Hi, I'm a college student from argentina and I've received a Texas
Instruments DSP Control Card with a 320F2808 and another with 320F28335, and
I'm kind of lost. I've downloaded the CCSv4 and tryed to begin
programing, but I found I´m missing the basic concepts. If any one can
help me with this, I will be very thanked.
My basic questions are:
1) How do I adress the registers in the core? I've downloaded the header
files from Ti's web site, but they dont clarify much.
2) I don't have a schematic of the board (controlCARD) so I don't know
wich pins are conected with each led or pin.
3) Do I heve to map the memory inside the chip?, I've seen something like
that in some examples.
Finally, if someone can give me some advices on how to begin...