
Luke Emrose (@etheory)

Re: Harmonic Distortion From FIR Filter

Reply posted 2 weeks ago (02/03/2025)
Wonderful news I'm glad you fixed it!

Re: Harmonic Distortion From FIR Filter

Reply posted 2 weeks ago (02/02/2025)
Aside from numerous issues with your code, like not being consistent with the usage of floats and doubles, i.e.double acc = 0.0f; Should instead be:double acc =...
OK good to know thanks @RickLyons.My main point of confusion is still why the guaranteed stable version begins to introduce noise in the low frequency SlidingDFT...
Hi @RickLyons thanks so much for responding!Here is what I get from an impulse input when I do a 64 sample SlidingDFT for a range of different k values:Which looks...
Hi Mark,I am using the SlidingDFT to perform a log-space spectrogram of a short drum loop.The image is a log-space 20Hz-20kHz up the vertical axis (which is precisely...

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 4 weeks ago (01/20/2025)
The fix was to upload the images using the image tool in the editor. Copy-pasting images doesn't work. And if the copy-pasted images are above about 1000 pixels...
Hi all! My first post here! Long time lurker first time poster. This one is kinda specifically directed at @RickLyons but happy for anyone to answer. I am reading: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352874961......

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 4 weeks ago (01/20/2025)
I even tried posting it here as a reply and it just gets rejected by the system. Weird.

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 4 weeks ago (01/20/2025)
It still doesn't work even after rebooting my machine. It seems to be related to the size of the post. If I post a simple test post, it works. Mine is quite long...

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 4 weeks ago (01/19/2025)
Hi @Stephaneb, much appreciated. But that didn't fix anything, I still get the same error. Thanks.

Re: Forums Update, Tips and Tricks - Please Read!

Reply posted 1 month ago (01/19/2025)
I am unable to post.When I try and write a new forum post I get the error: "Please make sure to enter a descriptive subject." and nothing I do can change that and...

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