# Copyright (c) 2011 Christopher Felton
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# The following is derived from the slides presented by
# Alexander Kain for CS506/606 "Special Topics: Speech Signal Processing"
# CSLU / OHSU, Spring Term 2011.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib import rcParams
def zplane(b,a,filename=None):
"""Plot the complex z-plane given a transfer function.
# get a figure/plot
ax = plt.subplot(111)
# create the unit circle
uc = patches.Circle((0,0), radius=1, fill=False,
color='black', ls='dashed')
# The coefficients are less than 1, normalize the coeficients
if np.max(b) > 1:
kn = np.max(b)
b = b/float(kn)
kn = 1
if np.max(a) > 1:
kd = np.max(a)
a = a/float(kd)
kd = 1
# Get the poles and zeros
p = np.roots(a)
z = np.roots(b)
k = kn/float(kd)
# Plot the zeros and set marker properties
t1 = plt.plot(z.real, z.imag, 'go', ms=10)
plt.setp( t1, markersize=10.0, markeredgewidth=1.0,
markeredgecolor='k', markerfacecolor='g')
# Plot the poles and set marker properties
t2 = plt.plot(p.real, p.imag, 'rx', ms=10)
plt.setp( t2, markersize=12.0, markeredgewidth=3.0,
markeredgecolor='r', markerfacecolor='r')
# set the ticks
r = 1.5; plt.axis('scaled'); plt.axis([-r, r, -r, r])
ticks = [-1, -.5, .5, 1]; plt.xticks(ticks); plt.yticks(ticks)
if filename is None:
return z, p, k
# The following is a Python/scipy snippet to generate the
# coefficients for a halfband filter. A halfband filter
# is a filter where the cutoff frequency is Fs/4 and every
# other coeffecient is zero except the cetner tap.
# Note: every other (even except 0) is 0, most of the coefficients
# will be close to zero, force to zero actual
import numpy
from numpy import log10, abs, pi
import scipy
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib as mpl
# ~~[Filter Design with Parks-McClellan Remez]~~
N = 32 # Filter order
# Filter symetric around 0.25 (where .5 is pi or Fs/2)
bands = numpy.array([0., .22, .28, .5])
h = signal.remez(N+1, bands, [1,0], [1,1])
h[abs(h) <= 1e-4] = 0.
(w,H) = signal.freqz(h)
# ~~[Filter Design with Windowed freq]~~
b = signal.firwin(N+1, 0.5)
b[abs(h) <= 1e-4] = 0.
(wb, Hb) = signal.freqz(b)
# Dump the coefficients for comparison and verification
print(' remez firwin')
for ii in range(N+1):
print(' tap %2d %-3.6f %-3.6f' % (ii, h[ii], b[ii]))
## ~~[Plotting]~~
# Note: the pylab functions can be used to create plots,
# and these might be easier for beginners or more familiar
# for Matlab users. pylab is a wrapper around lower-level
# MPL artist (pyplot) functions.
fig = mpl.pyplot.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax0.stem(numpy.arange(len(h)), h)
ax0.set_title('Parks-McClellan (remez) Impulse Response')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax1.stem(numpy.arange(len(b)), b)
ax1.set_title('Windowed Frequency Sampling (firwin) Impulse Response')
fig = mpl.pyplot.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.plot(w, 20*log10(abs(H)))
ax1.plot(w, 20*log10(abs(Hb)))
ax1.legend(['remez', 'firwin'])
bx = bands*2*pi
ax1.axvspan(bx[1], bx[2], facecolor='0.5', alpha='0.33')
ax1.plot(pi/2, -6, 'go')
ax1.axvline(pi/2, color='g', linestyle='--')
ax1.set_ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
ax1.set_xlabel('Normalized Frequency (radians)')
ax1.set_title('Half Band Filter Frequency Response')
# rfft.py
# This file contains a recursive version of the fast-fourier transform and
# support test functions. This module utilizes the numpy (numpy.scipy.org)
# library.
# References
# - http://www.cse.uiuc.edu/iem/fft/rcrsvfft/
# - "A Simple and Efficient FFT Implementation in C++", by Vlodymyr Myrnyy
import numpy
from numpy.fft import fft
from numpy import sin, cos, pi, ones, zeros, arange, r_, sqrt, mean
def rFFT(x):
Recursive FFT implementation.
