% Code for testing the 'Wind_Flattop(Spec)' function in
% reducing 'scalloping loss' errors in time signal amplitude
% estimation.
% Generates a time-domain sinusoid, computes its FFT, and passes
% that FFT sequence to the 'Wind_Flattop(Spec)' function.
% The maximum output sample of the 'Wind_Flattop(Spec)' function
% is used to estimate the peak amplitude of the original
% sinusoidal time-domain test signal.
% The user controls the values for the test sinusoid's
% 'Test_Freq' and peak amplitude 'Peak_Amp' near lines 23 & 24.
% Richard Lyons [December, 2011]
clear all, clc
% Define test parameters
Test_Freq = 7.22; % Test tone's freq. Must be less that N/2
Peak_Amp = 5;
N = 64; % Number of time samples
Index = (0:N-1);
X = Peak_Amp*cos(2*pi*(Test_Freq)*Index/N + pi/3);
figure(1), clf
plot(X,':ko', 'markersize', 4)
title('Original time signal'), grid on, zoom on
% FFT the input 'X' sequence and call 'Wind_Flattop()' function
Spec = fft(X);
[Windowed_Spec] = Wind_Flattop(Spec);
subplot(2,1,2), plot(abs(Spec),'ko', 'markersize', 3)
title('SpecMag of unwindowed time signal'), grid on, zoom on
% Display results accuracy (error)
disp(' ')
disp(['Test Freq = ',num2str(Test_Freq),...
', True Peak Amplitude = ',num2str(Peak_Amp)])
Mag_peak_unwindowed = max(abs(Spec));
Unwindowed_Amp_Estimate = 2*Mag_peak_unwindowed/N;
Unwindowed_Amp_Estimate_Error_in_dB = ...
disp(' ')
disp(['Unwindowed Peak Amplitude Estimate = ',...
disp(['Unwindowed Estimate Error in dB = ',...
num2str(Unwindowed_Amp_Estimate_Error_in_dB),' dB'])
M_peak_windowed = max(abs(Windowed_Spec));
Windowed_Amp_Estimated = 2*M_peak_windowed/N;
Windowed_Amp_Estimation_Error_in_dB = ...
disp(' ')
disp(['Windowed Peak Amplitude Estimate = ',...
disp(['Windowed Estimate Error in dB = ',...
num2str(Windowed_Amp_Estimation_Error_in_dB),' dB'])
clear all; close all;
test = 1; %see comments below
n = 10000; %number of test samples
switch test
case 1, z = linspace(.02,-.01,n); %gentle zero crossing
case 2, z = linspace(.0005,-.0005,n); %excess dc at zero crossing
case 3, z = randsrc(1,n,[.25 -.25]); %random sweep, creates messy signal
case 4, z = randsrc(1,n,[-.25:.001,.25]); %random sweep, creates messy signal
case 5, z = ones(1,n/4)*.01; z = [z -z z -z]; %discontinuity at zero crossing
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Finite NCO model %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
A = 2^15 - 1; %max amplitude
M = 2^12; %NCO accumulator phase resolution
inc = round(M*z); %NCO accumulator phase increment
k = 2^12; %lut phase resolution (lut size),
lsb = log2(M) - log2(k); %LSBs discarded when addressing
lut = round(A*exp(j*2*pi*(0:k-1)/k)); %lut, one cycle cos/sin data
ptr = 0;
addr = 0;
for i = 1:n
y(i) = lut(addr+1); %add 1 for matlab LUT
ptr = mod(ptr + inc(i), M); %phase accumulator(ramp)
addr = round(ptr/2^lsb); %discard LSBs
addr(addr >= k) = addr - k; %check address overflow
%display output
%circular convolution
%for testing you may use:
h = fir1(20,.3);
x = randn(1,1024);
%function y = conv_circ(h,x)
y = conv(h,x);
L1 = length(h);
L2 = length(x);
%add end to start, add start to end
temp = y(1:L1-1);
y(1:L1-1) = y(1:L1-1) + y(L2+(1:L1-1));
y(L2+(1:L1-1)) = y(L2+(1:L1-1)) + temp;
%compare to direct convolution
y2 = conv(h,x);
function y = soft(x,T)
%function used to denoise a noisy image with given soft threshold
