
John Dyson (@johndyson10)

Software developer/DSP developer/RF developer. Currently working on several audio projects, including compressors, expanders/NR and DolbyA decoder. DolbySR is coming in the future. I have written significant OS code (partial author of the FreeBSD kernel -- refer to kernel sources/copyrights), and currently doing audio DSP work. My EE background helps to support my DSP work, however my actual EE expertise is more discrete analog design (real discrete transistors, etc -- not just OpAmps), and some RF. Worked at Bell Labs for years .

Re: Multiband dynamic processing

Reply posted 6 years ago (09/26/2018)
I have some C++ code that could be relatively easily adapted to be multiband.  This compression is pretty clean (a few problems with sampling, which means that...

Re: DC Blocking unexpected results

Reply posted 6 years ago (08/10/2018)
I am going to clarify what the OP responded (hope I am not stepping on anyone.)  When you have a large negative dB, that is essentially zero.dB scale can be confusing,...

Re: DSP C++ Project

Reply posted 6 years ago (07/31/2018)
I wanted to follow up -- even if slightly off topic being about the DolbyA compatible decoder project (Instead of C++ in DSP applications.)  A lot of what I wrote...

Re: DSP C++ Project

Reply posted 6 years ago (07/29/2018)
Thanks -- DolbyA is really frustrating because there are no real publically available specifications.  There are a few patents (which I haven't used the techniques...

Re: DSP C++ Project

Reply posted 6 years ago (07/19/2018)
I don't know if my project applies to your criteria -- it isn't 'machine learning', but is definitely intense DSP using SIMD, using the C++17 dialect.  I am not...

Re: Digital lock in amplifier on FPGA

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/30/2018)
Myself, I am not competent in the area of digital PLLs, but I can help with IIR filter design.  I have a simple subroutine that converts from a '2nd order' / '2nd...

Re: Artifacts in Time Varying IIR Filters

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/25/2018)
I do lots of work on compressors/expanders and NR systems, so get involved with filters that are either time varying or are in situations where the signals are modulated...

Re: Multiband dynamic processing

Reply posted 7 years ago (04/25/2018)
Well -- I know that my reply is late/old, but I think that I have a lot of info/experience to help you with.  MY current project is a DolbyA decoder, but my current...

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