-- http://www.cse.uiuc.edu/iem/fft/rcrsvfft/
-- "A Simple and Efficient FFT Implementation in C++"
by Vlodymyr Myrnyy
n = len(x)
if (n == 1):
return x
w = getTwiddle(n)
m = n/2;
X = ones(m, float)*1j
Y = ones(m, float)*1j
for k in range(m):
X[k] = x[2*k]
Y[k] = x[2*k + 1]
X = rFFT(X)
Y = rFFT(Y)
F = ones(n, float)*1j
for k in range(n):
i = (k%m)
F[k] = X[i] + w[k] * Y[i]
return F
def getTwiddle(NFFT=8):
"""Generate the twiddle factors"""
W = r_[[1.0 + 1.0j]*NFFT]
for k in range(NFFT):
W[k] = cos(2.0*pi*k/NFFT) - 1.0j*sin(2.0*pi*k/NFFT)
return W
def DFT(x, N=8):
Use the direct definition of DFT for verification
y = [1.0 + 1.0j]*N
y = r_[y]
for n in range(N):
wsum = 0 + 0j;
for k in range(N):
wsum = wsum + (cos(2*pi*k*n/N) - (1.0j * sin(2*pi*k*n/N)))*x[k]
y[n] = wsum
return y
def test_rfft(N = 64, # FFT order to test
nStart = 0.2, # Note aliased signal included
nStep = 2.1, # Samples per period step
pStep = pi/4, # Phase step size
limErr = 10e-12, # Error limit to check
maxErr = 0 # Max difference
Use the built in numpy FFT functions and the direct
implemenation of the DFT to verify the recursive FFT.
This testbench verifies the different implementations are within
a certain limit. Because of the different implemenations the values
could be slightly off (computer representation calculation error).
# Use test signal nStart:nStep:N samples per cycle
for s in arange(nStart, N+nStep, nStep):
for p in arange(0, pi+pStep, pStep):
n = arange(N, 0, -1)
x = cos(2*pi*n/s + p)
xDFT = DFT(x,N)
nFFT = fft(x,N)
xFFT = rFFT(x)
rmsErrD = sqrt(mean(abs(xDFT - xFFT))**2)
rmsErrN = sqrt(mean(abs(nFFT - xFFT))**2)
if rmsErrD > limErr or rmsErrN > limErr:
print s, p, "Error!", rmsErrD, rmsErrN
print xDFT
print nFFT
print xFFT
if rmsErrD > maxErr:
maxErr = rmsErrD
elif rmsErrN > maxErr:
maxErr = rmsErrN
print "N %d maxErr = %f " % (N,maxErr)
# If the module is run test a bunch of different size FFTs
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The following is fairly exhaustive and will take some time
# to run.
tv = 2**arange(1,12)
for nfft in tv:
# Instantiate the SIIR object. Pass the cutoff frequency
# Fc and the sample rate Fs in Hz. Also define the input
# and output fixed-point type. W=(wl, iwl) where
# wl = word-length and iwl = integer word-length. This
# example uses 23 fraction bits and 1 sign bit.
>>> from siir import SIIR
>>> flt = SIIR(Fstop=1333, Fs=48000, W=(24,0))
# Plot the response of the fixed-point coefficients
>>> plot(flt.hz, 20*log10(flt.h)
# Create a testbench and run a simulation
# (get the simulated response)
>>> from myhdl import Simulation
>>> tb = flt.TestFreqResponse(Nloops=128, Nfft=1024)
>>> Simulation(tb).run()
>>> flt.PlotResponse()
# Happy with results generate the Verilog and VHDL
>>> flt.Convert()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 by Hernán Ordiales
# <audiocode@uint8.com.ar>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fast convolution of an audio signal with the impulse response of a system modeled as LTI (Linear Time Invariant) one.