%x = noisy image
%T = threshold
y = max(abs(x) - T, 0);
y = y./(y+T) .* x;
clear all
close all
scanagle_deg=60; % Range covered by seeker antenna
% for ploting original arrays of sum, diff and ratio
for i=1:length(theta);
ant1=1*sin(2*pi*f*t); %Antenna 1
ant2=1*sin(2*pi*f*t+theta(i)); %Antenna 2
sum_ant(i)=ant1(mx)+ant2(mx); %Sum of antennas
diff_ant(i)=ant1(mx)-ant2(mx); %diff of antennas
ratio_ant(i)=diff_ant(i)/sum_ant(i); %ratio
% subplot(311)
% plot(t,ant1,t,ant2)
% subplot(211)
% plot(rad2deg(theta),sum_ant,rad2deg(theta),diff_ant)
% subplot(212)
% plot(rad2deg(theta),ratio_ant)
% figure
% subplot(211)
% plot(rad2deg(theta),sumn_ant,rad2deg(theta),diffn_ant)
% subplot(212)
% plot(rad2deg(theta),ration_ant)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Recieved signal at antenna for DOA%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
A_ant1=2; % Amplitude of antenna 1
A_ant2=3; % Amplitude of antenna 2
DOA_angle_target=20; % DOA of TARGET
sim_ant11=A_ant1*sin(2*pi*f*t); % Simulated antenna 1
sim_ant22=A_ant2*sin(2*pi*f*t+deg2rad(DOA_angle_target)); % Simulated antenna 2
sim_ant1=sim_ant11/max(sim_ant11); %normalization
%%%%also take for same sample value of data
%%%%%%%%%%%%% Polynomial fitting of ratio_ant of 6th order%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Error in DOA is obtained because of this
% if polynomial fitting is removed or more accurate results are obtained
% DOA of target can be found with greater accuracy
% Polynomial was obtained though curve fitting toolbox
p1 = 1.047e-008;
p2 = -6.907e-007;
p3 = 2.383e-005;
p4 = -0.0004914;
p5 = 0.008555;
p6 = -0.09626;
p7 = 0.4215;
for ii=1:2200
fitted_model_rat_ant(ii) = p1*x^6 + p2*x^5 + p3*x^4 + p4*x^3 + p5*x^2 + p6*x + p7;
theta_new=-scanagle_deg:.0545:scanagle_deg; % Theta for ploting fitted model
c1=ceil(sim_ratio_ant*7000); % For comparison of sim_ratio ant and model
c2=ceil(fitted_model_rat_ant*7000); % Different threshold Threshold can be chosen
[r,c,v]= find(c2==c1);
detected_theta=(c.*0.0545)-60 %theta from curve fitting model
if(A_ant1>A_ant2) % condition for checking which angle was correct
function [hn_min] = lp_fir_2_mp_fir(hn_lin)
% This function helps in converting the linear phase
% FIR filter to minimum phase FIR filter. It essentially
% brings all zeros which are outside the unit circle to
% inside of unit circle.
r = roots(hn_lin);
k = abs(r) > 1.01;
r1 = r(k); % roots outside of unit circle.
r2 = r(~k);% roots on or within the unit circle
s = [1./r1; r2];
hn_min = poly(s);
hn_min = hn_min*sqrt(sum(hn_lin.^2))/sqrt(sum(hn_min.^2));
% **************************************************************
% Vectorized Farrow resampler
% M. Nentwig, 2011
% Note: Uses cyclic signals (wraps around)
% **************************************************************
close all; clear all;
% inData contains input to the resampling process (instead of function arguments)
inData = struct();
% **************************************************************
% example coefficients.
% Each column [c0; c1; c2; c3] describes a polynomial for one tap coefficent in fractional time ft [0, 1]:
% tapCoeff = c0 + c1 * ft + c2 * ft ^ 2 + c3 * ft ^ 3
% Each column corresponds to one tap.
% the matrix size may be changed arbitrarily.
% The example filter is based on a 6th order Chebyshev Laplace-domain prototype.
