
David Cooke (@ees3dc)

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/28/2019)
OK, so my link needs to have a RRC filter. You only specify roll off factor rather than cut-off etc. Can I make the interpolating filter a RRC or do I need RRC first...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/28/2019)
Yes. In actual fact I think I need x32 to run the DAC at 4700 Msps and I have demonstrated the hardware interface runs at this speed. You use the FPGA's OSERDES...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/28/2019)
OK, so attached are 2 sets of waveforms. The top set is my amended implementation that got rid of those artefacts and I think is what is meant by Fs/4, but as discussed,...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/24/2019)
Sorry, could you explain how I upsample please? Is that "zero-stuffing" where I take the modulated signal, lets call that sample sequence S0, S1, S2, S3... and...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/23/2019)
Thank you for the reply. Yes, I'm using +1 and -1 for the multiplier as this results in a simple XOR. I have changed the FPGA to option A as I discussed with KAZ...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
Thanks for the help. I only found out about this scheme by a few sentences in a paper on the web. Is there some online text that discusses this method please? Is...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
Not sure if it helps. But this is how I would implement option A.A mod.JPGThe DAC multiplexes the 4 inputs 1 at a time.

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
I hope I'm not frustrating you.. I don't know what you mean by up4. I have updated the diagram to show when these "samples" go to the DAC.A or B.JPGIs there some...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
You and someone else on this forum have said that this technique is well known but I have not found anything on the web. I may be that I don't know what to search...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
Hmmm, I think you are saying I need to implement B in the attachment? If so then that presents a problem because I have root raised cosine filtering and each data...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
When you say lobes, is that harmonics because of the crude sin wave? Or is a lobe something different? I'm not sure how you can avoid this issue when you create...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
I don't understand your message that "the mixer must use one same of each to produce one product." I beleive that the mixer is running at the sampling rate, First...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
PLease see this attahcment. Digital Modulator.JPGThis works in that it does demodulate - just I have those artefacts.

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
Correct. I "multiply" (xor) I with "1100"I "multiply" (xor) Q with "1001"then I add them together. That makes: 2, 1, 0, 1. And if you take the DC offset away,...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
Its an e2V RF DAC (they don't have many in the range - same device just different max sample rates) but to be honest, I see the same issue with a completely different...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
Digital Modulator.JPGApologies, you are correct. That is how I am mixing it up. and yes, the idea is to take an nth image which looks like it could work, just not...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
The DAC has several modes: NRZ, RTZ, RF etc. The DAC is in RF mode. The datasheet states that a weakness of RF mode is Fs clock spurs. Indeed, they disappear when...

Re: Digital Modulator Artefacts

Reply posted 5 years ago (03/22/2019)
DAC Baseband Response No Modulation.JPGDAC Baseband Response.JPGThe signal was created as a carrier of Fs/4, ie: +1, 0, -1, +1.....There is no mixing, this is all...

Digital Modulator Artefacts

New thread started 5 years ago
Attached is an RF-DAC output of a modulated IQ signal.Signal is generated with an FPGA with a simple "F/4" I-Q modulator. The RF-DAC sample frequency is 4700 MHz....

Re: SDR Direct-RF User Symbol Rate

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/05/2019)
I believe the only viable DAC is the e2V EV12DS460A 7GSa/s DAC. The next fastest DAC is the AD719x series but they don't appear fast enough. I am flexible on the...

Re: SDR Direct-RF User Symbol Rate

Reply posted 6 years ago (01/03/2019)
Direct RF.JPGThanks, I will try to dig out a copy... I attach some numbers of what I'm trying to achieveI am wanting to output from a DAC a modulated carrier at 8.2...

Re: SDR Direct-RF User Symbol Rate

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/30/2018)
Thank you both for the reply. Apologies, but I should have pointed out that my I,Q outputs are already 12 bit wide root-raised cosine filtered and producing 4...

SDR Direct-RF User Symbol Rate

New thread started 6 years ago
I'm wondering how to decouple user data/symbol rate from a carrier clock in a Direct-RF DAC transmitter solution.I have an I+Q root raised cosine data source that...

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