I am an FPGA engineer , new to MATLAb and DSP , and immersed in DSP study.
Today's exercise is plotting the unit impulse response for a Comb filter of
the form:
yc(n) = x(n) - x(n-4)
I wrote the following code:
n1 = 0;
n0 = 10; % t = 0
n2 = 100; % n2 - n1 = Length of impulse response in vector
[x,n] = impseq(n0,n1,n2); % Generates unit impulse sequences, x(n0) = 1, others
% Difference equation (const coeficcients: y(n) = sum(bm*x(n-m) -
% Comb filter : yc(n) = x(n) - x(n-4) => b(1) = 1 , b(4) =-1 , y(1) = 1
a = [1,zeros(1,n2-1)] ; % feedback coefficients
b = [1,0,0,-1,zeros(1,n2-4)]; % Comb polinomial equation
yc_imp = filter(b,a,x)
The code above gives a response with yc_imp(n0) = 1, yc_imp(n0+4) = -1 and the
rests zero. I would expect to get an oscillatory behavior with 4 samples
What' s the trick I am missing here?