% **************************************************************
inData.cMatrix =[ -8.57738278e-3 7.82989032e-1 7.19303539e+000 6.90955718e+000 -2.62377450e+000 -6.85327127e-1 1.44681608e+000 -8.79147907e-1 7.82633997e-2 1.91318985e-1 -1.88573400e-1 6.91790782e-2 3.07723786e-3 -6.74800912e-3
2.32448021e-1 2.52624309e+000 7.67543936e+000 -8.83951796e+000 -5.49838636e+000 6.07298348e+000 -2.16053205e+000 -7.59142947e-1 1.41269409e+000 -8.17735712e-1 1.98119464e-1 9.15904145e-2 -9.18092030e-2 2.74136108e-2
-1.14183319e+000 6.86126458e+000 -6.86015957e+000 -6.35135894e+000 1.10745051e+001 -3.34847578e+000 -2.22405694e+000 3.14374725e+000 -1.68249886e+000 2.54083065e-1 3.22275037e-1 -3.04794927e-1 1.29393976e-1 -3.32026332e-2
1.67363115e+000 -2.93090391e+000 -1.13549165e+000 5.65274939e+000 -3.60291782e+000 -6.20715544e-1 2.06619782e+000 -1.42159644e+000 3.75075865e-1 1.88433333e-1 -2.64135123e-1 1.47117661e-1 -4.71871047e-2 1.24921920e-2
] / 12.28;
% **************************************************************
% Create example signal
% **************************************************************
nIn = 50; % used for test signal generation only
if true
% complex signal
inData.signal = cos(2*pi*(0:(nIn-1)) / nIn) + cos(2*2*pi*(0:(nIn-1)) / nIn) + 1.5;
% impulse response
inData.signal = zeros(1, nIn); inData.signal(1) = 1; %
% inData.cMatrix = 0 * inData.cMatrix; inData.cMatrix(1, 1) = 1; % enable to show constant c in first tap
% inData.cMatrix = 0 * inData.cMatrix; inData.cMatrix(2, 1) = 1; % enable to show linear c in first tap
% inData.cMatrix = 0 * inData.cMatrix; inData.cMatrix(3, 1) = 1; % enable to show quadratic c in first tap
% inData.cMatrix = 0 * inData.cMatrix; inData.cMatrix(1, 2) = 1; % enable to show constant c in second tap
% **************************************************************
% Resample to the following number of output samples
% must be integer, otherwise arbitrary
% **************************************************************
inData.nSamplesOut = floor(nIn * 6.28);
% **************************************************************
% Set up Farrow resampling
% **************************************************************
nSamplesIn = size(inData.signal, 2);
nSamplesOut = inData.nSamplesOut;
order = size(inData.cMatrix, 1) - 1; % polynomial order
nTaps = size(inData.cMatrix, 2); % number of input samples that contribute to one output sample (FIR size)
% pointer to the position in the input stream for each output sample (row vector, real numbers), starting at 0
inputIndex = (0:nSamplesOut-1) / nSamplesOut * nSamplesIn;
% split into integer part (0..nSamplesIn - 1) ...
inputIndexIntegerPart = floor(inputIndex);
% ... and fractional part [0, 1[
inputIndexFractionalPart = inputIndex - inputIndexIntegerPart;
% **************************************************************
% Calculate output stream
% First constant term (conventional FIR), then linear, quadratic, cubic, ...
