Kim Mortensen (@kimfmx)
1) yes, its the spectrum of the signal, the light gray box encapsulating the signal is the bandwidth of 25Khz.2) The signal is pi/4 DQPSK Signal so its Phase shift...
Good to know that people are willing to help. Eventhough these questions seems basic for those who work with it all day, Its not so easy for someone who is in another...
To sum the questions above:The sampling application SDR# (SDRSharp), and its sampling at 1.92Msps, so that should be enough to be on the safe side of the nyquist.SDR#...
Hi,I have been looking through Google, and have not gotten much wiser, so i turn to the experts.I have a Signal lets say at 393.000 Mhz that has a bandwidth of 50KHZ,...
I spend a lot of hours last night working with the filters, and came to reduce the tabs, and the tab count i used distorted the signal. 255 is too much, i used 5-15,...
Ok, Just realized that there are multible threads in here, and i dont know if everyone is getting all the messages, or it only to whom i reply.But thanks, ill have...
Ok. And can i map tabs to samples.So if i place the raised cosine over the signal. Centre of cosin at center of a peak in the signal. The side lobes zero crossing...
Is there some more analysis i can do on the raw sample to get more information that can be used.I am very sure that im sampled TETRA. Which is DQPSK. According to...
Ok. It makes very much sence.. if the signal fits the raised cosine form its energy wil be preserved and that is the waveform at that sample point that is the value. phi(k)...
Nice info you are giving me...Im using the raised consine, that should be perfect for eliminating ISI. When you say Filter Kernal, is that how i calculated the...
Hi,The differnece between DQPSK and QPSK should not be vissible to me at this point, as demodulation would be the same. the Differential part will be apparent later...
That is funny, because that was exactly what I was doing prior to the last reply. I have the I and Q in seperate arrays, so when plotting the constellation i could...
Hi,Thanks for responding. The syncronisation is a whole big topic i will be looking after i master this part. But after i Filter the signal properly, I assume I...
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