# Use: fast_conv.py source.wav impulse_response.wav output.wav
from wav_array import *
from FFT import fft, inverse_fft
from pylab import size
import sys
def nextpow2( L ):
N = 2
while N < L: N = N * 2
return N
def fast_conv_vect( x, h ):
# searches for the amount of points required to perform the FFT
L = size(h) + size(x) - 1 # linear convolution length
N = nextpow2( L )
# Note: N>=L is needed because the IDFT of the multiplication is the circular convolution and to match it to the
# common one, N>=L is required (where L=N1+N2-1;N1=length(x);N2=length(h))
# FFT(X,N) is the N points FFT, with zero padding if X has less than N points and truncated if has more.
H = fft( h, N ) # Fourier transform of the impulse
X = fft( x, N ) # Fourier transform of the input signal
Y = H * X # spectral multiplication
y = inverse_fft( Y ) # time domain again
return y
source = sys.argv[1]
impulse = sys.argv[2]
conv_output = sys.argv[3]
clip_factor = 1.01 # clip factor default value
[ h1, Fs1, h_bits ] = wavread( impulse ) # impulse response
[ x1, Fs2, x_bits ] = wavread( source ) # file to process
if Fs1 == Fs2 : # if sample rates are the same
print "Processing..."
y1 = fast_conv_vect( x1, h1 ).real # takes the real part to avoid a too small complex part (around e-18)
# audio normalization: if "y = y/max(y)" -> "values out of [-1,+1] range are clipped"
y1 = y1/( max(y1)*clip_factor ) # to avoid clipping
wavwrite( y1, Fs1, conv_output )
print "Output file:", conv_output
print "Convolution success."
print "Error: files has different sample rate."
# The following is a Python/scipy snippet to generate the
# coefficients for a halfband filter. A halfband filter
# is a filter where the cutoff frequency is Fs/4 and every
# other coeffecient is zero except the cetner tap.
# Note: every other (even except 0) is 0, most of the coefficients
# will be close to zero, force to zero actual
import numpy
from numpy import log10, abs, pi
import scipy
from scipy import signal
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib as mpl
# ~~[Filter Design with Parks-McClellan Remez]~~
N = 32 # Filter order
# Filter symetric around 0.25 (where .5 is pi or Fs/2)
bands = numpy.array([0., .22, .28, .5])
h = signal.remez(N+1, bands, [1,0], [1,1])
h[abs(h) <= 1e-4] = 0.
(w,H) = signal.freqz(h)
# ~~[Filter Design with Windowed freq]~~
b = signal.firwin(N+1, 0.5)
b[abs(h) <= 1e-4] = 0.
(wb, Hb) = signal.freqz(b)
# Dump the coefficients for comparison and verification
print(' remez firwin')
for ii in range(N+1):
print(' tap %2d %-3.6f %-3.6f' % (ii, h[ii], b[ii]))
## ~~[Plotting]~~
# Note: the pylab functions can be used to create plots,
# and these might be easier for beginners or more familiar
# for Matlab users. pylab is a wrapper around lower-level
# MPL artist (pyplot) functions.
fig = mpl.pyplot.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax0.stem(numpy.arange(len(h)), h)
ax0.set_title('Parks-McClellan (remez) Impulse Response')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax1.stem(numpy.arange(len(b)), b)
ax1.set_title('Windowed Frequency Sampling (firwin) Impulse Response')
fig = mpl.pyplot.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.plot(w, 20*log10(abs(H)))
ax1.plot(w, 20*log10(abs(Hb)))
ax1.legend(['remez', 'firwin'])
bx = bands*2*pi
ax1.axvspan(bx[1], bx[2], facecolor='0.5', alpha='0.33')
ax1.plot(pi/2, -6, 'go')
ax1.axvline(pi/2, color='g', linestyle='--')
ax1.set_ylabel('Magnitude (dB)')
ax1.set_xlabel('Normalized Frequency (radians)')
ax1.set_title('Half Band Filter Frequency Response')
# Copyright (c) 2011 Christopher Felton
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# The following is derived from the slides presented by
# Alexander Kain for CS506/606 "Special Topics: Speech Signal Processing"
# CSLU / OHSU, Spring Term 2011.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib import rcParams
def zplane(b,a,filename=None):
"""Plot the complex z-plane given a transfer function.
