
Matt McDonald (@mamcdonal)

I'm an applied mathematician working somewhere in the gray area between research, development and application of novel sensor technologies, signal processing, data analysis and interpretation. My current interests include non-stationary signal processing, wave propagation, geophysics and imaging.

Roll Your Own Differentiation Filters

Matt McDonald November 11, 2015

There are many times in digital signal processing that it is necessary to obtain estimates of the derivative of some signal or process from discretely sampled values. Such numerical derivatives are useful in applications such as edge detection, rate of change estimation and optimization, and can even be used as part of quick and efficient dc-blocking filters.

Suppose then, that we want to approximate the derivative of a function at a set of points $\{x_i:i=1,...,N\}$ from...

Re: Overlap-Save Size for M-1 Points

Reply posted 9 years ago (02/23/2016)
I apologize, but I don't really understand the question. My familiarity with overlap-save is to use it to do convolution in the time domain on real-time on buffered...

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