
brad moersfelder (@bmoers)

Research engineer in color measurement and image processing.

Re: Has any one seen this window family?

Reply posted 4 years ago (08/18/2020)
Cedron,I believe your mathematical prowess will not be debated here.  Next time I need a window function, I will explore the efficacy of a zeroing sine window. ...
The actual problem with the code given is use of the unwrap() function.  This is not needed nor appropriate for the results of an FFT across bins. unwrap() is...
There are multiple problems with the implementation. Your need to scale the floating point coefficients so as to represent them as 16 bit integers.    Scaling...
The code does not show variable types or initialization values.  I assume your x and z buffers are sized accordingly (2N).  To my knowledge, the C5545 is a fixed...

Re: cross correlation of two images

Reply posted 8 years ago (05/23/2017)
Kaz,As you say, time domain correlation can be equivalent to an fft based correlation, but it appears your implementations are not equavalent. You have not shared...

Re: cross correlation of two images

Reply posted 8 years ago (05/22/2017)
Kaz,Like most image processing problems, it depends on the image content!  If you are trying to align pages of text, then there is sufficient high frequency content...

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