% **************************************************************
outStream = zeros(1, inData.nSamplesOut);
for ixOrder = 0 : order
x = inputIndexFractionalPart .^ ixOrder;
% **************************************************************
% Add the contribution of each tap one-by-one
% **************************************************************
for ixTap = 0 : nTaps - 1
c = inData.cMatrix(ixOrder+1, ixTap+1);
% index of input sample that contributes to output via the current tap
% higher tap index => longer delay => older input sample => smaller data index
dataIx = inputIndexIntegerPart - ixTap;
% wrap around
dataIx = mod(dataIx, nSamplesIn);
% array indexing starts at 1
dataIx = dataIx + 1;
delayed = inData.signal(dataIx);
% for each individual output sample (index in row vector),
% - evaluate f = c(order, tapindex) * fracPart .^ order
% - scale the delayed input sample with f
% - accumulate the contribution of all taps
% this implementation performs the operation for all output samples in parallel (row vector)
outStream = outStream + c * delayed .* x;
end % for ixTap
end % for ixOrder
% **************************************************************
% plot
% **************************************************************
xIn = linspace(0, 1, nSamplesIn + 1); xIn = xIn(1:end-1);
xOut = linspace(0, 1, nSamplesOut + 1); xOut = xOut(1:end-1);
figure(); grid on; hold on;
stem(xIn, inData.signal, 'k+-');
plot(xOut, outStream, 'b+-');
legend('input', 'output');
title('Farrow resampling. Signals are cyclic');
% ************************************************************
% * Construct a continuous-time impulse response based on a discrete-time filter
% ************************************************************
close all; clear all;
% ************************************************************
% * example filter
% * f = [0 0.7 0.8 1]; a = [1 1 0 0];
% * b = remez(45, f, a);
% * h = b .';
% Illustrates rather clearly the difficulty of "interpolating" (in a geometric sense,
% via polynomials, splines etc) between impulse response samples
% ************************************************************
h = [2.64186706e-003 2.50796828e-003 -4.25450455e-003 4.82982358e-003 -2.51252769e-003 -2.52706568e-003 7.73569146e-003 -9.30398382e-003 4.65100223e-003 5.17152459e-003 -1.49409856e-002 1.76001904e-002 -8.65545521e-003 -9.78478603e-003 2.82103205e-002 -3.36173643e-002 1.68597129e-002 2.01914744e-002 -6.17486493e-002 8.13362871e-002 -4.80981494e-002 -8.05143565e-002 5.87677665e-001 5.87677665e-001 -8.05143565e-002 -4.80981494e-002 8.13362871e-002 -6.17486493e-002 2.01914744e-002 1.68597129e-002 -3.36173643e-002 2.82103205e-002 -9.78478603e-003 -8.65545521e-003 1.76001904e-002 -1.49409856e-002 5.17152459e-003 4.65100223e-003 -9.30398382e-003 7.73569146e-003 -2.52706568e-003 -2.51252769e-003 4.82982358e-003 -4.25450455e-003 2.50796828e-003 2.64186706e-003];
% ************************************************************
% zero-pad the impulse response of the FIR filter to 5x its original length
% (time domain)
% The filter remains functionally identical, since appending zero taps changes nothing
% ************************************************************
timePaddingFactor = 5;
n1 = timePaddingFactor * size(h, 2);
nh = size(h, 2);
nPad = n1 - nh;
nPad1 = floor(nPad / 2);
nPad2 = nPad - nPad1;
h = [zeros(1, nPad1), h, zeros(1, nPad2)];
hOrig = h;
% ************************************************************
% Determine equivalent Fourier series coefficients (frequency domain)
% assume that the impulse response is bandlimited (time-discrete signal by definition)
% and periodic (period length see above, can be extended arbitrarily)
% ************************************************************
h = fft(h); % Fourier transform time domain to frequency domain
% ************************************************************
% Evaluate the Fourier series on an arbitrarily dense grid
% this allows to resample the impulse response on an arbitrarily dense grid
% ************************************************************
% zero-pad Fourier transform
% ideal band-limited oversampling of the impulse response to n2 samples
n2 = 10 * n1;
h = [h(1:ceil(n1/2)), zeros(1, n2-n1), h(ceil(n1/2)+1:end)];
h = ifft(h); % back to time domain
% Note: One may write out the definition of ifft() and evaluate the exp(...) term at an
% arbitrary time to acquire a true continuous-time equation.
