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Minimum lag high pass filter for very low frequencies
Hello, I was hoping I could get some help on designing a high pass filter for very, very low frequency signals (relative to the sampling...
Hello, I was hoping I could get some help on designing a high pass filter for very, very low frequency signals (relative to the sampling rate). The frequencies I'm looking at are: 20Hz sampling, I want to filter off everything below 1/30Hz (or 1/15 if that's the best I can do). My application is very lag and phase shift sensitive. I have to double integrate this filtered signal, and the bett...
Re: system resonance revisited, ERROR FOUND
With some help of a Matlab expert I believe I was able to locate an error in my original calculations, and can account for all the power/energy at...
With some help of a Matlab expert I believe I was able to locate an error in my original calculations, and can account for all the power/energy at resonance now. The analysis/simulation in my original example were right in showing a 5x amplification at output of the effort variable. But later in calculating the in/out signals powers I incorrectly used the normalized signal power formula (nor...
system resonance revisited
inSYSTEM RESONANCE REVISITED (relates to general signal processing) There is a resonance effect in the linear 2nd order system (mechanical,...
SYSTEM RESONANCE REVISITED (relates to general signal processing) There is a resonance effect in the linear 2nd order system (mechanical, electrical, etc) that seems to create signal power/energy within the system, when the forcing function is harmonic input, and the system is in steady-state response to this harmonic input. I am sure this impossible apparent energy creation has some plausible e...
Stable Numerical MATLAB Routine for FIR MISO Wiener Filter
ear all, I have a basic knowledge of signal processing, but unfortunately I'm not a specialist of this field. I have to build an adaptive ...
ear all, I have a basic knowledge of signal processing, but unfortunately I'm not a specialist of this field. I have to build an adaptive MISO (multiple-input single-output) FIR Wiener filter, which receives three (or more) signals as inputs and produces an output according to the Wiener filter theory (for example referring to the book of Haykin, Adaptive Filter Theory). I need to use the W...
PAPR of multiple subcarriers on the same graph
Hello i am currently working on PAPR in OFDM using matlab.How do i modify the code below so that i can display PAPR for...
Hello i am currently working on PAPR in OFDM using matlab.How do i modify the code below so that i can display PAPR for totalSubcarriers=64,256,512,1024 on the same graph?This code only display totalSubcarriers=64. function paprOFDMA() dataType = 'Q-PSK'; % Modulation format. totalSubcarriers = 64; % Number of total subcarriers. numSymbols = 16; % Data block size. Fs = 5e6; % System bandwi...
Matlab filter simulation group delay
Hello everyone, I have the measurements of filter?s Group delay and S-parameters. The S-parameters are of the following form presented in a...
Hello everyone, I have the measurements of filter?s Group delay and S-parameters. The S-parameters are of the following form presented in a touchstone file !Date: Thursday, March 22, 2012 19:50:06 !Correction: S11(Full 2 Port(1,2)) !S21(Full 2 Port(1,2)) !S12(Full 2 Port(1,2)) !S22(Full 2 Port(1,2)) !S2P File: Measurements: S11, S21, S12, S22: # Hz S dB R 50 1450000000 -0.449255
How to simulate detection for UWB tx/rx using CIR as fingerprints
Hi all, I have cobbled up a plan. I don\'t know it is makes sense. *First part* (1) Assume a room is divided into several \"regions\". (2)...
Hi all, I have cobbled up a plan. I don\'t know it is makes sense. *First part* (1) Assume a room is divided into several \"regions\". (2) Place a UWB receiver(rx) at a fixed position somewhere inside the room, but outside of the regions. (3) Place a UWB transmitter(tx) inside one of the regions. Now send some signal (pulse) from the tx to the rx. Record channel impulse response (CIR) of th...
electrical appliance signature identification by using RF method
Hey, I am doing a project with a topic of Electrical Appliance signature identification by using RF method! Every electrical appliances emits...
Hey, I am doing a project with a topic of Electrical Appliance signature identification by using RF method! Every electrical appliances emits it's own and unique signal when it consumed energy. I would like to capture and record the signature of electrical appliances This project is more towards signal processing where the recorded signature will be processed and analysed to be used with class...
piano synthesis in MATLAB PLZ HELP!
inHello, I have a question about attempting to synthesize a piano in MATLAB. I am very new to MATLAB and DSP in general and my project is trying...
Hello, I have a question about attempting to synthesize a piano in MATLAB. I am very new to MATLAB and DSP in general and my project is trying to create a piano sound using whatever means (FM synthesis, additive synthesis, etc... whatever is simplest). My program asks the user for a note number (1-88) and should produce the tone with a piano timbre. Right now, I have a signal that is build on t...
ode parameter estimation
inHello, I'm trying to work through the parameter estimation workshop...
Hello, I'm trying to work through the parameter estimation workshop at "" It goes well until the program cites the following function dy = logistic(t,y,flag,a,b1,b2) dy = b1/b2 * (y ? a) * (b2 ? (y ? a)); as containing errors, namely the subtraction signs between y and a in the second line. I
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