
k i (@KnutInge)

Re: Matlab/Octave loop vectorization

Reply posted 4 years ago (08/20/2020)
You could probably simplify/speedup the line by doing proper matrix algebra instead of just dot-products and sums, but that would require spending 5 minutes to actually...

Re: Matlab/Octave loop vectorization

Reply posted 4 years ago (08/20/2020)
N=20; fs=44100; f=1000; w=2*pi*f; t=0:1/fs:1 % approximation %Fourier-Fejér taper sum_ = sum((((1:N)-2*N-2).*(cos(pi*(1:N))-1).*sin((1:N).*w.*(0:1/fs:1)'))./(2*pi*(1:N)*(N...

Re: Moving average followed by a decimator.

Reply posted 4 years ago (03/22/2020)
A moving average followed by a downsampler fits in with general dsp integer downsampling. The lowpass filter is a rectangular filter which (as you say) turns into...

Re: FFT stitching

Reply posted 4 years ago (03/16/2020)
The basic power of two factorization that describes the FFT in the first place shows how to use two N/2 FFTs (+ pre or post processing) to do one N fft. By doing...

Re: How to obtain impulse response of a room acoustics

Reply posted 5 years ago (01/22/2020)
This blog post seems to cover some of the basics:https://medium.com/@baranov.mv/how-i-was-listening...Or you might go straight to one of the Farina papers:http://pcfarina.eng.unipr.it/Public/Papers/226-AES...For...

Re: What is the cost of a typical MSEE degree?

Reply posted 5 years ago (12/17/2019)
While tuition is free, eating and sleeping is not. Scholarship + loans covering cost of living added up to a debt of about $30.000. This loan is different from...

Re: What is the cost of a typical MSEE degree?

Reply posted 5 years ago (12/17/2019)
5 years of University/MSEE tuition: $0Plus public scholarships and loans sufficient for moderate housing/food/books/... during those years (I was left with ~$30.000...

Re: Extract pitch of irregular signal ?

Reply posted 5 years ago (11/24/2019)
I wonder if cepstrum analysis might be suitable for this task, ala:http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~spr/f0_detection/
>When it comes to IEEE-published papers you will see VERY VERY few "papers that are easy to follow and also easy to reproduce in MATLAB."I think that there...

Re: half and quarter sample meaning

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/08/2019)
If you have an object having linear movement from one frame to the next, there is no reason to expect its movement to be an exact integer amount of pixels. Rather,...

Re: The Spectral Complexity of a Single Musical Note

Reply posted 5 years ago (05/07/2019)
Due to the acoustic-mechanics of pianos, overtones are not exact multiples of the fundamental:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_acoustics#Inha...I have heard that...

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