David Barber (@dbarber)
This is a snippet form an FFT routine. The author uses a linked list object rather than an array to hold the real and imaginary data. The x.next statement simply...
Thanks for this.I though it was going as simple as a just multiplying the input data with a complex pair and doing the shift in one great swoop. I need to be conscious...
Is necessary to filter the mixed data before the FFT?Also is there a read on the net about this you can point me to?
I was wondering about this. I do understand this in the analog domain.One would have have to know the frequency offset of the input signal.What if it's an unknown....
Thanks.I somewhat of a novice with these maths. I'll try to make some sense out of what you said. I'm not sure what you mean by the "input spectrum" or mixing it...
The DFT below can be tuned with an offset to the bins.This is done at this line, double a = (j+0.5) * sf; where sf is, double sf = 2.0 * Math.PI / n;j is the bin...
Yes it is a pure low noise sine waveform. The input frequency is variable between the said frequencies but I think it might be impractical to cover such a wide band.The...
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