
Manuel Herrera (@manuelon)

Manuel has a degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of LaSalle Bajio. He was honored as a member of the University’s Academy of Mathematics. He has been working as an embedded software engineer for many years, writing firmware for bare metal custom boards, developing from hardware drivers to user-space libraries. He is a regular professor in universities across the country and enjoys participating in projects from its early stages collaborating in areas of hardware, industrial design, and manufacturing. He currently works for Honeywell as firmware architect in Mexico.

Implementing a full-duplex UART using the TMS320VC33 serial port

Manuel Herrera March 16, 20112 comments

Although the TMS320VC33 serial port was designed to be used as a synchronous port, it can also be used as an asynchronous port under software control. This post describes the hardware and software needed to use a TMS320VC33 serial port as a full-duplex UART port. A schematic diagram and a lengthy code listing are provided to illustrate the solution. This note discusses the implementation of an interrupt-driven, full-duplex, asynchronous serial interface, 9600-baud UART with 8 data bits, 1...

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