Looking more at a radix FFT implementations I don't know if the sub-sequence coefficients are necessary intermediate results. Some of the implementations use...
I think I can
describe the desired FT coefficients more precisely. I am given the
8192 sample time series (sampled at 1 GHz) and 10 frequencies (These
thanks for the reply.I am partitioning the sequence into 4 sub-sequences 0-2047, 2048-4095, 4096-6143,6144-8191. I have real input and compute complex coefficients.I...
Hello Everyone,I am using cuda on a
Jetson Xavier AGX to do some signal processing. I am processing a
time series which is 16 bit samples taken at 1 GHz. Each...
Thanks for the continued thought about my problem. We came to the same conclusion.The FPGA engineer determined the trigger starting the FFT was one clock cycle...
You got it. :) We set up a testbench for the FPGA and fed in a set of test data. We ran the FFT on the FPGA and compared the results with the FFT I was generating...
We think we have the same time series for both the FPGA FFT and the NP FFT. The FPGA sends me the coefficients it calculates and the time series. I thought that...
I asked our DSP guy about this and he thinks it is worth checking. He suggested putting in a test signal and looking for the phase walk. Do you have any ideas...
I looked at the spectrum of both FFTs, (the FPGA and the numpy.fft.rfft) and the magnitudes look the same. When you say order I think that means low frequency...
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