% numerical inaccuracy in (i)fft causes some imaginary part ~1e-15
assert(max(abs(imag(h))) / max(abs(real(h))) < 1e-14);
h = real(h);
% scale to maintain amplitude level
h = h * n2 / n1;
% construct x-axis [0, 1[
xOrig = linspace(-timePaddingFactor/2, timePaddingFactor/2, size(hOrig, 2) + 1); xOrig = xOrig(1:end-1);
x = linspace(-timePaddingFactor/2, timePaddingFactor/2, size(h, 2) + 1); x = x(1:end-1);
% ************************************************************
% Plot
% ************************************************************
% ... on a linear scale
% find points where original impulse response is defined (for illustration)
ixOrig = find(abs(hOrig) > 0);
figure(); grid on; hold on;
stem(xOrig(ixOrig), hOrig(ixOrig), 'k');
plot(x, h, 'b');
legend('discrete-time FIR filter', 'continuous-time equivalent');
title('equivalent discrete- and continuous-time filters');
xlabel('time (relative to discrete time IR duration)'); ylabel('h(t)');
% ... and again on a logarithmic scale
myEps = 1e-15;
figure(); grid on; hold on;
u = plot(xOrig(ixOrig), 20*log10(abs(hOrig(ixOrig)) + myEps), 'k+'); set(u, 'lineWidth', 3);
plot(x, 20*log10(abs(h) + myEps), 'b');
legend('discrete-time FIR filter', 'continuous-time equivalent');
title('equivalent discrete- and continuous-time filters');
xlabel('time (relative to discrete time IR duration)'); ylabel('|h(t)| / dB');
function [b,a] = rc_filter(R, C, Fs, filter_type)
% Returns equivalent IIR coefficients for an analog RC filter
% Usage: [B,A] = RC_FILTER(r, c, fs, type);
% R is the resistance value (in ohms)
% C is the capacitance value (in farrads)
% FS is the digital sample rate (in Hz)
% type is a character string defining filter type
% Choices are: 'high' or 'low'
% Highpass filters have the analog structure:
% | |
% Vi o--------| |----------+---------o Vo
% | | |
% C |
% ---
% | | R
% | |
% ---
% |
% |
% o---------------------+---------o
% Lowpass filters have the analog structure:
% |-----|
% Vi o--------| |------+---------o Vo
% |-----| |
% R |
% ----- C
% -----
% |
% |
% o---------------------+---------o
% This function uses a pre-calculated equation for both of these circuits
% that only requires the resistance and capacitance value to get a true
% digital filter equivalent to a basic analog filter.
% The math behind these equations is based off the basic bilinear transform
% technique that can be found in many DSP textbooks. The reference paper
% for this function was "Conversion of Analog to Digital Transfer
% Functions" by C. Sidney Burrus, page 6.
% This is also the equivalent of a 1st order butterworth with a cuttoff
% frequency of Fc = 1/(2*pi*R*C);
% Author: sparafucile17 07/01/02
% Verify that cutoff of the analog filter is below Nyquist
if( (1/(2*pi*R*C)) > (Fs/2) )
error('This analog filter cannot be realized with this sample rate');
% Default to allpass if invalid type is selected
b = [ 1 0 ];
a = [ 1 0 ];
% Constants
RC = R * C;
T = 1 / Fs;
% Analog Cutoff Fc
w = 1 / (RC);
% Prewarped coefficient for Bilinear transform
A = 1 / (tan((w*T) / 2));
% The following equations were derived from
% s
% T(s) = -------
% s + 1
% using Bilinear transform of
% 1 ( 1 - z^-1 )
% s --> ----------- * ------------
% tan(w*T/2) ( 1 + z^-1 )
b(1) = (A) / (1 + A);
b(2) = -b(1);
a(2) = (1 - A) / (1 + A);
% The following equations were derived from
% 1
% T(s) = -------
% s + 1
% using Bilinear transform of
% 1 ( 1 - z^-1 )
% s --> ----------- * ------------
% tan(w*T/2) ( 1 + z^-1 )
b(1) = (1) / (1 + A);
b(2) = b(1);
a(2) = (1 - A) / (1 + A);
function [y] = signal_unmute(x, index, duration, Fs)
% Return the input vector with a unmute that occurs at a specific
% index and with an exponential ramp-up to reduce "pop" sounds.
% The output will start off at -100dB gain and end at 0dB gain.
% Usage: y = SIGNAL_UNMUTE(x, index, duration, Fs);
% X is your one-dimensional input array
% INDEX is where in the input signal you want the unmute to begin
% DURATION is how long (in seconds) to exponentially ramp up the
% input signal. 100ms is recommended.
