INPUT_LEN 80
// maximum length of filter than can be handled
#define MAX_FLT_LEN 63
// buffer to hold all of the input samples
// array to hold input samples
static int16_t insamp[ BUFFER_LEN ];
// FIR init
void firFixedInit( void )
memset( insamp, 0, sizeof( insamp ) );
// store new input samples
int16_t *firStoreNewSamples( int16_t *inp, int length )
// put the new samples at the high end of the buffer
memcpy( &insamp[MAX_FLT_LEN - 1], inp,
length * sizeof(int16_t) );
// return the location at which to apply the filtering
return &insamp[MAX_FLT_LEN - 1];
// move processed samples
void firMoveProcSamples( int length )
// shift input samples back in time for next time
memmove( &insamp[0], &insamp[length],
(MAX_FLT_LEN - 1) * sizeof(int16_t) );
// the FIR filter function
void firFixed( int16_t *coeffs, int16_t *input, int16_t *output,
int length, int filterLength )
int32_t acc; // accumulator for MACs
int16_t *coeffp; // pointer to coefficients
int16_t *inputp; // pointer to input samples
int n;
int k;
// apply the filter to each input sample
for ( n = 0; n < length; n++ ) {
// calculate output n
coeffp = coeffs;
inputp = &input[n];
// load rounding constant
acc = 1 << 14;
// perform the multiply-accumulate
for ( k = 0; k < filterLength; k++ ) {
acc += (int32_t)(*coeffp++) * (int32_t)(*inputp--);
// saturate the result
if ( acc > 0x3fffffff ) {
acc = 0x3fffffff;
} else if ( acc < -0x40000000 ) {
acc = -0x40000000;
// convert from Q30 to Q15
output[n] = (int16_t)(acc >> 15);
// Test program
// bandpass filter centred around 1000 Hz
// sampling rate = 8000 Hz
// gain at 1000 Hz is about 1.13
#define FILTER_LEN 63
int16_t coeffs[ FILTER_LEN ] =
-1468, 1058, 594, 287, 186, 284, 485, 613,
495, 90, -435, -762, -615, 21, 821, 1269,
982, 9, -1132, -1721, -1296, 1, 1445, 2136,
1570, 0, -1666, -2413, -1735, -2, 1770, 2512,
1770, -2, -1735, -2413, -1666, 0, 1570, 2136,
1445, 1, -1296, -1721, -1132, 9, 982, 1269,
821, 21, -615, -762, -435, 90, 495, 613,
485, 284, 186, 287, 594, 1058, -1468
// Moving average (lowpass) filter of length 8
// There is a null in the spectrum at 1000 Hz
#define FILTER_LEN_MA 8
int16_t coeffsMa[ FILTER_LEN_MA ] =
32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8,
32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8
// number of samples to read per loop
#define SAMPLES 80
int main( void )
int size;
int16_t input[SAMPLES];
int16_t output[SAMPLES];
int16_t *inp;
FILE *in_fid;
FILE *out_fid;
FILE *out_fid2;
// open the input waveform file
in_fid = fopen( "input.pcm", "rb" );
if ( in_fid == 0 ) {
printf("couldn't open input.pcm");
// open the output waveform files
out_fid = fopen( "outputFixed.pcm", "wb" );
if ( out_fid == 0 ) {
printf("couldn't open outputFixed.pcm");
out_fid2 = fopen( "outputFixedMa.pcm", "wb" );
if ( out_fid == 0 ) {
printf("couldn't open outputFixedMa.pcm");
// initialize the filter
// process all of the samples
do {
// read samples from file
size = fread( input, sizeof(int16_t), SAMPLES, in_fid );
// store new samples in working array
inp = firStoreNewSamples( input, size );
// apply each filter
firFixed( coeffs, inp, output, size, FILTER_LEN );
fwrite( output, sizeof(int16_t), size, out_fid );
firFixed( coeffsMa, inp, output, size, FILTER_LEN_MA );
fwrite( output, sizeof(int16_t), size, out_fid2 );
// move processed samples
firMoveProcSamples( size );
} while ( size != 0 );
fclose( in_fid );
fclose( out_fid );
fclose( out_fid2 );
return 0;
Fixed Point FIR Filter
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// Filter Code Definitions