# get a figure/plot
ax = plt.subplot(111)
# create the unit circle
uc = patches.Circle((0,0), radius=1, fill=False,
color='black', ls='dashed')
# The coefficients are less than 1, normalize the coeficients
if np.max(b) > 1:
kn = np.max(b)
b = b/float(kn)
kn = 1
if np.max(a) > 1:
kd = np.max(a)
a = a/float(kd)
kd = 1
# Get the poles and zeros
p = np.roots(a)
z = np.roots(b)
k = kn/float(kd)
# Plot the zeros and set marker properties
t1 = plt.plot(z.real, z.imag, 'go', ms=10)
plt.setp( t1, markersize=10.0, markeredgewidth=1.0,
markeredgecolor='k', markerfacecolor='g')
# Plot the poles and set marker properties
t2 = plt.plot(p.real, p.imag, 'rx', ms=10)
plt.setp( t2, markersize=12.0, markeredgewidth=3.0,
markeredgecolor='r', markerfacecolor='r')
# set the ticks
r = 1.5; plt.axis('scaled'); plt.axis([-r, r, -r, r])
ticks = [-1, -.5, .5, 1]; plt.xticks(ticks); plt.yticks(ticks)
if filename is None:
return z, p, k
# Instantiate the SIIR object. Pass the cutoff frequency
# Fc and the sample rate Fs in Hz. Also define the input
# and output fixed-point type. W=(wl, iwl) where
# wl = word-length and iwl = integer word-length. This
# example uses 23 fraction bits and 1 sign bit.
>>> from siir import SIIR
>>> flt = SIIR(Fstop=1333, Fs=48000, W=(24,0))
# Plot the response of the fixed-point coefficients
>>> plot(flt.hz, 20*log10(flt.h)
# Create a testbench and run a simulation
# (get the simulated response)
>>> from myhdl import Simulation
>>> tb = flt.TestFreqResponse(Nloops=128, Nfft=1024)
>>> Simulation(tb).run()
>>> flt.PlotResponse()
# Happy with results generate the Verilog and VHDL
>>> flt.Convert()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2006 by Hernán Ordiales
# <audiocode@uint8.com.ar>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fast convolution of an audio signal with the impulse response of a system modeled as LTI (Linear Time Invariant) one.
# Use: fast_conv.py source.wav impulse_response.wav output.wav
from wav_array import *
from FFT import fft, inverse_fft
from pylab import size
import sys
def nextpow2( L ):
N = 2
while N < L: N = N * 2
return N
def fast_conv_vect( x, h ):
# searches for the amount of points required to perform the FFT
L = size(h) + size(x) - 1 # linear convolution length
N = nextpow2( L )
# Note: N>=L is needed because the IDFT of the multiplication is the circular convolution and to match it to the
# common one, N>=L is required (where L=N1+N2-1;N1=length(x);N2=length(h))
# FFT(X,N) is the N points FFT, with zero padding if X has less than N points and truncated if has more.
H = fft( h, N ) # Fourier transform of the impulse
X = fft( x, N ) # Fourier transform of the input signal
Y = H * X # spectral multiplication
y = inverse_fft( Y ) # time domain again
return y
source = sys.argv[1]
impulse = sys.argv[2]
conv_output = sys.argv[3]
clip_factor = 1.01 # clip factor default value
[ h1, Fs1, h_bits ] = wavread( impulse ) # impulse response
[ x1, Fs2, x_bits ] = wavread( source ) # file to process
if Fs1 == Fs2 : # if sample rates are the same
print "Processing..."
