FIR Band Pass Filter - Remez Algorithm -Previous one for LPF
This program is used to design a FIR symmetric BPF using Remez algorithm. In scilab this has been implemented by using the inbuilt function eqfir(). The previous one FIR BPF is actually for Low Pass Filter design.
//Band Pass FIlter of length M = 16
//Lower Cutoff frequency fp = 0.2 and Upper Cutoff frequency fs = 0.3
// Choose the number of cosine functions and create a dense grid
// in [0,0.1) and [0.2,0.35] and [0.425,0.5]
//magnitude for pass band = 1 & stop band = 0 (i.e) [0 1 0]
//Weighting function =[10 1 10]
clear all;
hn = 0;
hm = 0;
hn=eqfir(16,[0 .1;.2 .35;.425 .5],[0 1 0],[10 1 10]);
disp(hn,'The Filter Coefficients are:')
a = gca();
xlabel('Normalized Digital Frequency fr');
ylabel('Magnitude in dB');
title('Frequency Response of FIR BPF using REMEZ algorithm M=16')