// maximum number of inputs that can be handled
// in one function call
#define MAX_INPUT_LEN 80
// maximum length of filter than can be handled
#define MAX_FLT_LEN 63
// buffer to hold all of the input samples
// array to hold input samples
static int16_t insamp[ BUFFER_LEN ];
// FIR init
void firFixedInit( void )
memset( insamp, 0, sizeof( insamp ) );
// store new input samples
int16_t *firStoreNewSamples( int16_t *inp, int length )
// put the new samples at the high end of the buffer
memcpy( &insamp[MAX_FLT_LEN - 1], inp,
length * sizeof(int16_t) );
// return the location at which to apply the filtering
return &insamp[MAX_FLT_LEN - 1];
// move processed samples
void firMoveProcSamples( int length )
// shift input samples back in time for next time
memmove( &insamp[0], &insamp[length],
(MAX_FLT_LEN - 1) * sizeof(int16_t) );
// the FIR filter function
void firFixed( int16_t *coeffs, int16_t *input, int16_t *output,
int length, int filterLength )
int32_t acc; // accumulator for MACs
int16_t *coeffp; // pointer to coefficients
int16_t *inputp; // pointer to input samples
int n;
int k;
// apply the filter to each input sample
for ( n = 0; n < length; n++ ) {
// calculate output n
coeffp = coeffs;
inputp = &input[n];
// load rounding constant
acc = 1 << 14;
// perform the multiply-accumulate
for ( k = 0; k < filterLength; k++ ) {
acc += (int32_t)(*coeffp++) * (int32_t)(*inputp--);
// saturate the result
if ( acc > 0x3fffffff ) {
acc = 0x3fffffff;
} else if ( acc < -0x40000000 ) {
acc = -0x40000000;
// convert from Q30 to Q15
output[n] = (int16_t)(acc >> 15);
// Test program
// bandpass filter centred around 1000 Hz
// sampling rate = 8000 Hz
// gain at 1000 Hz is about 1.13
#define FILTER_LEN 63
int16_t coeffs[ FILTER_LEN ] =
-1468, 1058, 594, 287, 186, 284, 485, 613,
495, 90, -435, -762, -615, 21, 821, 1269,
982, 9, -1132, -1721, -1296, 1, 1445, 2136,
1570, 0, -1666, -2413, -1735, -2, 1770, 2512,
1770, -2, -1735, -2413, -1666, 0, 1570, 2136,
1445, 1, -1296, -1721, -1132, 9, 982, 1269,
821, 21, -615, -762, -435, 90, 495, 613,
485, 284, 186, 287, 594, 1058, -1468
// Moving average (lowpass) filter of length 8
// There is a null in the spectrum at 1000 Hz
#define FILTER_LEN_MA 8
int16_t coeffsMa[ FILTER_LEN_MA ] =
32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8,
32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8, 32768/8
// number of samples to read per loop
#define SAMPLES 80
int main( void )
int size;
int16_t input[SAMPLES];
int16_t output[SAMPLES];
int16_t *inp;
FILE *in_fid;
FILE *out_fid;
FILE *out_fid2;
// open the input waveform file
in_fid = fopen( "input.pcm", "rb" );
if ( in_fid == 0 ) {
printf("couldn't open input.pcm");
// open the output waveform files
out_fid = fopen( "outputFixed.pcm", "wb" );
if ( out_fid == 0 ) {
printf("couldn't open outputFixed.pcm");
out_fid2 = fopen( "outputFixedMa.pcm", "wb" );
if ( out_fid == 0 ) {
printf("couldn't open outputFixedMa.pcm");
// initialize the filter
// process all of the samples
do {
// read samples from file
size = fread( input, sizeof(int16_t), SAMPLES, in_fid );
// store new samples in working array
inp = firStoreNewSamples( input, size );
// apply each filter
firFixed( coeffs, inp, output, size, FILTER_LEN );
fwrite( output, sizeof(int16_t), size, out_fid );
firFixed( coeffsMa, inp, output, size, FILTER_LEN_MA );
fwrite( output, sizeof(int16_t), size, out_fid2 );
// move processed samples
firMoveProcSamples( size );
} while ( size != 0 );
fclose( in_fid );
fclose( out_fid );
fclose( out_fid2 );
return 0;