% FS is the sample rate
% Example:
% You want to unmute your signal at 0.5sec with a duration of 100ms
% and with a 48k Fs. (signal is unmuted completely at 0.6sec)
% y = signal_mute(x, 24000, 0.1, 48000);
% Author: sparafucile17 7/29/2003
% Input must have some length
if(length(x) == 1)
error('ERROR: input signal must have more than one element');
% This function only supports one-dimensional arrays
if((size(x, 2) ~= 1) && (size(x, 1) ~= 1))
error('ERROR: Input must be one-dimensional');
% Make sure there are enough samples to complete the mute
if(length(x) < (index + duration*Fs))
error(['There are not enough samples in X to complete the unmute. ' ...
'Either change the mute duration or move the index back.' ]);
% Flip vector (temporarily)
if((size(x, 2) ~= 1))
x = x';
flip_back = true;
flip_back = false;
% Calculate exponential coefficient
dB_atten = -100; %What do we consider "muted" to be in decibels
decayrate = -dB_atten / duration;
coeff = 1.0 - 10^(-decayrate/(20.0*Fs));
% Build the Gain array
gain = [zeros(index, 1); ones((length(x)-index), 1);];
b = [ coeff 0];
a = [ 1 (-1*(1-coeff))];
gain = filter(b,a,gain);
% Apply Mute (gain) to the input signal
y = gain .* x;
% Flip the vector (if required)
if(flip_back == true);
y = y';
function [y] = signal_mute(x, index, duration, Fs)
% Return the input vector with a mute that occurs at a specific
% index and with an exponential ramp-down to reduce "pop" sounds.
% The output will start off at 0dB gain and end at -100dB gain.
% Usage: y = SIGNAL_MUTE(x, index, duration, Fs);
% X is your one-dimensional input array
% INDEX is where in the input signal you want the mute to begin
% DURATION is how long (in seconds) to exponentially ramp down the
% input signal. 100ms is recommended.
% FS is the sample rate
% Example:
% You want to mute your signal at 0.5sec with a duration of 100ms
% and with a 48k Fs. (mute complete at 0.6sec)
% y = signal_mute(x, 24000, 0.1, 48000);
% Author: sparafucile17 7/29/2003
% Input must have some length
if(length(x) == 1)
error('ERROR: input signal must have more than one element');
% This function only supports one-dimensional arrays
if((size(x, 2) ~= 1) && (size(x, 1) ~= 1))
error('ERROR: Input must be one-dimensional');
% Make sure there are enough samples to complete the mute
if(length(x) < (index + duration*Fs))
error(['There are not enough samples in X to complete the mute. ' ...
'Either change the mute duration or move the index back.' ]);
% Flip vector (temporarily)
if((size(x, 2) ~= 1))
x = x';
flip_back = true;
flip_back = false;
% Calculate exponential coefficient
dB_atten = -100; %How much attenuation will be at time: index + duration
decayrate = -dB_atten / duration;
coeff = 1.0 - 10^(-decayrate/(20.0*Fs));
% Build the Gain array
gain = [ones(index, 1); zeros((length(x)-index), 1);];
b = [ coeff 0];
a = [ 1 (-1*(1-coeff))];
gain = filter(b,a,gain, [1]);
% Remove minor overshoot at the beginning of gain vector
gain(find(gain > 1)) = 1;
% Apply Mute (gain) to the input signal
y = gain .* x;
% Flip the vector (if required)
if(flip_back == true);
y = y';
function thr = sureshrink(CD,T)
%function used to calculate threshold using sureshrink method
CD = CD(:)';
n = length(CD);
sx2 = sort(abs(CD)-T).^2; % sorting in descending order
b = cumsum(sx2); %cumulative sum
risks = (n-(2*(1:n))+b)/n;
[risk,best] = min(risks);
thr = sqrt(sx2(best));
function y = soft(x,T)
%function used to denoise a noisy image with given soft threshold
%x = noisy image
%T = threshold
y = max(abs(x) - T, 0);
y = y./(y+T) .* x;