y1 = fast_conv_vect( x1, h1 ).real # takes the real part to avoid a too small complex part (around e-18)
# audio normalization: if "y = y/max(y)" -> "values out of [-1,+1] range are clipped"
y1 = y1/( max(y1)*clip_factor ) # to avoid clipping
wavwrite( y1, Fs1, conv_output )
print "Output file:", conv_output
print "Convolution success."
print "Error: files has different sample rate."
# rfft.py
# This file contains a recursive version of the fast-fourier transform and
# support test functions. This module utilizes the numpy (numpy.scipy.org)
# library.
# References
# - http://www.cse.uiuc.edu/iem/fft/rcrsvfft/
# - "A Simple and Efficient FFT Implementation in C++", by Vlodymyr Myrnyy
import numpy
from numpy.fft import fft
from numpy import sin, cos, pi, ones, zeros, arange, r_, sqrt, mean
def rFFT(x):
Recursive FFT implementation.
-- http://www.cse.uiuc.edu/iem/fft/rcrsvfft/
-- "A Simple and Efficient FFT Implementation in C++"
by Vlodymyr Myrnyy
n = len(x)
if (n == 1):
return x
w = getTwiddle(n)
m = n/2;
X = ones(m, float)*1j
Y = ones(m, float)*1j
for k in range(m):
X[k] = x[2*k]
Y[k] = x[2*k + 1]
X = rFFT(X)
Y = rFFT(Y)
F = ones(n, float)*1j
for k in range(n):
i = (k%m)
F[k] = X[i] + w[k] * Y[i]
return F
def getTwiddle(NFFT=8):
"""Generate the twiddle factors"""
W = r_[[1.0 + 1.0j]*NFFT]
for k in range(NFFT):
W[k] = cos(2.0*pi*k/NFFT) - 1.0j*sin(2.0*pi*k/NFFT)
return W
def DFT(x, N=8):
Use the direct definition of DFT for verification
y = [1.0 + 1.0j]*N
y = r_[y]
for n in range(N):
wsum = 0 + 0j;
for k in range(N):
wsum = wsum + (cos(2*pi*k*n/N) - (1.0j * sin(2*pi*k*n/N)))*x[k]
y[n] = wsum
return y
def test_rfft(N = 64, # FFT order to test
nStart = 0.2, # Note aliased signal included
nStep = 2.1, # Samples per period step
pStep = pi/4, # Phase step size
limErr = 10e-12, # Error limit to check
maxErr = 0 # Max difference
Use the built in numpy FFT functions and the direct
implemenation of the DFT to verify the recursive FFT.
This testbench verifies the different implementations are within
a certain limit. Because of the different implemenations the values
could be slightly off (computer representation calculation error).
# Use test signal nStart:nStep:N samples per cycle
for s in arange(nStart, N+nStep, nStep):
for p in arange(0, pi+pStep, pStep):
n = arange(N, 0, -1)
x = cos(2*pi*n/s + p)
xDFT = DFT(x,N)
nFFT = fft(x,N)
xFFT = rFFT(x)
rmsErrD = sqrt(mean(abs(xDFT - xFFT))**2)
rmsErrN = sqrt(mean(abs(nFFT - xFFT))**2)
if rmsErrD > limErr or rmsErrN > limErr:
print s, p, "Error!", rmsErrD, rmsErrN
print xDFT
print nFFT
print xFFT
if rmsErrD > maxErr:
maxErr = rmsErrD
elif rmsErrN > maxErr:
maxErr = rmsErrN
print "N %d maxErr = %f " % (N,maxErr)
# If the module is run test a bunch of different size FFTs
if __name__ == '__main__':
# The following is fairly exhaustive and will take some time
# to run.
tv = 2**arange(1,12)
for nfft in tv: